There’s Power in the Pause! 

This world can be so fast-paced… constantly leaving us on the move to juggle it all. Our schedules become so packed and the to-do lists never seem to end. The constant rush of life leaves us little room to slow down let alone just pause. When life gets chaotic, and it feels like there’s no time to rest, that’s exactly when we need it the most. Finding moments where we can simply steal away time often feels impossible. But I have a word of encouragement for you today! As we lean in the Father in the times when things seem the most trying and busy, there’s POWER in the PAUSE! The Lord knows the things that we battle and face as we’re in the Earth, but He is still the source of the most precious comfort and stillness we could ever find! 

Embrace Your Rest

Have you ever felt guilty about taking a break? It’s even easier to feel guilty when the Lord Himself is telling us to take a pause and rest. We live in a culture that glorifies looking busy. It makes rest feel like a privilege instead of something that we all need. Rest often feels like a luxury we can’t afford. But we must understand that if rest was necessary for God Himself who created the entire universe in 7 days, then it’s certainly important for us as well. As the Lord guides you, I encourage you to allow yourself to pause and rest in this season. When you pause, you create space to breathe and listen. It’s in these moments of rest that you will be able to hear the Father’s voice more clearly and experience His peace. It’s so important to embrace rest in this season, especially when things get overwhelming. Don’t just squeeze it into your schedule…make rest a priority. Your soul needs it!

Be Still!

One of the most powerful things we see in the Word is the invitation for us to be still. We live in a world that constantly pushes us to keep going, and God is inviting us to simply pause. Psalm 46:10 says “Be still, and know that I am God.” When you take a step back from the hustle of it all, you give yourself a chance to encounter the Father in ways that are usually so drowned out by the noises of life.

Be intentional about finding God in the quiet moments. Create space for the Lord to speak into the areas of your life where you may have been running on autopilot. Sometimes, we think we’re listening to God, but we’re so caught up in the busyness that we can’t hear His voice. But in those quiet, still moments, He can guide, comfort, and remind us that He’s in control. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It could mean setting aside just five minutes of your morning to pause and sit in stillness. Remember that it’s not always  about how much time you spend…it’s about how intentional you are with it.

Be still and know that He is God!

Make Space for God’s Voice

We’re in a world that’s filled with distractions, so making space to hear God’s voice is crucial. It’s in the quiet moments when you clear away distractions that God often speaks to you. It’s easy to be distracted by social media or your phone notifications. Take some time to unplug and step away from your routine. Find a peaceful place where you can focus on the Lord’s presence. Make taking a pause a part of your daily routine. It isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. It won’t happen overnight, but over time it will be a natural rhythm in your life. I encourage you to start small. Maybe it’s five minutes in the morning or a few moments before bed. Take some time to pray, meditate on the Word, or journal during these times. Create a sacred space for just you and the Father. A space where the noise of the world fades and His voice is the only one that matters. 

Embrace His Peace!

There is peace in the pause. It’s the greatest gift, the kind of peace that only God can give. Philippians 4:7 tells us this: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” That peace isn’t just for the moments when things are going good…it’s there for you even in the middle of chaos, anxiety, and uncertainty. When you choose to pause, you give God the opportunity to fill you with His peace. You allow Him to remind you that you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. God is with you and so is His peace! 

The next time life feels overwhelming for you, remember the power of your pause. You’ll find the rest, clarity, and peace you need to keep going. Let stillness become a refuge where you meet with the Father and find the strength to continue!


If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

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Lenika Scott 

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