Spiritual Gifts: Dare To Ask The Heavenly Father!!

God is doing something new and fresh in this season and He desires that His children go higher in Him. Today’s message is a reminder of the many spiritual gifts that He desires to release and activate in this hour … if only we’d dare to ask our Heavenly Father!!

It’s time to activate and stir up the gifts like never before!

As I’m always sharing stories of my personal encounters with the supernatural realm, I’d like to share with you a powerful supernatural experience that has been so absolutely beautiful and mind blowing!

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Around this time last year, I enrolled in an intensive course hosted by a man of God some may already know, Apostle Ryan Lestrange. This course was hosted by two other prophets and seers who released their knowledge and wisdom concerning prophetic dreams. Upon beginning the course, I realized that I missed a few training sessions over a couple of days. After handling business-related matters, I made the decision to take some time to spend studying in my prayer room. Because of the dreams that I had been experiencing lately, I knew that this course was right on time for me! There were specific areas of revelation in which I had been seeking God personally as it pertains to the gift of dreams in the prophetic. As I have been teaching on this, we all know that each spiritual gifting operates very differently. Though one may be called to walk in the office of a prophet, they may not be a seer, but may receive dreams as part of their gifting. This was my case as a prophet who also receives wisdom and revelation by dreams.

While in my prayer room listening to the course, one of my daughters came in and sat beside me. The life of Joseph was brought up in the session and it sparked something within. As we know in the Word, Joseph was a man that God used greatly and equipped with the gift of dream interpretation. His gift placed him before great men, even leading him to become the ruler of Egypt. Joseph would have dreams and they would come to pass –with such accuracy that even when his brothers were jealous of him! Upon reading, I noticed in the scriptures that the Word indicated that Joseph interpreted multiple dreams. In other words, his gift was ongoing. Not only did he experience having dreams, but he interpreted them also.

As the host was ministering, I was so moved and inspired by the Word that I asked the Lord in prayer for the gift of interpretation. After praying to receive, I instantly felt a rushing wind come over me, and I felt the glory all the way down to my feet! In that moment, I pulled back the blanket that my daughter and I were under and asked her if she could see anything happening in the spirit realm. She then told me that she saw my feet as if they were in Heaven standing on what appeared to be a pillar with hands laying on them. As I sat there in awe, I began to give God glory and praise Him for what was going on, what I was feeling, what she was seeing in the spirit.

… But this beautiful moment didn’t just stop there!

While we sat there praising God and basking in His presence for a few more minutes, my daughter’s eyes grew wide and bright. I knew right away that she was seeing something else in the spirit realm. She described to me what she was seeing: a small, brown male angel with golden hair and beautiful eyes! I could sense that the angel was smiling at her, and she confirmed that he indeed was. My daughter looked at me, stating that it was the angel Gabriel who sent this smaller angel!

For those who have studied angels and their different categories, many may already know of the arc angel, Michael. Though he is one of the highest-ranking angels, he is also under the category of warrior angels.

Michael is one that I’ve personally become very comfortable with in terms of praying. There have been times when the Spirit of the Lord would instruct me to call upon Michael to release high ranking angels to war. I have felt him fighting on my behalf. I have even seen myself fighting in the spirit realm calling upon him to fight! He has shown up, and is very familiar with my family. On the other hand, Gabriel is a messenger angel; an arc angel who is responsible for the message carrying angels. It was Gabriel who came to Joseph and Mary to release a message about the birth of Jesus. So this came to no surprise as my daughter told me that the small angel was sent to us by Gabriel with a message from Heaven. This angel showed up the moment I asked the Lord for the gift of dream interpretation. He stayed with us for minutes and then departed shortly after.

… As if those moments weren’t enough, something else happened!

As the angel left and went back to heaven, we were still in awe basking in the experience. I could still feel the glory of the Lord hovering over my prayer room.

My daughter then looked up and said that she saw yet another thing in the room: a golden scroll with a message inscribed on it. I called my other daughter in the room, who is also a seer. The other witnessed a vision of a shield! Not only was an angel sent under the leadership of Gabriel to release a word to us, there was also the witnessing of a scroll and shield –all such beautiful messages from the Lord! All of these wonderful things took place almost instantly after I asked for the gift of interpretation. This is proof that it is surely the Lord’s desire for His children to seek and ask Him for what He gives so freely: precious spiritual gifts that can only come from Heaven above!

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” – Matthew 7:11

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Dare To Ask The Father

“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.” – 1 Corinthians 14:1

The Lord wants to remind His people that He is releasing gifts in this hour and He desires for us to seek Him and ask. During my encounter, it was as if I heard the Lord say:

“I am releasing spiritual gifts in this hour. Remind my children to ask me. If you ask me with the purity of heart, then I am going to open up your eyes to some things! When you ask about the things of me and the things of Heaven, then I am going to respond. I delight in responding because you’ve asked me from a pure place and with a pure heart!”

Be encouraged that it’s okay for us to ask Him as His children. Oftentimes we don’t experience the spiritual things of God because we deem ourselves unworthy. But He certainly wishes for us to experience all that He has!

Keep Your Heart Pure

“And when you do ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may squander it on your pleasures.” – James 4

As the Word tells us that it is expected for us as believers to desire spiritual gifts, we still must examine our hearts. We are to keep our hearts before the Lord, not desiring those gifts from a place of selfish gain or personal glory. We still must make sure that pride is pulled down. Be reminded of Paul who was used greatly by the Lord, but was given a spiritual thorn in his flesh to keep him in humility. Even in the midst of your elevation into different realms and dimensions, as God takes you behind the veil, and there is a lot of angelic activity that you are tapping into, you must stay pure! Understand that suffering often is attached to deal with pride and keep us humble before God and others. Pride has to be placed under subjection so that we are not boasting in ourselves, but we are still boasting in the Lord.

Be A Steward

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15

It is time for God’s people to simply ask. He desires to give you the beautiful, sweet, Holy things of Heaven! Granted, these gifts come with a great need of stewardship. As you receive, be sure not to mismanage the dreams, visions, downloads, the nudging, and the very things of the Spirit. Be careful not to mismanage the grace that God has given in this hour. There has been another grace to seek Him, to get into His presence, and get before His face like never before. As stewards over the dreams and visions that He entrusts us with, we are to write them down and keep record of them rather than neglecting the revelation.

Prophetic Declaration

Prepare yourself for the spiritual things that are about to be released from the Kingdom of The Lord! May God give you downloads, deposits, and allow you to receive dreams and visions of what Heaven is doing. May you have eyes to see. May you boldly be His mouthpiece to speak what thus says the Lord. It is my prayer that He girds you up and strengthens you to fast even more –to turn down plates and seek His face. He will give you the grace, strength, tenacity, understanding, and knowledge that you need to bear down in this season.

The Lord is passing out armor in this season! May you boldly embrace and clothe yourself in the armor of Gibborah, The Lord Mighty in Battle. Though many may not understand that the world is at war right now, may you rise up and walk in your authority and power. Don’t be distracted in this hour, but instead hear Him clearly. May every distraction that was sent to you from the enemy’s camp be broken by fire. Be Godly conscious in this season; let your mind be set on Him.

May there be such a seeking and searching for the things that you are to do, touch, contend with, the worship that you must release unto Him, and the prayers that you must pray. May you learn to be sensitive to His voice all the more in this high alert time in the spirit realm. Now is not the time to miss the Lord’s leading and guidance. Be not hesitant in seeking Him for revelation even as it pertains to the prophetic dreams. If there be any in your heart, I encourage you to lay down the spirit of comparison. As you may see the giftings of others, may you not seek them just because someone else is operating in them. Allow your seeking and asking to come from the pure place that arises from your spirit. May you continue to go forth and occupy the land that the Lord has for you!

Be encouraged to ask The Father! You won’t want to miss what He is surely doing in this hour!

Let it be so! Amen.

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Lenika Scott

The Millionaire Mom

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