Navigating The Uncertain Times 

There’s so much happening in the world right now. With chaos swirling around us and darkness seeming to plague the Earth, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Now more than ever, we must cling to our Heavenly Father. As major events unfold, we need to seek God’s guidance for our lives. In today’s message, I’d like to share some nuggets of wisdom to help you navigate these challenging times.

Treading Unfamiliar Territory

Do you feel like you’re in a season of transition that you don’t quite understand? 

Are you uncomfortable and uncertain about what God is doing in your life? 

If you’re navigating unfamiliar territory, it’s normal for your footing to feel unsteady. Life often takes us through periods of change and upheaval, where the familiar becomes strange and the secure feels shaky. These times can be disorienting and leave us questioning our path and purpose. During these times, remember that God will always be God in your life and will bring you through. Even when everything seems to be unraveling and you’re struggling to keep a grip, God’s Word remains solid. His voice, guidance, and instructions are always there for you. It may be hard to see the bigger picture now, but trust that God is at work, weaving together a plan that is for your good.

Feeling lost or unsure is a natural part of spiritual growth. Just as a seed must break apart in order to sprout, sometimes we need to go through difficult changes to grow into the people God intends us to be. Believe that God’s presence is constant, and His love for you is unwavering. He understands your fears and doubts and wants you to lean on Him during the challenging times. Be encouraged that His Word is true. As you stand firm in your faith and stay close to Jesus, everything will work out. This doesn’t mean the path will be easy or free of pain, but it means you won’t be walking it alone. God’s promises are a firm foundation you can rely on, no matter how unstable the ground beneath you feels.

Even in the face of blows, attacks, and adversities, remember that all things will work out for your good. Trials and tribulations can serve to strengthen your faith and build your character. They remind you of your dependence on God and bring you closer to Him. No matter what is happening around you or in the world, keep your hope in Christ. Your current struggles are temporary, but God’s love and His promises are eternal. In these moments of uncertainty, prayer and scripture can be your greatest allies. Spend time in God’s Word, and let His promises fill your heart with peace. Seek His guidance in prayer, and listen for His voice in the stillness. By focusing on God’s faithfulness and trusting in His plan, you’ll find the strength to navigate through the season of transition. Remember, God is with you every step of the way, and He has a purpose for every part of your journey.

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28

Your Relationships Matter

In times of transition, it’s crucial to evaluate your relationships. As things change, there’s often a great exposure of the people around us. Take some time to consider the individuals God has placed in your life. He often sends people who will help bring out the best in you and unlock new potentials. They can push you to new spiritual heights and help you see things in yourself that you might have missed. Ask the Holy Spirit about the people in your life. Ensure you’re not mishandling the relationships God has arranged. Don’t let self-sabotage repel what God is sending your way. Establish any necessary boundaries to protect your spiritual and emotional well-being. Your environment and the people you listen to affect your life significantly. The people you connect with influence your growth and your ability to hear from God.

Reflect on these questions and ask yourself:

  • Do you understand the roles of the people God has sent into your life?
  • Are there people in your life who stretch you to seek God and hunger for Him more?
  • Do the individuals in your life push you closer to God or further away?

I encourage you to grab a journal and write down the names of the people in your life. Ask God if there’s anything He wants you to know about these individuals.

Evaluate Your Transition

Whatever transition you’re in, take some time to evaluate your progress and how you feel about it. During transitions, God shakes things up, opens and closes doors, and organizes our lives. Transitions can happen in many areas: businesses, relationships, careers, households, etc. Many people are in a spiritual transition, moving to a place of greater safety in God. Being aware during these transitions allows you to move differently. Check in with yourself and evaluate how you’re doing and feeling in this phase. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you cope and navigate the transition.

Preparing For What’s Ahead

It’s essential to prepare for the events that lie ahead. Follow these simple yet wise instructions for the times we’re in and those to come:

Draw close to God.

Obey the Father.

Learn what He desires for you to do.

Work on your decision to obey Him faster.

Let your requests for property or land be made known to God.

Guard your mind and put on the full armor of God.

In a world full of chaos and darkness, we must hold tightly to our faith. Trust in God’s plan for your life, even when the path seems unclear. Evaluate your relationships and transitions carefully, seeking God’s guidance every step of the way. Prepare for the future by drawing close to God and following His instructions. The Lord is searching for those whom He can use to be a beacon of light and hope during these times. This will be a great time where the remnant will rise and do amazing things for God! As you navigate these uncertain times, remember that you are not alone—God is with you, leading and guiding you towards a brighter, promising future according to Jeremiah 29:11! 


If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

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Lenika Scott 

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