If you have been following me for quite some time, then you may already know just how much the principle of obedience means to me. It is a principle that I abide by and has opened so many major doors in my personal life. I’ve ministered on this very word several times, and today’s message serves as a reminder of the benefits, blessings, and levels of protection that come when you make a daily commitment to obey the Lord.
Obedience is TRULY the key that unlocks MAJOR doors in your life!
Obedience – compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another’s authority; respect; willingness
Are you WILLING to obey the Lord?

There are countless scriptures and familiar biblical examples of obedience that help us see the principle of obedience in a different light. As we study and meditate on the blessings and promises that came forth from those who obeyed the Lord, we as believers are able to adapt this same lifestyle of obedience in our personal walk with Him
Blessings of Obedience
We learn a great deal about the blessings of obedience throughout the entire chapter of Deuteronomy 28. God’s people are reminded that if only they’d obey the Lord, they would encounter the fullness of the Lord’s blessings and promises. He promised His people abundance, blessings over their land, and even favor amongst their enemies (verses 1-14). In the same token, we are also reminded of the heavy price of our disobedience towards the Lord. In choosing not to obey Him, we miss out on precious promises and we ultimately grieve the spirit of the Lord.
“Do not quench the Spirit.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:19
Yes, it grieves and saddens the heart of the Lord when we choose not to obey Him. As the word tells us that we were created in the image of God, we must always remain mindful that He, too, has emotions and feels saddened by our actions of disobedience. He WANTS you to obey Him!
Obedience Over EVERYTHING Else!
Another simple, yet powerful declaration of obedience can be found in the Book of Acts. When the high priests scolded the apostles for “disobeying” their rule of not teaching in Jesus’ name, Peter and the other apostles boldly replied, “We must obey God rather than men!”. When it comes to obeying the Father, you must make up in your mind and in your heart that your obedience to Him comes before EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else!
Your Obedience Benefits Others
We are shown this in Genesis 6:22 the blessing of following the Father’s instructions. As Noah did everything just as God commanded him, He was able to save his family out of the act of his obedience. Though he was mocked and laughed at by others, he endured being made a public spectacle and obeyed anyway!
There is Safety in the Confounds of Obedience
“And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!” – Philippians 2:8
Of course, we all know who “he” is in this scripture, no one else but our precious savior JESUS! Even unto death, he obeyed God relentlessly! This is an amazing example of the safety that came from someone else’s obedience. Even as Jesus felt weary and begged for his cup of pain and suffering to be taken away from him, he prayed for the Lord’s will to be done saying, “yet not as I will, but as You will.”, (Matthew 26:39). You see, though you may be weary and tired, your obedience must still be non-negotiable! Your obedience is not contingent upon your feelings or emotions. It may take sacrifice to do the will of God. It may even cost you sleep, friendships and connections, or other things that you hold dear to you. In spite of the pain, suffering, and the attacks of the enemy, you mustn’t give up your commitment to carry out the Lord’s will because obedience unlocks major doors!

Is obedience written on the tablets of your heart?
Have you been one to promise the Lord that no matter if anyone else is obeying Him, YOU will? If no one else will go, will you be the one to go? Will you be the one to fast, pray, intercede, and stay on your post when others may turn their backs? Will you continue to follow the Lord’s wisdom and His word? No one said it would be easy nor a bed of roses, but your obedience will certainly be worth it! Great shall be your rewards which are already written in heaven. I’ve had to encourage myself in the Lord many times, reminding myself that the angels of the Lord have recorded every act of obedience. They are recording what you do, how you respond, how you give, and even when you pray – your obedience is not unnoticed. When you obey your master, the Father, be encouraged that it is not in vain!
There is such safety in obedience. As many wicked things are happening in the spirit realm and the enemy is trying to sift many out as wheat in this hour, be encouraged that your safety is in obedience!
Here’s the many blessings of obedience: Lenika !
Unprecedented favor with God
Favor with man
Keys released
Acceleration and catapulting
Qualification for your next level!
Strategies and answers released
The angels of the Lord and miracles released
Obedience touches the heart of the Father
It is the small acts of obedience that yields the major blessings!
When God tells you to do something, you cannot question Him. Though you may not see the whole puzzle, remember that His ways are not yours, neither are His thoughts. He may not release all of the answers and steps, be encouraged that He will as you obey Him. As you go, the revelation will come for the next instructions. You may get one set of instructions – two or three if you’re lucky – but as you step out trust that the latter will come. Obedience takes true faith!
“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.” – Isaiah 1:19
Don’t you want to eat the good of the land?? Are you truly willing to do the will of the Father? Remember that obedience is a prerequisite to success.
Obedience Releases the Angels of the Lord
If there’s one thing that the Spirit of the Lord has taught me, it is obedience. I’ve had some of the most amazing and beautiful experiences simply because of my willingness to yield to His instructions. In fact, I’ve shared the story of a six-winged cherubim entering my home! This only happened as a result of my obedience as the Lord instructed me to shut everything down, do no business or work, and to get quiet in my prayer room. The cherubim burst through the heavenly realm and revealed itself by entering my home to deliver a message. Yes, a very high ranking angel! My daughter described it as it stood with large gold feathers and a royal blue sash around its neck. In that same week, JESUS HIMSELF walked into the prayer room where the cherubim stood prior!! He graced us with his precious presence, radiating iridescent colors of the rainbow!! And I felt the shift in the prayer room, even if for just two seconds. That’s the power of obedience! That particular week we shut everything down and it was a time of ministering, pouring out with my children, and studying the word as we allowed the atmosphere of our home to welcome the glory of God! I answered the call of obeying the Lord without hesitation, even as I had many things on my to-do list. In doing this, I was privileged with such a beautiful experience that we all will never forget!! Obedience opens portals!
There are some holy portals that will open as a result of your obedience; it releases the glory into your life. Take some time to ask the Lord what it is that He wants you to do in this season of your life:
What are the areas in which you may have procrastinated or pushed away what He has told you to do?
Have you felt the tug that has been stirring in your spirit?
What assignment have you not been able to start or complete?
Is He calling you to forgive others?
Has God been dealing with you to open up more and make yourself in spite of the hurt and betrayal you may have previously experienced?
Who has He asked you to attach to or detach from?
Are you deep in sin and God has been dealing with you to come out?
Whatever it is, obey the Lord! I pray strength over you, as God releases the will, the drive, and the stick-to-it-ness to obey Him and fulfill what He has called you to carry out. He will allow you the grace that you need for your assignment. He will give you the provision for the vision! Yes, He will equip you. As you step out, embrace the holy fire upon your feet and the order within your steps. As tread ground and territory in the spirit realm, and as you go, the Lord Himself will accelerate you. There will be new levels of glory, revelations, and understanding; the spirit of counsel, knowledge, wisdom, and strategies from heaven will rest upon you.
God is a God that honors faithfulness. Your obedience is non-negotiable! Today’s message is to encourage and strengthen you to exercise obedience to the Lord from a deeper place. “Obedience is the outward expression of a heart that has turned to God”, (Hebrews 11:8). The act of obedience is a heart thing! It’s important to keep our hearts before the Lord. When our hearts are right, open, and pure before Him it allows us to obey God from a place of freedom, eager to please Him and only Him.
OBEY the Lord…
Obey the LORD…
And again I say, obey the Lord!
Great shall be your reward!
And it is so.
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Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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