When it comes to our walk with the Lord, things won’t ever be perfect. He never promised that it would be easy, nor would we be exempt from challenges and storms. In fact, the Word tells us about the role that suffering plays in our lives and how we must endure those things for Christ’s sake. If you’ve found yourself in what feels like the eye of the storm in your life, lost at sea and drowning in what feels undefeatable, may today’s message be just what you need to make it through. Remember, every storm you face is a chance to witness God’s power and love in a profound way.
Your Response Matters
Even in the midst of your greatest storm, how you respond is still your responsibility. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and defeated, but it’s crucial to remember that our response can shape the outcome. How are you responding to the storm?
Do you complain and become bitter in your suffering?
Are you eager to turn to the Lord and seek Him for instruction?
Do you allow your heart to become weary in the fight?
Complaining can often amplify our troubles, making them seem larger than they are. Seeking God can provide clarity and guidance that we might miss in our distress. Allowing weariness to take control can lead to what seems to be a loss of hope. Ask the Lord for the spiritual strength to help you persevere. How you choose to act in the trying moments is often a great display of your strength and faith even in the face of chaos.
Speak to the Storm
Just as Jesus told the wind to be still, may you grab hold of your faith when the storms of life begin to rage in your life. May you anchor yourself in the Word of God and allow His peace to steer you in the storm.
You won’t drown in the storm!
You won’t be overtaken by fear!
Stand firm in the storm and speak to the winds!
“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.” – Mark 4:39
Remember, the authority to command peace in your life has been given to you through Christ. Remember and have faith that the Father doesn’t allow things to happen so that you may simply suffer, but rather so that the crushing may produce oil and that He may get the glory.
Finding Light in the Dark
Sometimes, the storms of life can seem so overpowering and dark that finding the light becomes a hard task. You may be searching for a glimpse of that shining light in your life, but I encourage you to trust that the light is not far off in the distance—it’s within you. No matter how alone you may feel, know that God is with you in the storm. He promises to never leave or forsake you, and to lift up a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood. IN times when it may seem as if His voice can’t be heard or his footsteps can’t be traced, trust that He is right there with you, leading you to calmer waters on the other side of the storm. It is in these dark times that your faith is most crucial. Trusting in God’s presence and promises can bring you peace that surpasses what you may understand.
God is with you in the storm! Allow Him to be your lighthouse! His light within you is more powerful than any darkness surrounding you. Embrace it and let it lead you to safety.
Change Your Perspective
How you see the storms that arise in your life makes a huge difference. When you learn how the Father operates and the things that He uses to catapult you, your perspective on the struggles that you experience will change. Only He can take what felt broken beyond repair and turn it around for your good. Only He can take an undesirable situation and use it to take you from glory to glory. Changing your perspective means seeing your trials through the lens of faith and trust in God’s plan. Instead of focusing on the pain or difficulty, look for what God is doing in your life through the storm. How is He shaping you? What new strengths or revelations are you gaining? Though it may not always feel good, you must trust that all things work together for your good according to Romans 8:28.
Help is Here!
If you’ve been going through a storm, this message is to help strengthen your faith in spite of it all. Know that The Lord is bigger than any storm and stronger than any harsh wind. He knows exactly what you need and when you need it. No matter how intense the storm, God’s power and love are greater, and He will see you through to calmer, brighter days.
Remember this verse and carry it in your heart:
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” – Isaiah 43:2
With God, no cloud of despair can discourage you..
No threat or weapon of the enemy can harm you…
There’s no water too deep and no mountain too high for the Lord’s rescue!
Look to the hills and receive your help that is on the way!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott