Have you been following my teachings on the Word lately??
It has been SO necessary to share what the Lord has placed on my heart concerning His people, especially as it pertains to the Word of God. If you’ve missed these teachings, I’d like to share a message with you today that I hope blesses you and encourages you to be more intentional about applying the Word in your life!
We Are In Unprecedented Times!
I recently shared on the prayer call the heavy revelation I received a few months ago concerning the times we are in. It was a feeling I’ve never felt before, as if the Word of the Lord was hovering over me in the wee hours of the night! I heard the words “the four horsemen” ringing loudly in my spirit. It came to me that what I had heard was true revelation for the times in which we are headed. I believe that we are in that season: a season of end-time prophecy of unfortunate death, war, famine, and conquest! As we’ve seen in this past season, many have sadly lost their lives as death has been released throughout the Earth. People are dying, hurting, and struggling to hold on in these times.
This alone shows us just why it is so very crucial that we as believers REMAIN in the Word of God! Like never before, we are to faithfully dive into the Word! We must all get back to the basics and carve out time to consume and digest the Word. Whatever it looks like for you, I STRONGLY encourage you to find ways to allocate time to integrate the Word in your life!
Take the Word with you to work, even if you’re only able to read for just five minutes!
Meditate on the Word in the morning!
Study the Word throughout the day!
Spend time reading the Word of the Lord before ending your night!
NOW is the time to get into the Word of the Living God!!
You Have to Know God for Yourself!
In these times, many people have come forth on social media hosting prayer calls, online services, and churches. It has become very common to scroll throughout the day and come across many ministering the Word and giving encouragement. Though I have never been one to bash leaders –for we all will have to give an account individually for ourselves– discernment is needed now more than ever! Be reminded that there are unfortunately many people who won’t truly have your soul’s best interest at heart, nor are they in alignment with God. With this in mind, it is CRUCIAL that you know the Lord for yourself! Hear Him for yourself! Get into the Word of God for yourself!
Sadly, many are being led astray…
It seems as though many –even within the Body of Christ– have become a people who have idolized influential voices, prophets, and spiritual leaders. We as believers must recognize this error and realize that this very thing is not pleasing to the Father! HE is the voice of ultimate authority! The Lord’s Word is the true source, not men made of mere flesh.
While browsing online, I came across a scripture that instantly quickened my spirit, as I believe that it is happening now even in the Body of Christ:
“Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? “Therefore,” declares the LORD, “I am against the prophets who steal from one another words supposedly from me.” – Jeremiah 23:29,30
What a POWERFUL scripture!
Even God’s people have lost their respect and reverence for God. Many believers have been running to prophets for all of the answers. We as a Body have made prophets our God, looking to them more than we have looked to the Word of God and we are out of order. There is great exposure that is happening because many of the prophets have gotten prideful. In this season, it is going to be the pure, unadulterated word of God that lasts and is going to keep you, and sustain you!
Get Back Into Alignment
Do you wish to be strengthened in the Lord? Get into the Word!
If you want to be kept, get in the Word!
Do you want to be free from the snares of sin? Get into the Word!
Do you desire to be established? Get into the Word!
Everything that we need is found in the Word; it is a powerful tool and gift that we must not take for granted. It is a light and lamp unto our feet that illuminates our path, (Psalm 119:105). It directs and guides you; the Word even corrects you when you need to be corrected –which no one is exempt from! Whenever we need to be dealt with in the spirit, that is when we must run to the Word. It is like a two-edged sword that pierces and cuts things away in the soulish realm (which consists of the mind, will, and emotions). If you are one who seeks to do your own will, follow your own path, and do things your own way, the Word will pull you back into alignment! You will find yourself in Holy conviction declaring unto the Lord, “I desire to follow the path that you have for me; I desire your will and your plans!”.Anything in the soulish realm that is out of order, out of balance, in disarray, or confusion and chaos, the Word clears the way and brings forth deliverance! The Word comes to burn out and scorch things of the sinful nature. We all need God’s mercy! From the ministers to prophets, pastors, teachers, apostles, evangelists –no one is exempt. We are in an urgent time of repentance, consecration, fasting, prayer, and being led back to the Word of God as we all need to be cleansed.
Today, I encourage you to ask the Father for His unending grace, unfailing mercy, and forgiving power. If it applies, it is my prayer that you begin to put down your idols at the altar, those who you may have lifted up above Him and looked to as Him. Lay all of it before Him; your ways, your thoughts, and plans. He will collect them! Jesus will wash you! Jesus stepped in for us and lived out his mission as our mediator because we all truly need it. God is more than able to breathe on us and release hope and the strength again to do His will, obey Him, and to walk out our purpose and calling. It is my prayer that we will be a people who will run after and chase Him. May we be a people who will learn what true love and true grace is! That we would learn to extend the same grace that God gives us to others. Many believers have been broken, confused, and deeply angered in this season. They’ve buried resentment, frustration, and hurt within their hardened hearts. If you are included in this number, I encourage you to let God deal with you, clean you up, and purify you. It is time to get back into alignment and into your proper place with the Lord!
Scriptures for Meditation
We need God! We need the Word! Study the Word and get on your face! While many are seeking man, God is urging us to seek Him! Here are some powerful scriptures to meditate on from the Book of Psalm 119:
“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” (Vs. 9)
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Vs. 11)
“I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.” (Vs. 16)
“Be good to your servant while I live, that I may obey your word.” (Vs.17)
“My soul clings to the dust; Revive me according to Your word.” (Vs. 25)
“My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.” (Vs. 28)
“Establish Your word to Your servant, Who is devoted to fearing You.” (Vs. 38)
“Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word.” (Vs. 41)
“Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope.” (Vs. 49)
“This is my comfort in my misery, That Your word has revived me.” (Vs. 50)
“You have dealt well with Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word.” (Vs. 65)
“Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.” (Vs. 67)
If this article has blessed you, please comment or kindly share.
Blessings always,
Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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