Things are shifting! The Heavens are open!
Is there an inner explosion of ideas and creativity on the inside of you waiting to be unleashed? Do you have many ideas and passions brewing on the inside of you that you’re ready to burst forth into reality? If you’re on the verge of launching something new, let today’s prophetic message ignite you for this season!
Get ready to LAUNCH!
I’ve recently shared many messages about what the Lord is doing in this season. He’s been desiring to give His people hope and a great release of a second wind. I believe that this even pertains to those He’s called to the marketplace. If you have been feeling a stirring to create, innovate, and create impact for such a time as this, be encouraged to go forth and launch!
As we embrace the journey to build and grow, it’s crucial that we acknowledge the spiritual battle at hand. When God commissions you to establish His Kingdom in the realms of business, entrepreneurship, and the marketplace, you will face much opposition and resistance from the enemy. Oftentimes, the enemy doesn’t come to simply attack one idea, he comes to hinder many different things that God desires for His people to birth and release. From new assignments and new ventures, from new territories to creative projects, the enemy seeks to hinder the very things that God intends to use to manifest His glory.
Even so, you must NOT let this stop you!
In spite of the opposition, you have to stand firm in the things that God has called you to do. If you’ve found yourself wrestling with the challenge of birthing your vision, know that you cannot afford to surrender to doubt or despair. The very essence of your being resonates with a divine mandate, urging you to bring forth what has been deposited within you. Perhaps you’ve questioned the origin of the ideas swirling within your mind, wondering if they truly align with God’s purpose for your life. Let me encourage you: if you sense a stirring in your spirit, then it’s time to heed the call and unleash what the Lord has given you! Just as the Lord has called others, remember that you are not alone in this journey. The same God who called you is faithful to equip and empower you for every step of the way. I encourage you to embrace the challenges, embrace the uncertainties, and embrace the call that propels you forward.
No matter the circumstance, God’s message is clear: do not give up or succumb to pressure, because your purpose awaits! Avoid entertaining any distractions, lack of focus, or procrastination derailing you from pursuing what God has called you to. Seize the moment; NOW is the appointed time!
There’s Power in Support
There’s a profound lesson I learned about the importance of seeking help when I embarked on the journey of birthing my first book, “Fasting For Breakthrough.” It was a conversation with my mother that ignited a revelation about the importance of leaning on others as we pursue our God-given visions.
As I reminisce on the journey of bringing my book to fruition, my mother was there for me countless times lending her support—whether it was in preparing meals, doing laundry, or offering encouragement. Her assistance helped me to carve out time even with all of the demands to focus on completing the task at hand.
The urgency of releasing that book weighed heavily on me, and I sensed a God compelling me to bring forth the message contained within its pages. It was a pivotal moment when I realized that the fulfillment of God’s promises in my life hinged upon obediently fulfilling the assignment He had entrusted to me.
The completion of “Fasting For Breakthrough” marked not only the birth of a book but also the unlocking of blessings beyond measure. It was a closed door that swung wide open, ushering in a season of abundance and expansion for my family. The Lord told me: “I am not going to release the level of wealth that I have for you until you get that book done!”. It was when I got that book done that I heard about the company that I am now a part of that catapulted us into millions!
With this story, be reminded of the truth that some of the greatest breakthroughs in our lives occur when we muster the courage to ask for help. Despite the temptation to shoulder our burdens alone, there is wisdom in recognizing our limitations and reaching out to those who can lend their support. It’s not easy to admit our vulnerabilities or release control, especially for women who are accustomed to bearing the weight of so many responsibilities. Remember there is power in seeking support. Whether it’s a trusted friend, a mentor, or a family member, don’t hesitate to lean on others for assistance.
Touch and agree and lock arms with someone who will say:
“I see your vision”
“It is almost here!”
“We will go before the Lord together so these things may be released from you!”
The Power of Pressing In
In the pursuit of our God-given dreams and aspirations, there comes a time when we must apply intentional pressure to usher in the breakthroughs we seek. Apply pressure with things such as praise, worship, and even fasting for greater release. Fasting helps in expediting breakthroughs and unlocking heavenly resources. The key is to press in relentlessly, refusing to relent until you see the breakthroughs you’ve been contending for.
By applying pressure, you create a space for God to move mightily on your behalf! Refuse to be discouraged by setbacks or delays, knowing that your breakthrough is possible. As you press in with unwavering faith and determination, you will witness the release of divine blessings beyond measure!
Launch The NEW!
“Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught…” – Luke 5:4
In life, there are seasons of launching, moments when God calls us to step out into the unknown and cast our nets into the deep waters of faith and obedience. There is so much happening in the spirit realm and He is launching NEW things! The enemy seeks to sow seeds of doubt and discouragement, tempting you to question the reality of your dreams. You may have thought that your dreams that you have aren’t of God because of the attacks. But let me assure you: the attacks you’ve faced are not indicators of God’s disapproval, but it’s evidence that you are on the brink of birthing something extraordinary! I know what it’s like to have things within you yet they have not been birthed. Now is not the time to retreat. Now is the time to press in! You may have been under attack for a while, but the Lord is saying to go back and cast your net again!
Launch out into the deep!
The greater the level and impact that you will have on others, the greater the attack will be to keep you stopped and stifled. To keep things held up. But I come to encourage you that all of Heaven is backing you up! I speak a word of blessing over you: may everything within you that is waiting to be released find expression in the earth realm. May you experience unprecedented favor with both God and man as you step into the fullness of your calling. May your influence transcend borders and touch lives. May you have major favor with God. May you go on to impact the nations!
What lies dormant within you, waiting to be unleashed?
What dreams has God planted in your heart?
When God sees that you are committed to bringing things to fruition on your end, then He will release some things! You have no idea what God is going to release if you carry it out!
Get ready to LAUNCH THE NEW!
NOW is the time!
Let it come forth!
Your next brilliant business idea…
Your very first book…
Your powerful ministry is waiting to be BIRTHED and LAUNCHED!
The time is now. The world is waiting. Launch forth into your destiny, and watch as God moves mightily on your behalf!
And it shall be so! Amen.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott