It’s Worth The Wait!  

If we can be honest…

Waiting is hard. 

Whether you’re waiting for a breakthrough, a promise to be fulfilled, or clarity on a decision, the waiting season can feel long, frustrating, and even discouraging. You might be asking yourself, “Why is this taking so long? Did God forget about me?” Today I wanted to encourage you with this message. 

God’s Timing, Not Ours

God’s timing is always perfect, even when it doesn’t align with our own expectations. One of the first things to remember in the waiting season is that God’s timing is not like ours. The Lord tells us that His thoughts aren’t ours, neither are His ways. We as believers often tend to want things instantly, but the Lord operates outside of time. He sees the bigger picture that we can’t, and He knows exactly when the right time is to bring things to pass. You may feel as  if you’re ready for the next step, but the Lord knows when the perfect moment is. Be encouraged that He’s not withholding anything from you, He’s preparing everything for you! 

The Lord is working behind the scenes! 

Trust that His timing is for your good!  

It’s easy to get frustrated in the waiting season, feeling like you’re stuck in one place. But I want to encourage you today with this: the waiting season is not wasted time! In the waiting, God shapes your character, strengthens your faith, and prepares you for what’s ahead. Sometimes we think we’re ready for the promise, but God knows there’s more refining to be done in our hearts before we step into it. 

Don’t Compare Your Season

As we often scroll on social media, it’s easy to look at others and feel like you’re behind. You may see someone else’s breakthrough, and you wonder why it hasn’t happened for you yet. Be reminded that comparison is the thief of joy. Your season is not someone else’s season. The Lord’s plan for your life is unique. He hasn’t forgotten you because someone else received their blessing before you.Their timeline is not yours, and God’s timing for you is perfectly crafted for your life, not theirs. So instead of comparing, focus on what God is doing in your life, even in the waiting. Celebrate the victories of others, knowing that God is also preparing something special for you in His perfect time! 

Focus on the Promise

Trusting the Lord means believing that He is working even when you don’t see the full path ahead. Faith isn’t about seeing the entire staircase—it’s about taking the next step, trusting that God is leading you. 

Keep your eyes on the promise, not the process. Focus on the promise, and not the pain. 

God hasn’t forgotten His promises to you. If He has given you a promise, then you can be sure that He will fulfill it. His word will never return void. Even if the process seems long, the promise is still on its way! 

The Wait Will End

Be encouraged that the waiting season won’t last forever. Just as there is a time to wait, there is also a time for the promise to come to pass. Ecclesiastes 3:11 reminds us, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” The promise God has for you is coming, and when it does, you’ll be able to look back on this season and see how He was working all along! The Lord isALWAYS on time. His timing may not match ours, but it is always perfect. 

Hold on to hope in this season! 

Continue trusting Him!

Know that the waiting season is just a chapter in your story, not the whole book. God’s promises are still true, and He will bring them to pass in His perfect time! 

Let it be so. Amen. 

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

If this article has blessed you, please comment and kindly share. 


Lenika Scott 

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