Trust The Vision!! 

Take a moment to reflect… 

As you think about your future, what is it that you see? What has God given you as it pertains to your destiny? What is your vision?

We all have visions and dreams that stir something deep within us. They are like glimpses of our future that fill us with hope, and so much inspiration. But there are times when that vision seems so far off. It can feel like the dream is slipping through our fingers, and we wonder if it will ever come to pass. It’s easy in those moments to feel discouraged, to question whether we’ve misunderstood the vision or if perhaps we aren’t worthy of it coming to fruition. Today I wanted to encourage you with a word. No matter what comes your way, trust in the vision!

God’s Timing is Perfect 

It’s in the moments where we start to doubt the vision that we need to cling to faith the most. The Word tells us, “In time, I, the Lord, will make it happen” (Isaiah 60:22). Though the vision may seem delayed, it’s crucial to trust in the perfect timing of the Lord. Just because we don’t see the finish line now doesn’t mean God isn’t moving behind the scenes. It’s in these waiting periods that our faith is tested, and we are called to remain encouraged. Trust that although the vision tarries, it will come to pass.

God is not subject to time, time is subject to HIM!

One of the most comforting truths we can hold onto is that God’s timing is perfect. He is not bound by our understanding of time. When we feel the pressure of time weighing down on us, God reminds us that He operates on a different schedule. The Word encourages us that His word does not return void. Whatever He has spoken over your life will come to pass in its appointed time. Even as it pertains to the vision He has placed within you. If you find yourself in a season of waiting, remember that God is still working. His delays are not denials; they are preparations. While you wait, continue to trust in His timing. He knows when you are ready, and He knows when the world is ready for what He’s placed inside of you.

Act While You Wait

Don’t fall into the trap of being idle during your waiting season. Although the vision hasn’t fully manifested, you must work your faith. Remember that faith without works is dead. Continue to work on your vision, doing all that is required on your part. Is there more you can learn, people you can connect with, or skills you can develop? God often prepares us in ways we don’t expect while we wait.

Don’t allow discouragement to paralyze you. Keep moving forward with faith, knowing that every small step you take is part of God’s plan. It’s easy to feel like giving up when the road gets tough, but remember: perseverance produces character, and character produces hope (Romans 5:3-4). God is molding you through the waiting process, strengthening your faith for what’s to come.

No More Fear!

Release the fear that time is running out. Let go of the fear that you’re getting too old, that opportunities are slipping by, or that you’ve missed our chance. Remember that God is not limited by time. Only He can restore the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). He can redeem what was lost! He can accelerate His promises to be fulfilled over your life! Release the fear of time and trust in the God who controls it. Fear has no place in your mind. When doubts creep in, remember that fear is a tactic of the enemy meant to distract you. Refuse to bow to fear, and instead, pursue your vision with boldness! 

So what do you do when it looks like the vision won’t come to pass? How do you handle the test of faith when things aren’t aligning as you expected? Turn to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to strengthen your heart, increase your patience, and give you the endurance to push through this season. Remember that your faith is refined in the waiting. Trust that His grace is sufficient. 

Hold On to the Promise

Be encouraged today that God’s promises are true. The Bible tells us, “Is my arm too short to deliver?” (Isaiah 50:2). In other words, is there anything too hard for God? The answer is no! With Him, all things are possible. He is more than capable of bringing your vision to life. Don’t let go of the promise just because the journey is long. The vision may tarry, but it will not die in Jesus’ name. 

Hold on to what God has spoken over your life. 

Keep speaking life over your vision. 

Continue to cling tightly to your vision! 

Your faith will speak in the end, and the words you declare will one day manifest into the reality you see. The best is yet to come!

And it is so. Amen. 

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

If this article has blessed you, please comment and kindly share. 


Lenika Scott 

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