Destiny Awaits! Are You Ready to Answer the Call?
If you’ve been following my social media, then you’ve probably noticed that God is speaking very clearly about the season ahead! Whether or not you see it yet, a lot is happening in the Kingdom right now. Today, I want to offer some words of encouragement to strengthen your heart for what lies ahead. No matter what has taken place in your life, be encouraged that God still has great plans for you!
You’re Not Here By Mistake!
The mere fact that you are here today is a testament to the fact that your story is far from over. Your heavenly Father is concerned with the desires of your heart. Every dream, every vision, every concern that weighs upon your soul matters deeply to Him. He has not forgotten you, nor has He abandoned the plans He has for your life. This is your moment, your appointed time to step into the fullness of your purpose. Whether or not you can perceive it in this moment, know that you are uniquely equipped for such a time as this!
If you’ve found yourself wrestling with doubt or uncertainty, be encouraged that there is work to be done in His Kingdom and you have a major part to play in it! As we stand on the threshold of this new season, cast aside all doubt and hesitation and embrace the truth of your identity in Christ. Even in moments of uncertainty or questioning, know that there is a divine purpose for your life. Evening during the times when you may question: “Why am I here?”, “What exactly is God calling me to do?”, or “What type of value do I bring to others?”. You are not here by accident, but by divine design. You are a chosen vessel, called to shine His light in a world drowning in darkness. Your unique gifts, talents, and experiences are intended to be a beacon of light in a world longing for hope and transformation.
There has never been a more opportune time to seize the dreams that have been placed within your heart. This is not a season for timidity or hesitation. If you have already received revelation on what it is that the Lord has purposed you to do, then I encourage you to go after it with full force in this season! Lean into the promises of God, for they are yes and amen. Embrace the journey that lies ahead with faith. Your destiny awaits, and the time for action is now. Press forward, confident in the knowing that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!
There is Greatness!
The Lord is releasing specific instructions that are such keys and answers that many have been longing for. If this is you, seek the Lord for specific instructions as it pertains to your own unique calling and purpose. I encourage you to seek His face earnestly. Within His presence lie the answers to the questions that have lingered in the depths of your soul. Take heed of His guidance and direction, for they hold the power to illuminate the path that lies before you.
There truly is GREATNESS on the inside of you!
Be intentional and purposeful in seeking the Lord and asking questions that are on your heart. Allow His truth to permeate your heart and mind, guiding you in the steps you are to take and the decisions you are to make. Take the time to record the specific instructions that the Lord releases, as they are the blueprint for the fulfillment of your destiny. With your heart surrendered and spirit aligned with His, you can step boldly into the destiny that awaits you!
Be A World-Changer!
The winds of change are stirring, and the Kingdom is shifting. What we are witnessing today, and what lies ahead, holds the potential for greatness like never before. I am convinced that the actions we take in the present moment have the power to shape not only our own destinies but also the destinies of generations to come.
You are a world-changer—yes, YOU! As you read these words, know that you have been handpicked by God to be a vessel of transformation in this world. He is calling forth His children who will carry His power, embody His light, and create change on a global scale. But what does it truly mean to be a world-changer?
Being a world-changer is not about grand ambitions or success; it’s about recognizing the power and potential within you to impact lives for the sake of the Kingdom. It’s about surrendering your will to His and allowing His Spirit to work through you in miraculous ways. It’s about stepping out in faith, even when the path ahead seems uncertain, knowing that He who called you is faithful to fulfill His promises. If you’re reading these words, it’s not by coincidence or happenstance. God has ordained this moment for you, to remind you of the incredible calling He has placed upon your life. Know that you are not alone in this journey; countless lives are waiting to be touched and transformed by the light you carry within you. May you answer the call of the Spirit. Say “yes” to God’s invitation to be a world-changer, and watch as He orchestrates miracles and displays His glory through your obedience. The time is now, the world is waiting, and you have a vital role to play.
People are eagerly anticipating your arrival!
They are longing for your response!
They are waiting for you to seize the moment and take action!
The Birthing Hour
What are you carrying that God has placed within you?
It is time to heed the call to bring forth what’s been entrusted to you! You are carrying something precious andit is time to BIRTH it! Rely on God’s guidance for your path, His words for your speech, and His directions for your actions in this season. Stay near to the Father, ready for the anointed transformation that is on the horizon!
We are living in unprecedented times, where destinies are being realized and dreams are coming to fruition before our very eyes. Yet, the journey has not been without its challenges. This may be why many people have struggled with much in the previous season. Many have faced intense warfare and testing of their faithfulness to the Lord. If you have encountered such trials, recognize that they serve to reveal your level of commitment and fidelity to Him.
Will you remain steadfast even in the face of adversity? Would you still be faithful even with a bank account in the negative?
When those you loved walked away and you questioned in your season of loneliness?
When you were talked about by others?
Would you still be faithful and committed to the vision that He is calling you to walk out?
My hope and prayer is that you have indeed proven faithful in the midst of these tests, remaining committed to the vision that God has placed within your heart. In this pivotal season, we are going to witness such an amazing manifestation of God’s power and provision. The breaking of generational curses, the unlocking of divine legacies, and the release of unprecedented blessings! God has placed within each of us a great legacy, waiting to be embraced. As He releases the keys to wealth and due inheritances like never before, it is crucial that we heed His instructions and remain obedient to the nudges of His Spirit. The Lord is positioning His people to walk in a level of freedom and abundance that has yet to be experienced, casting down the spirits of timidity, inferiority, and fear that have kept us bound and stagnant.
Step into all that the Lord is calling you to be in this season.
Be propelled by the power of the spirit of the Lord!
Hold on tight and enjoy the glory of the Lord!
The moves we make in this hour have the potential to set not only ourselves but also our families on a trajectory of blessing and favor for years to come.
Take comfort in the knowledge that God is faithful to His promises, and His plans for you are good and full of hope! As you journey into this next season, may you be filled with courage, strength, and unwavering faith, trusting in the Lord’s provision and guidance every step of the way!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott