Teaching on The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

Part One: The Revelatory Gifts

I truly believe that our Father desires for us to be mindful of His spirit working through us in the Earth. I have been feeling his presence all the more, with an urge to share teaching on the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.

As we know, the Bible tells us about the Holy trinity: God the Father, the son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We know God is the One who created everything and released His son Jesus into the world for the redemption of our sins. Right before Jesus ascended up, he was the one who shared with the world that there would be a comforter sent to help us as believers. Even now, the Holy Spirit is present with us, moving and operating in our midst. He feels for God’s people and has emotions just as we do. He experiences moments of sensitivity just as we do. In fact, I’ve learned that it grieves Him when we are disobedient and He begins to get very quiet. The Holy Spirit is surely with us as we go throughout life. I have personally learned about the Holy Spirit, how He moves, and how He deals with His children. When I first got saved, it was the Holy Spirit that helped to reveal the Word of God to me, my calling, and my purpose. He is still helping me to this day!

Gifts of the Spirit

Gift – Something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation.

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” – 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11

9 Gifts of the Spirit:

The Word of Knowledge

The Word of Wisdom

The Gift of Prophecy

The Gift of Faith

The Gift of Healing

The Working of Miracles

The Discerning of Spirits

Different Kinds of Tongues

Interpretation of Tongues

There are 3 categories of the gifts of the Spirit:

Revelatory Gifts: Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits.

Power Gifts: Gift of faith, gift of healing, and working of miracles.

Speaking Gifts: Speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and gift of prophecy.

The Father graciously gives these spiritual gifts to believers and He doesn’t change His mind about it. The Word tells us: “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit distributes them individually just as He wills and determines”. A person may be operating in one specific gift that has been given by the Lord. At the same time, there may be another individual operating in another gift that has also been given by the Lord. Every believer makes up the body of Christ and is needed in the Lord’s Kingdom —no matter which gifts they may display. Every position and spiritual gift is so very needed.

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” – Ephesians 4:11-12

The Revelatory Gifts

Word of Wisdom

Believers with this gift are given the ability to make wise decisions and also advise others to do the same. This form of wisdom does not simply come from their own personal struggles and mistakes in life, but it comes through the supernatural understanding of God and power of God. These individuals are able to see clearly through confusing or puzzling situations and steer others in the direction of God’s will. When they speak words of wisdom, it closely lines up with the word of God; it is revelation received from on high. Wisdom itself is defined as knowing what to do with the knowledge that you already have. When wisdom is released over an individual, there is an instant download on what to do and how to respond with what a person knows. It is much beneficial in situations such as

In a crisis

In a vulnerable state

When a person doesn’t know how to move

When someone who has been given this gift, they are able to speak words of wisdom and it is delivered with such simplicity. When in operation, words of wisdom typically flow well with the gift of word of knowledge. One of the ways to recognize this gift is when you are given wisdom to determine how to properly handle a situation and it is made clear and simple. Whether they are being counseled or given advice, the person who receives the word of wisdom may say, “why didn’t I think of that?”. Because it is only given by the Spirit of God!

Word of Knowledge

People with this gift have a deep understanding of the will and the ways of God personally through scripture. Supernaturally, they can discern truths about spiritual matters in order to teach or direct an individual. At times, God gives these individuals a word of knowledge about a particular situation in order to:




Here’s an example of how this gift often works together with other gifts:

Word of Knowledge & Gift of Healing

Scenario: Imagine that you’re standing before someone and you begin to know something about that person as the Spirit of God has given you revelation. God begins to speak to you as you reveal to that person: “On the right side of you, there is a blockage. Something is going on with your kidneys”.

Many people often get the gift of prophecy and word of knowledge mixed up. The specific information provided above is not defined as prophecy, it is a word of knowledge. As the gift of healing typically flows along with the word of knowledge, individuals with these gifts are able to declare the healing power of God.

This gift is not given so that the individual can simply know every detail about a person’s life. It is used so that a resolve can occur. God reveals such things so that there may be healing, deliverance, and restoration. It is such an amazing gift to receive!

Spiritual Discernment

People with this gift have the ability to carefully observe a situation, person, or an event. It is much like a spiritual scale or meter that helps to determine whether something is good or evil, right or wrong, heavenly or demonic. This gift helps to protect God’s people and lead them in the right direction. This particular gift is very much needed, especially in the world as we now know. As witchcraft is on the rise, there is a higher chance of someone who may be operating in demonic abilities, rather than God’s spiritual gifts. When discernment is present, we are able to observe others to determine:

The intent of the heart of the individual

What that individual is doing

The purpose in which the individual was sent into your life

Who sent them

When a person is blessed with this gift, they will also be able to discern when the moving of the Holy Spirit is taking place. They are able to understand and discern when the angels are moving, when the heavens are open, and when there is a need to be sensitive to the flow of God. Prophets are often gifted with the spirit of discernment as they are very in tune with the flow of the Spirit. They can sense the hidden agendas of others, when a demonic spirit is at work, or when a human spirit is in operation. This gift seems to be less talked about, but I believe that we should ask the Lord for more of this ability. Without this gift, it is easy for many to declare that they feel God moving when He is not. Or they may miss the move of God by dismissing it as something from the enemy. This gift has unfortunately become easily polluted and perverted, as many are operating in the kingdom of darkness.

But be encouraged that we have been equipped with spiritual gifts that have been given to us by the precious Holy Spirit to help us in ALL of this!

STIR UP The Gifts!

The gifts are available to help strengthen and build up the body of Christ. It is such a beautiful thing when the gifts are in operation and we are able to see God’s children working together.

Know that the Father is absolutely REAL, and so is the Holy Spirit!

You NEED the Spirit of God at work in your life! There is an outpouring of gifts that is about to take place and it is my prayer that you receive it. God is able to give you a fresh wind and give you your fire back. God will recharge you! May a cleansing take over you as you receive today’s message. The Lord will instruct and commission the Holy angels to find and locate you! May you receive His cleansing power and saturate you with His glory. May you feel the weight of His presence around you and supernatural strength released over you. The Lord desires to do a NEW thing in your life, all you have to do is tap in!

New revelations are available to you!

New understandings!

New discoveries!

A New flow of the Spirit of God!

May you come to know that there are different angles and sides to God, and He wants to reveal Himself to YOU! The Holy Spirit will pour out even more—allowing you to see, feel, and hear Him. May the angels of the Lord who have been standing alongside you with their hands tied begin to move in your midst. May there be an increase and a move of His Spirit in the areas that seem dry, dark, stale, and stagnant where nothing is flowing.

The winds of God is BLOWING!

The waters from Heaven are pouring out!

The angels are getting involved!

The mists of glory are COMING to settle in!

Are you in need of a touch from the Lord? I pray that the fire of the Holy Spirit be released unto you, giving you a second charge where you will be able to start up and run again! God is moving and bringing His gifts. He’s stirring up the gifts on the inside of you that have been lying dormant! Allow Him to remove the counterfeit gifts in your life and bring into existence what is real, right, holy, and pure. He will teach and show you how to move, operate, and flow in the gifts that He has given you.

Be refilled on this day so that you may be used for the glory of the Lord and His Kingdom!


Join me in our next teaching on the other 6 gifts of the Holy Spirit!

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The Millionaire Mom

Lenika Scott

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