The Lord WILL Speak!!

I recently shared a message of encouragement with you. I want to continue with that message, as so many believers struggle in the seasons when it seems as though God is silent. Let today’s message provide you more encouragement in this season if you have been feeling as though you can’t hear the Father. This word will bless you! 

Peace in the Silence

Have you ever felt like your prayers were hitting a wall? It seemed as if no matter how much you cried out to the Father, His silence echoed back at you? It’s a heavy feeling if we can be honest. You may know He’s there, but His presence feels hard to grasp, and it seems like He’s quiet at a time when you desperately need to hear from Him. As believers, we know that God is always with us, but what do we do when He feels far away? How do we navigate the silence?

Silence Isn’t Rejection

God’s silence doesn’t mean He’s forgotten or rejected you. Hissilence is not His absence. Psalm 34:18 says this: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Even when it feels like He’s far away, He is near to you in ways you might not see. God’s love is steady and constant, even when we don’t feel it tangibly. He doesn’t walk away from us when we’re struggling. His silence is not a sign that He’s far from you. Faith isn’t built in the comfortable places. It’s built in the wilderness, in the silence, and in the seasons where it seems like God is quiet. Trust that He is growing something in you in this season now that will bear fruit later!

You’re Not Alone 

Be encouraged that you’re not the only one who has ever felt this way in your walk with the Lord. Even some of the greatest people in the Bible have felt the sting of God’s silence. David was a man after God’s own heart, ans still found himself wondering why God seemed far away:

“How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart?” – Psalm 13:1-2

Does David’s prayer sound like the ones you often have with the Father? David knew what it was like to feel abandoned and wonder where God was in the midst of his struggles. But through it all, David continued to seek the Lord. He didn’t allow the silence to turn him away. Instead, he went deeper. Don’t stop seeking the Lord even when He seems quiet. Keep seeking Him, even when it’s hard. Jeremiah 29:13 tells us “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” God promises that if we seek Him earnestly, we will find Him…even in the silence. God’s silence is not a time to give up on your relationship with Him. Let it be an opportunity to press in deeper! 

Remember His Faithfulness

When God feels distant, remember what He’s already done in your life. Reflect on the moments when He came through for you before, even if it didn’t happen the way you expected. When we’re in the middle of silence, it’s easy to forget all the ways God has already moved on our behalf. Take time to reflect on your past. Reflect on the answered prayers. Think about  the breakthroughs and the moments when God showed up for YOU!

Trust that He’s working behind the scenes!

Even when God is silent, He’s still working. He’s always working for your good, even when it doesn’t feel like it. He’s orchestrating things, moving pieces, and aligning circumstances in ways you can’t see right now. Sometimes, the greatest miracles happen in the quiet! Don’t let the silence discourage you from believing that He’s still at work.

He’ll Speak In The End 

Be encouraged that your waiting is not in vain. God will speak. He will reveal Himself. He will bring you through this season of silence, stronger and more refined in your faith than ever before.

In the end, His voice will be clear!

When the silence ends, His voice will be undeniable. You will look back on this season and see that it wasn’t wasted. In the meantime, may you hold on to your hope. Keep seeking Him, keep trusting, and know that even in the silence He is with you. His silence is not the end of the story… it’s just the beginning of something better than you can imagine. Stay the course and in time, His voice will guide you once again!

And it is so. Amen.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

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Lenika Scott  

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