The Spirit of the Lord is moving heavily and shifting in this hour! There is an encouraging prophetic word that the Lord has released to me and I’m excited to share with you today.
Recently, I felt led to change out the linen in my bedroom. Usually decorated in light colors of white, gold, and cream, I suddenly sensed an urge to stop what I was doing and change my bedsheets to all white. I went back and forth to my closet to find the perfect linen. As I changed everything out, the presence of God came and He began to speak! I felt an unlocking taking place as He told me that there is a changing of the guards taking place. Though we may have heard this phrase or message before, there is yet another change happening in the Kingdom! In this hour, He is moving out many who were once in position and bringing forth others whom He has handpicked to operate in those positions!
What is the “Changing of the Guards”?
Any situation in which an individual or group charged with a task or responsibilities in an organization is replaced by another individual or group.
A ceremony during which the soldiers or other officials guarding a major government building or state residence, especially Buckingham Place in England, are replaced by a new shift.
A New Shift is Upon Us
I will never forget the prophetic dream that I had years ago when God elevated Gregg and I years ago –even before we saw the millions! In this dream, we were seated in the back of a plane and watched as the airline stewards came forth. We unbuckled ourselves and were ushered to the front of the plane. This very dream came to me right around the time that we were being elevated in reality! I even remember the scripture that the Holy Spirit gave me concerning this dream:
“So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.” – Matthew 20:16
Similar to that dream, I had a vision a few months ago of people standing in a long line. God was taking the people who were at the back of the line to bring them to the front of the line! The message is still the same: the last shall be first in this season! Let your heart be encouraged because God is truly moving and shifting! There is a great transition happening in the Kingdom!
Many of us have been in very unfamiliar places with no clue as to what is going on and happening around us. But God is moving! As I was changing my bedsheets, He continued to speak to me saying:
“There are people who have counted you out. They may think that you aren’t doing much –even right now in this season. But there is more to you than meets the eye! I am setting you up for major success, another rocket launch, and another takeoff!”
A Kingdom Replacement
The Lord began to speak to me about His people. He sees that there are many believers right now with active platforms on social media. There are many who have low followers and are not seeing many views on their content and engagement from their audiences. But God said that He is turning some things around! Many will begin to see growth within their platforms. At the same time, we are going to start witnessing others with platforms dwindle down and be depleted, because He is turning things around in the midst. This is not to say that others have fallen out of grace with the Lord, but the unfortunate truth is that many actually have. The Sovereign Lord is saying that “the grace is up for the season and there will be others in those positions!” There are many who have mismanaged others, their position, the weight of the anointing, and the glory by not giving honor back to God for raising them up and placing them there! God has placed many in positions of great wealth, status, and influence –but when they got there they simply stopped giving Him the glory. They have begun to operate and act as if it was all their doing. He’s going to place a muzzle on those who have been in high positions while in a state of wickedness. Things are going to begin to drop as He begins to elevate and raise up the people who will give Him glory to the end! Those who will publicly respect Him. God is testing the hearts of many! No matter where He takes you, what platform He gives you, and what leadership you will be amongst, will you still profess the glory of the Lord in the midst of the elevation?
Get Ready For The Shift
Today’s message is in much alignment with what the Kingdom of Heaven is doing even as we speak! There is a changing of the guards coming! Many have been in great seasons of tremendous testing, just as Abram was tested with the sacrifice of his son in the Word. There are times in your life when God already knows what you’re going to do, but He instead wants you to see what you’re going to do when the pressure gets hot! In times of trouble, will you still obey and honor Him? God often allows us to see just what we are working with in this walk with Him, as He rewards those who have been found faithful behind closed doors. Remember what the Word says:
“But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” – Matthew 6:6
I am a living witness that when God shifts and turns things around in your life, it will be as if you are living in a dream! I often pinch myself as my lifestyle feels much like a dream, realizing when there were times when I couldn’t afford things that I desired priced under $5. But God! He is placing many of His people in positions for the wealth that is going to be released. We’ve been hearing about a wealth transfer for years, and many are asking when is it going to happen? The answer is surely soon! Be encouraged that God is elevating you to places unimaginable! It’s going to be like those who dream the dream!
Continue to hang in there!
Continue to be faithful!
Move when He says to move!
Keep your heart right!
Don’t you dare bow to Baal!
Because He is going to surely bring it to pass!
Embrace The Change!
“And he changes the times and the seasons: he removes kings, and sets up kings: he gives wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.” – Daniel 2:21
As we know in Ecclesiastes, there’s a time and season for everything (Eccl. 3:1). As others are being uprooted in this season, God is preparing to plant you in that very same place! There are beautiful thoughts that God thinks towards you! The enemy’s plan is to make it seem as if God doesn’t love you, doesn’t care or understand your struggle. Many of us have struggled throughout the years, but God has been processing us to see if we are truly ready to handle what He is giving us.
God is raising many who will be the first! The first amongst others to pioneer a movement, to blaze a trail, and to go far. Before the pandemic, I had a prophetic dream of black owners of franchises. I saw myself walking through a building as they were getting it ready for business. They painted the building in bright vivid colors of red, yellow, and blue. What the Lord was showing me was that He is raising up and birthing so much! He is replacing people in positions who have abused their power, but also even those who have finished their work for the Lord. So again, this is not to say that all have fallen from grace. Many have simply finished some of the things publicly that God would have them to finish.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Be encouraged that the Father’s heart is upon you! The Father truly thinks about you! There is a will from the Father for you in Heaven! Are you truly excited about what God is doing? He’s changing the guards, changing positions, elevating, and even sitting others down. Let’s thank him for this! As He elevates and places you in positions of authority, leadership, influence, power, and even wealth, remember to always give God the glory! Don’t take credit for what He is doing in your life.
It may not happen next week. It could be a few months from now, or even next year. But with this message of encouragement, have faith that He’s doing it for YOU! It is my prayer that you begin to seek God concerning the season that you are in and move when He says to move. One act of obedience can unlock the next thing. As you yield to Him, He will do the next! May the grace to obey fall upon you. Take those steps into your next level with the Lord! The great wealth and treasures from Heaven that are dispatched by the angels await you! As you set your heart to obey Him, expect the answers!
Expect the unimaginable!
Let it be so!
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If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching @www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
The Millionaire Mom
Lenika Scott