I have a message of encouragement for you! I felt this word so heavily in my spirit and wanted to share it with you today.
Many believers have found themselves in a very difficult place. They’ve found themselves lost inside the reality of their circumstances, unable to learn from the moments, choosing to dwell in the discomfort of their situation.
…Can you relate to this??
If you’ve gone through some pretty difficult times, be encouraged that God desires for you to come back, rise up, and rise ABOVE the storm!
Comeback – A return to a formal position or condition as of success or even prosperity.
Let’s use the analogy of celebrities who may be well-known and experience a sudden trial or event that causes them to lose a certain level of success or status. Someone who was once successful and something happens along the way that causes something to be stripped, snatched, or taken from them. The level that they at which that person is now performing is below the level in which they first started out. And so people who find themselves in situations such as these often have to make a “comeback” in order to regain their initial status.
Show Your Resilience
Perhaps you may be suffering from hardship in your life right now. You may have gone through some trials and things in your life that have been extremely hard. Yes, even some things that would make a grown man want to break down and cry! You’ve got to know and understand that God has placed in all of us the ability to BOUNCE BACK! He has placed in all of us resilience. Oftentimes, we as believers don’t allow our resilience to shine. We often choose to hide it away. I want to encourage you with this today: don’t hide your resilience from anyone! The world is waiting to see it!
Resilience – The capability of a strained body to recover its size or shape after deformation caused especially by excessive stress; the ability to recover.
Recover – To get back; to bring back to a normal position or condition; to make up for.
How can this apply to you? Is there an area in your life where God wants you to recover?
The act of resilience shows us that though a person may have been through some betrayal, a business failure, even some things in marriage, and in their health, they can come back! You can bounce back and rise above! Be encouraged that not only can you rise above…
You can rise to a GREATER LEVEL!
You can rise to a greater DIMENSION!
You can rise to a new level of ACCELERATION!
Don’t you believe that there are some things that God has for you? Do you sense that God desires to make up for lost time in the things that you’ve lost?
The Lord has declared that TIME REDEMPTION is at hand in this hour! Yes, even the amount of time that has been lost in your life can be restored. The very things that have been snatched from you; your dreams, goals, and visions. God can redeem the things that you once carried on the inside of your heart and inside of your belly. God is reminding and encouraging us that you CAN make a comeback! And not only can you come back, but you can come back even GREATER!

Lessons in The Wilderness
Truth is, no one is exempt from wilderness experiences in life. But God does not allow the wilderness experiences to happen so that we can stay there stuck in our own pity party. He allows those things to happen so that He can be the teacher in the midst of our greatest pain. Those moments are allowed to teach us how to be strong, how to build character, and how to walk in integrity. Many people have been hit with some hard blows and punches, hit and bruised in their spirits and they are still standing in that same place. God desires that we QUICKLY learn in the process but also QUICKLY come out. Be reminded today: DON’T STAY IN THE WILDERNESS, SIMPLY LEARN FROM IT!
After the wilderness season, begin to ask yourself:
“What could I have done differently about this situation?”
“How can I be better and not bitter?”
“What can I learn from this situation that I am currently in so that I can quickly get out of it?”
As we know that the wilderness is necessary to teach us, there are some things that we can do in order to make sure that we are not remaining there once it is over. Remember that the Israelites were in the wilderness for 40 years because of their murmuring and complaining. I believe that once we have a grateful heart, it is gratitude that will help us to come out even
quicker. Another thing that will help you come out even quicker is by focusing on the promise and not the pain. Whatever you focus on the most will grow. If you are focusing on your down place, your failures, the hurt and pain, then those things will be more attracted unto you.
Place your focus on the promise…
Focus on your level of elevation…
Focus on your place of acceleration…
Place your focus on the blessings that God has for you…
Focus on the next promotions…
Place your focus on the expansion, new territory, and new platforms…
And these things will be attracted unto you! They may not come within a week, month, or even a year. But if you focus on the promise and not the pain, then the promise will begin to manifest in your life. It will begin to show up in your life. If you have found yourself in a down place, don’t stay there! Don’t allow your down place to define you! Don’t you dare put it on!
Let’s also think about Job in the Bible…
We know about his story, as he is the man who lost it all and refused to curse God. In his obedience and loyalty to the Lord, he regained everything that he lost and MORE! To this day, Job holds the reputation for having the most incredible comeback throughout all of biblical history!
My Comeback Story
Many may already know of my story by now, a mom of 6 on food stamps. We built a million dollar business yet eventually experienced that business crash as we lost everything. Discouragement crept in as I found myself asking:
We were going through so much hurt and pain…
Imagine a household of 9 finding themselves in a low place…
on food stamps…
seeking government assistance…
utilities being cut off…
freezing in a cold house…
spending many nights asking: “God why is this happening to me?!”
When I surrendered to this stage of my life, embraced it, and quickly shifted my focus, restoration began to happen. God began to slowly restore us once again! I had a purpose in my heart that I wasn’t going to let my down place define me. I had to quickly remind myself of who I
was, and whose I was –a child of God! My identity was rooted in Him rather than my current circumstances. I began to declare: “Lord, I see that I am going through this, but I also see that you have more for me! I see the vision that you have for me!”
The Lord had to shake me and say, “get it together”! He had to remind me of this: “The same mantle I placed upon your life when you were going through, is the same mantle that I placed upon your life when you were able to build a “million DOLLAR” business before. If you did it before, you can do it again!” And now as God has restored us to build a multiple million dollar business again, He has equipped me to share my story of how I went through, made it out, and still rising! The Lord strengthened me and showed me that I was DESTINED FOR MY COMEBACK SEASON! I always knew I would be known as the Millionaire Mom. The one who made a comeback “From Food Stamps to Millions”. Be encouraged that if I can bounce back by the amazing grace of God, then so can YOU!
Your Comeback Season!
This is your season to bounce back! Here’s your homework: focus on your comeback story! The world needs to hear it! The world is waiting to hear it from you! We all hear the complaining that happens. If you were to scroll on social media right now, there’s no doubt that you will see many people moping and complaining about life and their problems. But if they were to look around, they would see so many things to be thankful and grateful for. Remember that gratitude has a way of bringing in the promises!
Write down the things that are on the inside of you. Begin to write down the details of your comeback story. Recall all of the goals and promises and the things that God has placed down on the inside of you. You may not have seen those things manifest yet, but you will recognize what is still there. Write them down and bring them before the Lord.
Trust and believe that there is MORE! There are higher levels, deeper dimensions, greater platforms, and more expansion that God has for you. Don’t settle! The world needs your light and your comeback story. They need to know how you were able to bounce back! You never know who your story will bless. You CAN come back, bounce back, and even see greater than what you’ve already seen. God has work for you to do!
Gather your strength again!
Muster up your faith again!
Believe God one more time!
You can BOUNCE BACK with the help of the Lord!
Don’t be afraid to share with others what you have made it through!
Share, baby, share! And know that you are MORE than a conqueror!
It’s your COMEBACK SEASON! Do you believe it? I certainly do!
Let it be so. Amen.
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If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

The Millionaire Mom
Lenika Scott