We’ve all experienced a dry season in our faith…
We’ve all faced times when faith felt more like a task than a joy. These are the “dry seasons” where prayer feels heavy, worship feels empty, and connecting with God feels like going through the motions. If you’ve found yourself in what we call a dry season, let this message you as we’ve all been there. Be encouraged that even the dry seasons have a purpose. We have fresh opportunities to experience the precious presence of the Father and have our faith in Him renewed.
There’s A Purpose!
Make no mistakes about it… dry seasons aren’t just random. If we change our perspective, we can learn to see them as a part of our spiritual growth that is so necessary. The dry seasons shake up our usual ways of connecting with Him. They expose where we might have relied on spiritual routines, emotional highs, or comfort zones instead of true intimacy with Him. It’s in this space that God invites us to experience faith beyond feeling, to trust His character and promises even when we don’t feel His presence.
Are You Asleep?
I recently shared a message about spiritual slumber. Often, it is when we find ourselves in this state that we drift into what feels like a dry season in our faith. One of the easiest ways to tell if you’re spiritually dozing off is when life starts to feel out of sync with God’s purpose for you. You might feel lost or unsure about what you’re meant to be doing and struggle to see where God is leading you. Sometimes, you’ll notice this even when things seem fine on the surface, but there’s a feeling of emptiness. Your prayer life might feel like it’s on autopilot and connecting with God becomes like work. This is often a sign that you may be in a dry season and are missing out on what God has in store. If you’ve found yourself in such a place, then it may be time to ask the Father to wake you up and pull you out of that dry place!
New Ways to Connect
Have you ever considered that when you’re experiencing a spiritual slumber or a dry season in your walk with the Lord that it’s time to change how you show up with the Lord? When your usual routine feels empty, it may be a sign to refresh your way of connecting with Him. Maybe it’s time to explore different ways to spend time with God, reading a different book of the Bible, journaling your prayers, or even stepping into nature to reflect on His creation. Consider setting aside some time in silence just to sit with God even when it feels uncomfortable. You will be able to listen with an open heart. You can be still and expectant without demanding quick answers from the Lord. Remember that it is in this stillness that we can hear God whispering truths that we might miss during the noise of life. Create new space for intimacy with the Father and allow Him to refresh your faith in ways you didn’t expect.
Practice Patience
When God feels distant in the day seasons, it can be tempting to look for quick fixes or distractions to fill the void. But this is where we must learn to practice patience. In the quiet moments, we can learn to rest in God’s promises and trust His faithfulness. Sit with the discomfort and remember that God has been faithful before and will be again. In Psalm 42:5, David speaks to his own soul and says: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God.” Just like David did, reminding yourself of the Lord’s faithfulness is powerful. Your feelings might be tossed to and fro, but His faithfulness never is. I encourage you to focus on His promises instead of your feelings. This way, you will be able to strengthen your trust in who God is and not just what we feel!
Get out of your routine!
Step out of your comfort zone!
Move past your feelings and step into faith!
Practice patience!
There’s Growth in This Place
Dry seasons may not feel easy or comfortable, but they hold so much potential for growth in the Lord. These times strip away the excess and bring us back to the basics. If you find yourself in a dry season, be encouraged. This is not the end, but a powerful part of your journey with God. Lean into His promises, seek Him in fresh ways, and remember that even when He feels distant, He is closer than you think!
Allow this season to truly deepen your faith knowing that God is quietly working, even when we don’t always see it. Walk through the season with a heart that seeks Him, and know that in this dryness, He’s growing you into something more rooted and resilient than you were before!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott