As I sought the Lord as it pertains to the message that I should bring before His people, I felt a nudge to do a teaching on the Holy Spirit. I immediately smiled and became so excited in my spirit as I love ministering on the precious Holy Spirit!
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever.” – John 14:16
The Holy Spirit is REAL!
There is a difference between the Father (God the Creator), Jesus (who was sent to save humanity), and the Holy Spirit (the Comforter who advocates for you). The Holy Spirit is surely a person that I have personally come to know throughout the years of my walk in Christ. I recall one of the very first encounters that I had with the Holy Spirit–and I even shared this in my book. This particular memory dates back to 1998, when I got saved for the second time. I remember waking up on a Thursday morning, with my entire arm “on fire”. I had gotten up to pray as I normally do around that time. I was in a place of seeking God. I called my husband’s sister because I would often hear about her hands burning under the power of God. So I knew then that it had something to do with God and was a manifestation of the Holy Spirit moving!
Another memory that I remember so vividly took place around the time one of my closest friends was having a baby shower. We traveled to my husband’s parent’s home to stay overnight. My two sister-in-laws were in one room and myself and two children were in another room. As we were about to go to sleep, I remember praying that all would go well. After a few minutes, “something” walked into the room. The presence was gentle and began to pull my hand so that I could go into the other room and pray with the other sisters. Although I didn’t go into the other room, I still prayed. I simply remember the sweet spirit standing in front of the bed. The next day, we received a phone call of bad news where she was rushed to the hospital. We continued on with the baby shower and gathered together in prayer for the baby and mother. But God sent a miracle and turned things around! The baby boy is now alive and well today years later, and serves the Lord as a minister of music. Glory to God! As I began to recount that experience, I knew that it was something that couldn’t be denied. It was later revealed to me that it was indeed the Holy Spirit nudging me. And I felt Him!
From those moments, I began to seek Him and came to learn that He is a real person with personality and even emotions. The Holy Spirit can be grieved and quenched. He can even be happy and become excited about the things of God. I can remember being engulfed in simply wanting to get things right with the Holy Spirit. I’d find myself eagerly waiting to seek Him and hear from Him. I learned that you will come to understand the times when He wakes you up to pray and call on the name of the Lord. When He wakes you up to tap into Heaven because He knows beyond what you can see. After all, He is the Spirit of truth! It is the Holy Spirit that will wake you up to intercede or go on a fast and press in because something may be going on. With your obedience, you will have the power to change and reverse and cancel things out because of His help. He will teach you about how He moves and operates.

Get To Know The Holy Spirit
Today, I wanted to bring some teaching to you as it pertains to the Holy Spirit. When you reach a point in your personal walk with the Lord, you must tune your ear to listen to His voice and His heart and open yourself up to discover. Once you do, there are some things that you will be able to encounter! There are some miraculous things that will come from your walk as you yield to the Holy Spirit!
Roles of the Holy Spirit
Jesus knew that he would be going away and that we would need the Spirit of truth to help advocate.
“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” – John 14:26
The Holy Spirit is a helper
He reminds you of the things of God
He is an advocate
He is a counselor
He reveals the Lord Jesus and the Father to us
He is the One who reveals the deep things of God
He helps us with our callings, purpose, and our destinies
He helps us with our giftings that we are trying to figure out
The Holy Spirit helps with the anointing that is placed upon us.
Allow the Spirit of truth to help and counsel you. He is the One who helps you make even the smallest decisions. He is the One who brings the Word of God to life! The more you yield to Him, His dealings, and His ways, the more He will reveal Himself to you. In the daily affairs of life, He is there to lead and guide you. He is the revealer of truth. Wouldn’t it be so powerful if you would only listen and yield to the Holy Spirit?
As you do so, He will begin to reveal and speak more. If you are faithful over few, He will be able to trust you with more as you yield to Him and obey Him.
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5,6
As you grow with the Holy Spirit, others will see that you are indeed a glory carrier and that you are being used as a vessel unto the Lord. You will be granted the authority and anointing to seek Heaven and retrieve the keys to help pull others out. Even the works of faith and miracles and healing can be released from you. It is such a beautiful thing! As you yield, surrender, open up your heart, and allow the Spirit to move and to flow out of you, things will change! Others around you will be blessed and will see the power of the Holy Spirit. Those who aren’t even saved will feel the presence of Christ, the power to shift and change the atmosphere, and the movement of the Holy Spirit.
We are in a time now where many people have silenced and suppressed the Holy Spirit. They seem to not want Him to move or even flow. But there are some believers who will begin to obey the Lord’s leading and guidance! There is more that you have to do for the Kingdom of God! There are greater works that you have been called to accomplish!
“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment.” – John 16:7-8
The Lord is bringing forth a refreshing and refilling to His people. There will be times in your walk when you may go through a spiritual drought and a season of weariness. Things may seem stagnant as if you are depleted like a car that is running on empty. Do you need to be refilled in this season? Be encouraged that the Holy Spirit is able to do so!
“Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” – 1 Corinthians 3:16
“These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” – 1 Corinthians 2:10,11
Although there is nothing new under the sun, I believe we are in a time of greater mysteries and rhema released. There is so much revelation in the Word that I believe has yet to be discovered. Revelations and mysteries! The Spirit of the truth gives us access to it all if only we were to dig and go a little deeper!
Quench – to put out of light; to extinguish. To cool down. To terminate as if by destroying.
The Holy Spirit is able to help you. Listen to His voice; do not quench how He wants to move in your life. He is a person that can be grieved and when we sin we surely grieve Him.
There is More Waiting!
The Holy Spirit is not someone who just leaves God’s people suddenly; it could unfortunately be a gradual thing. Whenever you begin to feel as if the Lord is not speaking to you and it seems as though He becomes a little silent, then I encourage you to check your walk with Him. Be sure to ask the Lord if there is any sin in your life that may be quenching His spirit.
Open up your heart to receive! Allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you. He is able to refill you so that there will be a deeper intensity and love for the things of God. As you follow, let Him lead you. When you rise up in the morning, begin to greet Him as a close friend. Welcome in the presence of the Holy Spirit as you realize and recognize that you are fragile without Him. When Jesus died, he promised that he would send the Comforter, and now He is resetting and refreshing many. I encourage you to repent for grieving, quenching, and shutting down the Spirit of truth in your life. Honor the precious Holy Spirit today. He is truly moving in the midst of God’s people. May you recognize and feel the nudge, His touch, and may you hear Him. He will release unto you the divine strategies and instructions that you will need in this hour. Spend time with Him and be taken behind the mysterious veil. He desires to re-crown you! May you be re-baptized and receive the Fire of God that is being released.
God is “turning the knob” in the spirit realm! He’s turning things up a few notches!
More visitations!
More miracles!
More Mysteries!
Let the things of God intensify for you in this season. Let your ears be sharper and finely tuned all the more. I encourage you to even document how the Lord is dealing with you in this hour and what He is bringing before you.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand over your life. May the Spirit of the Living God fall upon you! It’s time to go DEEPER with Him! There’s so much that He is waiting to show YOU!
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If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching @www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
The Millionaire Mom
Lenika Scott