God’s Holy plans are truly revealed when we seek Him!
You may have read this verse many times, but let’s take a moment to truly absorb it and take it in:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
God has woven such a beautiful plan for your life, but the truth is… not every part of it will be handed to you on a silver platter. It will require you seeking Him to find some things. There are some things that won’t be discovered or found unless you seek God. He’s waiting for you to come closer, to seek Him with a hungry heart. Certain treasures and revelations about your life are only unlocked when you dive deep into the Father’s presence. There are questions you’ve held onto and secrets you long to know, but these things will remain mysteries until you step into that secret, sacred space with Him. Seek Him, and watch as He unveils what only He can show!
Mysteries in the Secret Place
In the secret place where it’s just you and God, He reveals things that no one else can know. When you commit to spending time with Him, He pours out His love in ways that feel tangible, almost like you can touch and hold it. This is where He shares His heart with you, His dreams for you, and His plans that surpass anything you could even imagine! It’s in this place of deep intimacy with the Father that you will truly come to know Him as a friend…and there is no greater honor than this! The secret place is a realm of revelation. It’s an invitation to be close to God and experience Him like never before.
The Blueprints of Heaven
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” – Jeremiah 33:3
When you seek God in the secret place, He reveals the details of your calling. You’re not just here by accident. There’s a heavenly blueprint that God designed specifically for you, and He’s ready to share it with you in the secret place! Yes, He knows every detail of what He has written concerns your destiny and your life and He wants to reveal it all to you. As you seek, layer after layer will unfold. As you go up higher and search for Him all the more, greater things will be revealed.
More revelation!
More downloads!
More information!
More wisdom!
More knowledge!
The more you search, the more He reveals. The Lord will give you more understanding on the things that He has placed on your life. It will all begin to make sense!
The Word tells us about how Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and he grew from glory to glory. It also even reveals in scripture how he sought and reverenced the Father. He was already in Heaven and came down into the Earth—he had to humble himself. But even while on this Earth, He sought God. As you look in scripture, you will see that Jesus was still seeking God no matter what.
If Jesus made time to seek the Father, how much more should we as believers make the Father a priority? Luke 4 tells us that after seeking God, Jesus was anointed even more powerfully to preach the gospel. If you desire to walk in your calling and share His word, you must first spend time with the Word. Your anointing will grow as you grow closer to Him, and that only begins in the secret place.
Your Spiritual Weapons
There is so much more to be discovered in the secret place…way more than just what we can see on the surface. In the secret place, God reveals the unique spiritual weapons that are tailor-made for you. Yes, prayer, speaking in tongues, and pleading the blood of Jesus are powerful. But He has placed specific tools and weapons in your hands that may look different from others. In the secret place, He shows you the mantles you carry and the anointing you hold. You may carry many mantles, but not all of them are active at once. Some mantles are kept and reserved for certain seasons and moments. As you begin to seek God, the details will come about what you are carrying. That’s one of the reasons why I believe that we as believers are not where we are supposed to be in the Kingdom. Many of us are carrying powerful tools, weapons, anointings, and weapons yet we don’t even know how to operate them. We often find ourselves operating out of season, out of order, and out of God’s timing. It is clear that the Lord has gifted you, and He won’t ever change His mind about what He has called you to do in the Earth. But there is an order and protocol to the things of the Kingdom. When people are packing power and they carry strong, bold mantles, those things can become dangerous if they are operated in God’s timing and order. God wants to use you powerfully and in a mighty way, but those things come by spending time with Him.
The Precious Secrets
Time spent with the Father in the secret place reveals heavenly mysteries. I’ve experienced supernatural and angelic encounters that could only come from a heart seeking to know the Father more deeply. These moments didn’t come all at once. They were the result of a process of me continuing to seek and ask the Lord. It’s in these moments of intimacy that God’s mysteries become such beautiful gifts.
Can you keep His precious secrets?
Can you hold His mysteries with reverence?
Honor What’s Shared
What God reveals to you in the secret place is holy and sacred. We as believers must be careful of mishandling these treasures. When you hear His voice and feel His presence, honor it. Spend time with Him, learning to discern His whisper and cherish His words. If you’re struggling to hear Him, don’t give up. Make room in your day, quiet your mind, and enter into worship. Seek Him with intention, with a heart wide open for whatever He wants to show you.
God is in the details!
He knows you better than anyone ever could, and He has a unique purpose for your life. Allow Him to reveal those plans to you. As you dive deeper, He will release downloads about your purpose, visions of who you are meant to become, and instructions that will guide you toward His plan for your life.
Seek Him With Your Whole Heart
“Seek the Lord while He can be found; call on Him while He is near.” (Isaiah 55:6)
Seek the Father while He can be found!
Search for Him with all of your heart!
Desire to know Him more!
This goes beyond the surface. It’s time to break away from the distractions and yearn to know the Father more. You’ve been called to represent Him as a light in this world, but you can only shine if you’re connected to the Light Himself!
May this season be one of deeper intimacy with God. May you thirst for His presence and hunger for His truth like never before. Let Him fill you with the truths that He desires to reveal to you in the secret place. Continue to seek His ways and His thoughts. May you come to rediscover the beauty of the secret place and explore the wonderful depths of the Father. Let Him take you higher, closer, and deeper than you’ve ever been before. Accept the invitation to walk closer with Him and be in sync with His very heartbeat.
The secret place is waiting, and God wants to meet you there!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott