Prophetic Release: God is Performing Supernatural Surgery!!

We are in an hour where God himself has heard the cries of His people…

Many of us believers are broken and bruised in battle, carrying festering wounds that the eyes cannot see…

Our armor has been stained and heavily drenched with blood, and our garments have gotten dirty in war…

Even the strongest warriors have been weighed down by warfare, as the enemy attempts to stifle their prayers and worship…

Many people have cried out for rescue, for comfort, for rest, and for healing from the excruciating seasons passed…

Our cries NEVER go unheard! The Lord is truly doing a WORK in this hour! I have a quick message for you today that I pray will leave you encouraged. A message that will not only manifest spiritually, but tangibly in the natural realm as well! As I was in prayer recently, I heard the Lord say unto me: SUPERNATURAL SURGERY!

Supernatural – Departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature.

Surgery – Medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone’s body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts.

Yes, Jesus himself will be VISITING individuals at night while they sleep, and he will be healing and performing surgery on his people. The angels of the Lord are also coming to assist and work on God’s people! He’s going to pull stuff from out of us that has been lingering and even laying dormant for years. The unseen trauma, the weariness, and the unbearable pains that we’ve had to endure are being UPROOTED in this hour! He’s going to step in just as a physician would do and QUICKLY bring healing to the bodies of His children.

Many of us have witnessed ourselves change and transition over the years, so much so that we have been unable to recognize ourselves in the mirror. Our countenance has changed and our faces have begun to tell the stories of our deeply buried pain. Be encouraged that the Lord sees it all! He is bringing about a supernatural surgery to cleanse and purge the dark matter that has

swarmed the hearts of many. The wickedness that the enemy deceitfully placed inside of His people will be removed by the consuming fire of the Holy Spirit. God has strategically arranged surgery for His people. Be encouraged that it’s just a matter of time before He reaches you and your household! The angels are on the way!

In fact, it’s happened to me personally…

The Lord visited and touched me recently. He allowed the angels to come into my home one night and perform supernatural surgery! The next day, I asked my husband to touch my face. It simply felt different and pure without the assistance of any makeup or skincare products. I could feel and see the difference! I even felt lighter. As I said to myself that something surely felt different, I knew that God had been up to something. He came to work on my body supernaturally along with the angels of the Lord! Glory be to God!

One of my daughters, who is a seer, told me that she saw the angels in the room wearing nurse hats (as it is on earth, so it is in Heaven). She wasn’t aware of what was going on, yet confirmed what I knew had occurred. I asked her to grab a piece of paper and a pen so that I could write down what was happening to me prophetically. Later on that night, she informed me that she saw the chains that were coming off of me! During the supernatural surgery, there was a female angel in attendance who appeared to be extremely excited and happy. When the angels finished working on me at that particular time (as they knew that it was a lot), they were all clapping in excitement. The angels become excited when God’s people are set free. They also rejoice when they complete the work that God assigns to them in the Earth realm because they know that it pleases the Father. The angels rejoiced as they spiritually worked on me for a total of 6 hours! I even prayed that God would reward them, as they too experience heavy warfare in the supernatural realm. To add to this incredible encounter, even Jesus himself stepped in just for a brief moment to touch me! Yes, as I was in my bedroom, I felt JESUS HIMSELF touch me! How amazing is our Father?!

A Tangible Change

As I mentioned, supernatural means departing from what is usual or normal, especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature. What God is about to do will transcend this natural realm!

This will be an unusual healing…

It won’t make sense to others…

It’s going to be personal…

It’s going to be REAL…

The healing that the Lord provides will defy the very laws of nature!

Yes, God is about to break some natural laws for YOU!

He’s coming to see about YOU!


Will you allow Him to work on you??

In this walk with the Lord, there will be times when not even the prophets, pastors, and so forth can lay hands on you the way that the Lord desires to. He will be the One to visit your house! He will move others out of the way and work on you Himself.

Here’s what I know:

When true deliverance takes place, it is often your countenance that changes as well. As the Lord performs this surgery and begins to pull things out of you, you will look lighter. It will show up on your countenance! He will pull up the things that have been wrapped around you in the spirit realm that the enemy has involved himself in. Things that the rulers and principalities in high places have sent your way to squeeze you. If you happen to wake up one day and your skin looks a little different or you see that your appearance is glowing, then you will know! The angels of the Lord will help pull things out! Jesus himself will visit many and come forth with healing.

The cries of God’s people have gone up as many have faced battles unimaginable. We have warred hard and fought ferociously. You may be in some of the worst fighting of your life right now. Even in the fighting, you may have gotten a little contaminated and dirty. You may not be as pure. Be encouraged that He is allowing supernatural surgery to be performed on His people.  

THERE IS FREEDOM COMING YOUR WAY! A freedom that you have never known! Will you receive it?

I even encourage you to go on a fast so that you may be prepared to receive. When you notice the changes, begin to throw up your hands and give God tremendous praise for what He has done. Worship and thank Him for bringing deliverance, healing, and supernatural miracles your way. Not everyone will see or feel the work that He is doing, but you will surely see and feel it in your body!

Your Appointment is Set!

God is doing this work because we still have work to do in His kingdom. We can’t do the work that we are called to do when we are sick, bound, sluggish, fatigued, tired, and weary in battle. He doesn’t want us to be weighed down. This causes the work that He has for us to do to be limited and stifled and affects our calling and abilities. At times, your warfare even hinders your worship. It doesn’t help God when we can’t worship the way that we desire because we are sick in the body and trapped in our minds.

There have been decrees that have been sent out through the land, and God Himself is doing it! The Lord has set aside a particular day on His calendar just for YOU. Allow the Lord, the most powerful, skilled, and expert surgeon that we could ever know, to operate on you for your greater good! It may happen right away, next week, or even a few months from now. Just know that your appointment with the Father is set! I am here to tell you today that something will feel different as God visits you personally with a supernatural surgery!

Prepare yourself and get ready! There is a prophetic move about to take place because Heaven has heard the very cries of His people! Jesus himself is leaving the throne room just for YOU! He is releasing the Holy angels just for YOU! The Father is sending supernatural help. Let Him break the chains off of your life. Receive the cleansing oil and healing anointing that is released over your life today.




Let His mighty work be done!


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The Millionaire Mom

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Lenika Scott

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