God has designed you to claim your territory, shine bright, and be a catalyst for change in the world! As the Lord calls many to the forefront, using them in extraordinary ways for His glory, it’s crucial for us to pause and honestly ask ourselves:
Are you wholeheartedly dedicating yourself to God?
Are you truly giving God your all?
In this season, we as believers must be more intentional about fearlessly embracing the unique roles and responsibilities bestowed upon them by God. It’s time to show up unapologetically, aligning ourselves with the divine purpose set before us. The Creator has uniquely crafted each of us to occupy territory and transform the world around us. Let today’s message be an invitation to shine brightly and fearlessly step into the role that God has called you to fulfill!
Unleash Your Voice
In this season, God is igniting a flame over the mouths of His people, sending them forth with unprecedented authority, boldness, and power without fear. The time has come to break the silence and boldly speak up. When the Word of the Lord is on your lips for a specific assignment, you must go forth! Regardless of the industry or arena God has called you into, there’s an invitation to walk in authority and claim your space.
Many believers shy away from their rightful positions due to fear of claiming the territory set before them. The Father desires a bold and daring faith-filled action from His people, urging them to take their place with confidence.
We must be like Jeremiah who was set ablaze and eager to go forth as he said: “…his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.“ (Jeremiah 20:9) God’s call in this season is clear – be more vocal, speak up, and go all out in taking territory for His glory. Yes, it’s time to rise, speak boldly, and fulfill the unique purpose God has set before you!
Be Fearless!
In this season, it’s simply time to kick fear to the curb. Picture a life where you unapologetically own the grace and mantle over your life– no more second-guessing or shrinking back. Your God-given gifts, dreams, and the divine mandate on your life are non-negotiable. No one can stop, suppress, or stifle what God has placed within you! Don’t allow fear to be the unwanted guest as you walk out your journey in doing what the Lord has called you to do. Whether it’s shame, embarrassment, or rejection holding you back, it’s time to confront and conquer those fears. These stumbling blocks have a way of diminishing our obedience to God, hindering the extraordinary plans He has for us.
I encourage you to face the fears that may be shackling you. Is it the fear of failure, of not being enough, or perhaps the fear of the unknown? It’s crucial to identify and dismantle these barriers that stand between you and God’s calling for your life.
Let’s be real– we all have our own set of fears and limitations. Maybe your mind needs a reset, or your heart requires healing. The journey is all about figuring it out, step by step. Seek the Lord in helping you to renew your mind, heal your heart, and break free from the chains of fear. It’s time to step into the fullness of what God has for you, fearlessly embracing your unique purpose and potential!
Break Through The Barriers!
Achieving breakthrough and witnessing manifestation in the spirit realm demands a wholehearted commitment to going all out for the Kingdom. It’s about busting through barriers and fully embracing the divine calling placed upon your life. Many find themselves longing for manifestations that seem far off, not realizing that the key lies in going all out with whatever God has called them to do. You must be able to recognize the seasons when God imparts a different level of anointing and greater grace for a specific purpose. Whatever God is calling you to, do it to a great degree. Whether it’s a specific role, industry, or space, you have to go all out, Give it your best, and pour your whole heart into it.
“And so whatever you do, do it heartily unto the Lord.” (Colossians 3:23)
Imagine reaching the end of your time on God’s calendar, knowing that you gave it your all with no regrets. On that day when the Father calls you home, you want to stand before Him, having poured every ounce of your being into the purpose He entrusted to you. It’s my prayer that today’s message lets you be inspired to give your best, go all out, and live a life that echoes with purpose and fulfillment.
You’ve been called to bust through barriers in the spirit realm! Go all out for the Kingdom!
Seeking it Out
Embarking on your assignment is a journey that comes with many mistakes and missteps. It’s crucial to understand that imperfection is part of the process, but it should never be a roadblock to your progress. You have to be willing to break free from the belief that you must know every detail before taking a step forward. The truth is, you don’t have to have it all figured out to go, do, and move in the direction of your calling.
Learn what God has instructed you to learn, even when faced with criticism. Going all out is the key – regardless of judgments or negative talk from others, stay committed to your path.
Continual learning is essential to growth. Surround yourself with those who have more knowledge and experience in your area of interest. Don’t shy away from questions; instead, embrace them as opportunities to expand your understanding.
If you’re called to a specific area, dive deep into it. Seek it out. Applying revelation from the Lord and drawing from the wisdom of those more experienced than you is a powerful strategy. You have to be okay with not having all the answers; use the knowledge passed down by those who have walked the path before you.
Give God Another Yes
Reflect on this in your personal life and consider the path that God has set before you. Certain areas will require a renewed commitment to the Lord. What needs to be placed back on the altar as you say “yes” to God once again? Despite the increasing pressures and challenges, there are promises of rewards when we stand before God. The Earthly efforts we invest for God’s glory and His namesake hold the key to great rewards. In other words, there are great promotions that you will get in Heaven for the work you do for the Kingdom.
What you do for God holds significant weight!
Go Forth Anyway
“For you shall go to all to whom I send you, And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Be not afraid of their faces.” – Jeremiah 1:7-8
In this season, it’s essential to free yourself from the opinions and emotions of others concerning the path God is guiding you to follow. It’s time to break free from the shackles of people-pleasing. Facing mockery, betrayal, judgment, criticism, and backbiting comes with the territory when you’re walking in alignment with God’s instructions. Those close to you might pass judgment as God blesses, uses, and elevates you – it’s an inevitable part of the journey. Adopting an “I don’t care” mindset is crucial; don’t let the opinions of others hinder your progress. Waiting for external validation, rewards, or promotions is unnecessary.
Remember that what you do in private, God sees and will reward openly!
Chasing after achievements and material gains should not be your focus. Instead, do things unto God rather than seeking approval from men; your true reward will come from Him. Continue in your journey despite the people who may try to suppress, hinder, or trigger fear in you. This season calls for a bold and resilient spirit that presses on even with the opinions of others. Stay focused on God’s guidance and remain committed to the path ahead. Keep moving forward, trusting that God’s rewards far surpass any recognition or validation from people. Keep in mind that as you prove faithful in the small things, the Lord will entrust you with greater responsibilities. Cultivate a grateful heart and make the most of what you have without comparing your talents to others.
It’s time to get delivered from people!
Examine Yourself
Reflect on what you’re currently holding onto and what God has entrusted to you. Consider if you’re giving your all in alignment with His plan. Delve into your thoughts and emotions, identifying anything that may need breaking or removal by the Lord. Evaluate your actions—are you fulfilling God’s calling, or is fear holding you back? Explore any hindrances caused by people and reflect on how you’re unpacking the revelations you’ve received. Learn from those around you, connecting with individuals already flourishing in your desired space to gain wisdom. Ask yourself if your passion and commitment would remain consistent, whether impacting two or thousands. Imagine standing before God at the end of your life—would you be able to account for giving your all with no regrets?
Embrace Your Light
Shine your light!
Declare it boldly!
Let others see the calling God has placed upon you and what you are carrying. Display the mantle over your life with confidence in the Lord. This is no time for hesitation in a season where holding back is a luxury you can’t afford. Refuse to withdraw, suppress, or back down—march forward in the unwavering strength of the Lord. Trust in God’s anointing to equip you with the tenacity needed for your journey and to set you ablaze. Acknowledge and appreciate the talents generously bestowed upon you by the Father, and work hard to bring them to fruition. Embrace this season wholeheartedly, going all out for the Kingdom of the Lord!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott