As believers, it’s vital that we begin to close every single ungodly door in the spirit realm—now more than ever. This means coming out of agreement with anything that keeps an open door for the enemy to wreak havoc in your life. The enemy thrives on the cracks in our spiritual armor, and it’s our responsibility to seal those gaps and align ourselves with God’s will. With today’s message, let’s have an honest conversation about what’s going on and how we can start closing those doors that the enemy has been sneaking through.
It’s time to evict the enemy in your life!
Deal With Your Heart
Let’s talk about your heart…
I know this isn’t always easy, but it’s so important. Sometimes, we hold onto things like unforgiveness, bitterness, or resentment, thinking it’s just a part of life. But if we were to be honest, those things aren’t just weighing you down, they’re giving the enemy a foothold. If you’ve been silently holding onto pain in your heart, it’s time to give it to God. Let Him perform the surgery that only He can do. We all have those moments when we think we’re fine, but deep down, there’s something that’s still hurting. It could be something someone said years ago, or maybe it’s that one situation you’ve never really let go of. Whatever it is, it’s time to deal with it. When we hold onto these things, we’re not just hurting ourselves—we’re giving the enemy a place to set up camp in our lives.
What if you trusted God enough to heal those wounds? Imagine the freedom that could come from releasing those hurts and letting God fill those spaces with His peace and love. It’s not easy, but it’s so worth it. You don’t have to carry that burden anymore. You can be free from the enemy’s schemes, and it all starts with dealing with your heart.
Deal With Your Past
The past is another area where the enemy loves to keep us trapped. Stop allowing him to dangle the past over your head, causing you to feel condemned and unworthy. The Lord doesn’t want you living in the past, replaying old mistakes, or reliving painful memories that bring you down. The enemy thrives on keeping you stuck in a place of guilt and shame, but God calls you to live in the present, embracing His grace and mercy. It’s time to get up, forgive yourself, and move on from the past. Remember that you are not defined by your past mistakes or failures. God’s love for you is not based on your performance but on who you are as His beloved child. Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh, to walk in the freedom that Jesus has already purchased for you. Let go of the regrets, the “what ifs,” and the “should haves,” and instead, focus on what God is doing in your life right now. Embrace His forgiveness and extend that same grace to yourself. By doing so, you’ll find that the chains of the past no longer have the power to hold you back. There’s so much more ahead, and you deserve to live in the freedom that comes from letting go.
Stop letting the past haunt you!
Deal With Your Sin
Sin is a powerful tool the enemy uses to separate us from God, but it’s also something we have control over. We know that sin separates us from God, creating a barrier that keeps us from fully experiencing His presence and blessings. It’s time to close those spiritual doors that have been left open by sinful behavior. When we operate from our flesh and engage in sin, we unintentionally open demonic portals and gates in the spirit realm. But here’s the good news: you have the power to close those doors. To evict the enemy, you must be willing to be honest with yourself and take accountability. Ask yourself: Where have I knowingly or unknowingly invited the enemy into certain areas of my life? It’s okay to acknowledge your struggles—none of us are perfect. The important thing is to recognize where you’ve fallen short and make the decision to turn back to God. If you’re struggling with sin and know that it’s time to close the door, then I encourage you to repent and sincerely turn back to the Father. He loves you and wishes that no one should perish. God’s grace is always available, no matter how far you’ve strayed. He’s waiting with open arms, ready to welcome you back and help you break free from the chains of sin!
Holiness is still the way!
Repentance isn’t just about saying sorry, it’s about a change of heart and mind. It’s about choosing to walk in a different direction towards the Father and away from the things that lead you astray. As you take this step, you’ll find that the enemy’s hold on your life will weaken, and the power of God will strengthen you to live righteously. Remember, God’s love for you is unconditional, and His forgiveness is always available. Don’t let shame keep you from the freedom that is yours in Christ.
Get Serious & Close Those Doors
We are in a time and season where we cannot afford to give the enemy any foothold or place in our lives. It’s time to get serious about our walk with the Father and to say no to the enemy and all of his tricks to make us stumble. This journey isn’t about perfection, but about choosing each day to walk in alignment with God’s will. Be encouraged that today’s message is not meant to discourage or condemn you, but to help open your eyes to the importance of closing those doors that have allowed the enemy access.
Seek the Father for the healing in your heart that you need.
Stop living in the past and forgive yourself.
Know that you are loved and accepted by God just as you are!
Close the door to sin in your life.
Choose to walk in the freedom that Jesus has given you!
Remember, the Father loves you dearly, and His desire is for you to live a life of freedom and fullness. It’s time to evict the enemy and step into the abundant life that God has prepared for you. Be encouraged that you’re not alone in this journey. God is with you every step of the way, guiding you, loving you, and giving you the strength to overcome.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott