The Father has moved… and you’ve got to move with Him! When He moves and shifts, you MUST move!
God is requiring us to make a shift, and you don’t want to miss out on what He is doing. I shared this message and wanted to minister more on the shift that is upon us. For such a time as this, the Heavens are open. Can you feel it? Know that your shift isn’t random; it has been mandated from Heaven by God. You must align yourself with Heaven.
Move with Him!
Partner with God!
Take it day by day!
Be reminded that the Lord operates on His timeline—and when those things on God’s calendar must be fulfilled on Earth for that particular time then it begins to happen. There is an opening in the spirit realm!!
Discern and MOVE!
I recently shared that I had a dream, as I gold substance raining down. The colors of this substance were shimmering gold, purple, and lavender. This substance first fell upon me, and there was a gathering of people and it hit everyone else. What I gathered from that dream is the need to be in position so that other people can be blessed and unlocked to receive the keys that Heaven is released.
My husband and I recently took a trip to Hawaii, and it wasn’t until we got back home that I received a revelation that I didn’t at first understand. Before the trip to Hawaii, I had been urging my husband about going to Hawaii; I had such a feeling and pull to go. Something about it felt different and I was determined to get there. I booked the trip and 4 weeks later we were in Hawaii. When we got there, we had such a beautiful time. God moved and portals were opened.
When we got back home, God began to download in my spirit and I heard Him say that I needed to be there.
Prophetically speaking, my feet needed to be in that area and territory. As so many natural disasters and fires had taken place last year, the Lord needed me there. With my feet being physically in that land, portals were opened and new angels were released in that territory for what God wanted us to do.
So here’s the moral of this story: you won’t always know every detail about how God is moving. But remember that everything that you are carrying on the inside of you can change and shift the atmosphere and different territories and the lives of others. Because of this, you must move when God tells you to move. When I saw this dream of the gold substance, I felt a strong wealth anointing and mantle fall when the shift occurred— something I hadn’t felt so strongly in years. There is a great opening for the wealth anointing to be poured out on God’s people. But here’s the thing: it is on God’s calendar and it is according to God’s timing—not man’s timing. There are specific things that God wants to do in the early for this particular time and hour. So we must discern the shifting of God.
Don’t stay stuck!
When we don’t shift or discern when God is shifting, we can often get stuck in past seasons. It is easy to get stuck in past seasons while others embrace change and step into new territories. This is why even as believers we will see God moving and elevating people as we question if it is also our time. Be careful not to become frustrated with God, expecting things of Him that require your own participation. It requires you to move as He moves and believe in your heart that you are worthy of this great shift that He is orchestrating.
At any moment, God desires to shift His people from
waiting on it to walking in it!
From going through the test, to sharing the testimony!
From being broken to being blessed.
From the back of the line to the front!
This can be YOU! Don’t miss the shift and get into alignment with what Heaven is doing. God is doing a new thing, can you not perceive it? Will you allow yourself to be included in this mighty move of God in this season? You ARE worthy of it! He wants you to respond to the move!
Bury the Past
If you have found yourself burdened by the pain of yesterday, it’s time for you to GET UP and GET GOING! Perhaps there was a last season where there was just a lot going on for you. Maybe you went through much loss and lack, or even heavy darkness. And now God is calling you to shift and move beyond what has taken place. The Lord is ready for you to come out of it and you cannot afford to stay stuck there. You cannot afford to fail to discern the season and neglect to shift with God. Don’t stay stuck in what happened! Embrace the shift that is happening in Heaven for YOU! Be ready to move forward into the Lord’s plan and will for your life.
Take off the garment of grief in exchange for the garment of praise.
Allow God to be the God of your praise!
Allow Him to be the strength and joy that you need!
Leave the sorrows in the past and let the dead bury the dead!
Lift up your head and see what the Lord has placed in front of you!
“Pay close attention now: I’m creating new heavens and a new earth. All the earlier troubles, chaos, and pain are things of the past, to be forgotten. Look ahead with joy. Anticipate what I’m creating: I’ll create Jerusalem as sheer joy, create my people as pure delight.” – Isaiah 65:17
Embrace The Plans
I encourage you to surrender daily to the Lord in this season by embracing when He moves as you move with Him. Part of your surrender is also about embracing God’s plans that He has for you—even the great things in the Earth that He desires for you to do. Walk with Jesus daily. Imagine yourself closing your eyes and simply walking with Him. If things seem a little dark and unsure, imagine yourself holding on to the hand that never changes, as He becomes the light to your path that He promised He would be (Psalm 199:105).
Whenever the Lord causes seasons to change discernment must become our guiding light. Ask yourself how you are going to respond to the shift.
Ask Him daily what you are to do, where you are to go, and who you are to reach. The things you may think are small may have such a huge impact. Discernment is about so much more than people. You must also be able to discern where the flow of the spirit is moving in this time. It’s all about being used for His glory and not just simply saying what you are going to do.
When the Lord desires to move, there are different things that He desires to release as He flows. In one move, the Lord may bring forth His wind of deliverance. In other times, He may release an anointing of healing or even creative miracles that come from the Father’s camp. But you have to be able to discern the flow and what’s happening. Don’t miss the flow of God in this season!
Make Room For The Shift
Shift when God says shift and do something about it. Many people find themselves expecting God to simply snap His finger and open up the windows of Heaven as promises simply arrive at their front doorstep—and it simply doesn’t work like this. It takes time and it takes your involvement. Here’s the thing: you must ask God to show you and give you insight, and He will give you insight.
Ask the Father these questions:
- How do you want me to do it?
- How do you want me to operate and move?
- What thing do I need to shift, turn and change to align so that I can do this how you’d want me to do this?
Once again, do not mismanage this season that you are in! You must be diligent in managing your current season, because your harvest depends on how well you handle the opportunities and resources you are given now. If there are some things that you may have mismanaged, repent and go back to the drawing board. Make room for the shift!
No More Regrets
As God is releasing a second wind for His people, may you embrace it. Allow the Lord to speak to the winds over your life over the situations that may seem to be unresponsive. The Lord is opening things up again and causing them to be new. He is giving out His strength to go again in the fullness of His power and might. Because of the warfare that many of us have had to endure, the Father is gracious in providing the supernatural strength that we need to make the shift.
As I have prophesied this before, what you will do right now can set you up and your family up for the next 10 years!
God is going to give you the ability to do you whatever it is that you need to do.
Receive the strength!
Receive the power!
Receive the ability!
Receive the tenacity!
Receive the supernatural force!
I’ve seen people live lives of regret and miss out on seasons of great shifting, and it’s my prayer that you don’t allow this to happen. When it’s all said and done, you don’t want to end up with regret. As you sense that God is wanting you to do something whether it is to relocate, start a business, etc., you have to go to another level. Stop sleeping on your gifts!
Let there be no regrets!
The spirit of the living God lives on the inside of you. He will give you the grace for every single thing that He has called you to. If you are in a season where you lack clarity, ask the Father in prayer and fasting and He will begin to show you. The shift is already here and He is giving His children the grace to be able to do it and respond according to His will. There is work to do in this Earth! Partner with God in this season and simply surrender.
Surrender to the shift!
Surrender to the change!
Surrender to higher levels!
Surrender to the influence!
Surrender to the new territories!
Surrender to God’s timing!
It’s time to do things differently in this season! Take the courage to leap and don’t fight to move and shift. Be brave, bold, and courageous in the Lord and everything that He has called you to do and be!
It’s shifting time! Amen.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott