Let’s be honest, we all have our moments! Those moments that leave you puzzled and even questioning God Himself. Quite recently, I had one of those moments! Yes, I found myself in conversation with the Lord inquiring about the things that had been weighing on my heart. In that moment I became like a vulnerable little girl searching for answers from her Father, asking “why” to the things that caused me such discomfort. Though I am not usually vocal on social media about personal matters, I’ve had to face issues of jealousy from others. There have been times when I could feel the uncomfortable energy from others in rooms and I just couldn’t understand why. One day as I went before the Lord concerning this, He instantly dropped a song of encouragement in my spirit. But get this! This particular song was surely a familiar one. In fact, He used a song that I danced and partied to when I was much younger to minister to me now! Just as the Bible tells us that He uses foolish things to confound the wise, God is intentional and He knows how to speak! As He reminded me of the song, I looked back at the meaning of the lyrics and danced along to such an amazing revelation that came forth!

Keep On Movin’
Keep on moving,
Don’t stop, like the hands of time
(Keep on moving, don’t stop, no)
(Keep on moving)
I hide myself, from no-one
I know the time will surely come when
You’ll be in my life, my life always
Yellow is the color of sun rays
– Soul II Soul, 1989 —
With the simple message within this song, the Lord was reminding me to keep on moving! Just as it ministered to me, let this message resonate in your heart today as well! In this thing that we call life, you have got to keep on moving!
When they sabotage you…
When they persecute you…
When the blows come and you come under attack…
When bricks are being thrown at you…
When you are betrayed…
No matter what takes place, will you choose to keep it moving??
Don’t Stay Stuck!
Many times we find ourselves in stagnated positions, not moving because of what others have said against us. We sometimes can get so distracted by the opinions of man that we allow them to paralyze us. I know what it’s like to feel so weighed down by the opinions and actions of others that I just wanted to hide away from it all. It’s never an easy task to face others even when surrounded by those who are irritated by your very existence. At times people won’t like you simply because of the anointing that you are carrying. But things will quickly change the moment you realize that it’s not about you! When people begin to come up against you and the enemy tries to attack, you must learn to keep on moving. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if God has called you to do something, then He is surely going to give you the grace, strength, and tenacity to withstand and carry it out. It doesn’t matter what others are saying or gossiping concerning you, you have got to understand that if God is on your side, then that’s enough for you!
“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31
It’s not for His will for you to remain stuck and lodged in quicksand. Keep on moving in spite of the pressure! In spite of the weight! Be encouraged that He understands!
Keep paving the way…
Keep leading people to Christ…
Keep blazing trails…
Keep showing others what’s possible…
Keep breaking chains…
Keep leading by example…
Keep on touching lives…
Keep on changing lives…
Keep on breaking barriers…
Keep on trusting and depending on the Lord!
This message is a very simple message, because we simply cannot stay stuck! The Israelites foolishly wandered in the wilderness for 40 years when they didn’t have to. It’s NOT the will of the Father for you to wander in the wilderness for years! It’s time to come out and go forth! You have work to do! Oftentimes we internalize things so much so that they convince us to retreat and stop shining our light. We stop writing the books. We stop launching or releasing the programs. We place limitations on ourselves that God does not desire. Be encouraged to let the Lord get glory out of your life! If what you are doing is going to lead someone to Christ, then you mustn’t get caught up in what others are thinking about you. Movement has a domino effect that eventually catapults you into more movement. Begin to sow movement into your life, and you will surely reap the same! Great things are in store for you! So keep changing lives, go forth, and RISE and SHINE!
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.” – Isaiah 60:1
Jesus was our perfect example in many areas, especially as it pertained to how he handled issues and dealt with others. He simply was not concerned. He kept it moving and allowed his light to shine! Those who were religious mocked him and even asked, “who does he think he is”? He continued to preach the gospel of the Kingdom and heal every sickness and disease among the people.
“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” – Matthew 9:35
Let Nothing Stop You
“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8: 38,39
There’s absolutely nothing that is able to separate you from the love of God which is in Christ! You have to keep on moving and going. Let this be the encouragement you need to remain focused on the eternal things of God, always mindful of what He desires to do for His own glory. In the end, it is God whom we all must eventually answer to –not man. I am reminded of the day that I long for: to stand before Him as He welcomes me saying, “well done my good and faithful servant because you have obeyed me” [even in spite of what others have said or done]. As you stand before a Holy God, will you be able to prove yourself faithful over the things that He has called you to be? When that day comes, He won’t be concerned about what others have done, but rather the things that He has placed within you! What are the dreams, goals, and assignments that are pulling you in this season? The things that He has called you to put your hands and feet to?
It’s time to keep on moving and put your hands to the plow!
Prophetic Declaration
If you have been dealing with this, may the Lord release a Holy fire that will burn up stagnation and immobility in your life! You may have been wandering about the wilderness, boggled down by the opinions of others. It’s time to fully remove and eliminate the very things that have kept you distracted and unfocused on the Lord. May you be one of radical obedience, willing to do whatever it is that the Lord instructs as you get back on track. Jesus did not die for us in vain! He was the perfect example of how to act accordingly, how to yield, how to suffer for the glory of the Father, and how to keep on moving in the midst of it all. If this applies to your life, don’t be afraid to start over and start again! Look to the hills from which comes your help!
May you find the strength and courage to look up in this season! Keep on moving! There’s work for you to do!
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Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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