It’s Time For Inner Healing & Deliverance!

God is bringing His people out in this season. He is healing us from soul wounds, trauma, and grief. He desires for us to deal with the internal issues that plague the mind and create blockages and bondage that weigh us down. The walk of salvation in Christ is never an easy walk, and if you are going to have some anointing on your life then you will surely get hit and come under attack. The fact of the matter is, it is simply reality. It is my prayer that as I share today’s message with you in total transparency that you will get free in some areas of your life!

One thing that I have always recognized is that even when I experience attacks, trials, and tribulations, I always overcome and come out with new oil, fresh revelation, greater anointing, and even greater insights! Today, I’d like to highlight some of the things that I have been personally experiencing to encourage the Body of Christ—because the Lord wants to see His children free.

Yes, God wants YOU free!!

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” – John 8:36

“Where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.” – 2 Corinthians 3:17

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 1:2

I believe that the Lord is calling His Body into understanding healing and deliverance at a greater capacity. The Lord recently revealed to me a vision of an onion while in a dream. Each layer of the onion was being pulled back to show the representation of the many layers that the process of healing has. There are layers of soul wounds and issues that we as believers must begin to pull back in order to be free like never before. Remember that God wants you to prosper in your soul –which includes your mind, your will, emotions, intellect, and thoughts. He wants you to be free in ALL areas!

Soul Healing

When the mighty presence of the Lord shows up, His presence inevitably brings forth deliverance. I have personally been urged to undergo inner healing and deliverance as well; no one will be exempt in this hour.

So I’m going to get a little personal with you today, sharing even some of the things that God

has done for me. Even after seeing much success and elevation in my life, I am yet becoming free in some areas within my soul.

Over the last few weeks, I came into connection with a ministry team that assists in inner healing work. This is something that blew my mind! I was spiritually attacked the very day that I was scheduled to begin my first session. The enemy knew that I would be healed in some areas. I refused to allow the enemy to interfere and made the decision to press my way to the first session. I refused to deviate from it, because I knew that it was the will of God for me to be there.

Out of the many encounters that I had while there, one of the most incredible, life-changing experiences was when I saw a vision of the Lord Jesus himself! During the session, I was encouraged to revisit many painful memories of my childhood. Jesus himself was there to take on all of the wounded areas in my soul that were broken and fragmented and rejected as a little girl. In fact, the very first soul issue that I was urged to deal with was rejection. I saw the Lord Jesus standing in the room and every broken area in my soul that they were calling up that didn’t feel loved started to come to Jesus. As he held his hands out, they began to go inside of him as if he were taking them on the burdens.

While being walked through the experience, I knew that there were some things that I needed to confess out of my mouth for myself. I could feel the tears starting to well up. Something happened that I knew was needed, unlocking memories that I didn’t know I had. I saw a vision of myself as a little girl, tiptoeing into the room into the arms of Jesus. I was reminded of the times when I would often tiptoe as a child. Somewhere deep down inside, there was still a five year old little girl; a small part of me that needed love when my parents went through a divorce. Even though I didn’t realize it, that little girl was still there after all of this time…

Apply The Word

Have you ever felt like no one ever loved you? Have you ever felt as if God himself didn’t love you? What about some of your friends, parents, or siblings? Or even yourself? Did you know that the enemy greatly attacks during the seasons of childhood, because he understands that those are the most precious years of our lives? Those precious years mold and shape us into who we are today, and a lot of reasons why many are stuck right now is because of childhood trauma. This is why we must finally come face-to-face with our deeply rooted trauma and pain.

It’s time to find the courage to deal with “your stuff”! The Father needs you to be FREE!

He wants us all to be delivered! There are areas in your soul that you may not even realize or understand that are causing you to create certain habits that need to be released unto the Lord Jesus. Though many may say that once we get saved certain things “wash away”, it doesn’t always work this way. We are told in the Word to work out our salvation. Remember that healing and deliverance is an ongoing process.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to divide soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” – Hebrew 4:12

The Word divides and cuts off anything of the soul that should not be there. It cuts away shame and guilt. The Word seeps down into the deep places that we hide from the world. It discerns the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. Only Jesus is able to go down and dive deep into those places and remove soul issues that shouldn’t be there.

Take Back Your Agreement

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45

It’s time to remove the things that have you bound and have been placed there by the enemy to keep you stuck and trapped. Whatever is within you that is contrary to the will of God for your life must be cast down and uprooted. If it is not in alignment with His will, then something must surely be done about it. If you are still believing that you are unworthy, then there is a place on the inside of you that you must deal with.

Part of inner healing involves coming out of agreement with what the enemy has lied to you about in your life. One of the lies that I had to deal with, was that I don’t hear from God even as a little girl. I didn’t even want to confess that out of my mouth because I surely knew that I heard from God. I felt the presence of God so strongly as I confessed it, and He reassured me saying that I, in fact, hear from Him very well. I felt a gushing of tears begin to flow when He affirmed me. I had to deal with this lie deep down within my soul and come out of agreement with it. Where there are soul wounds, it gives the enemy legal right to attach and assign demons. Any time there is a soul wound, a demon is attached to that area and causes torment and a breach in the spirit. Those are the things that have to be broken off and we must get free in those areas.

Here are some examples of issues that stem from soul wounds:



Issues of the Heart

Childhood Trauma


Attachment Issues

Need For Control






Deep-Seated Fear from Trauma

… How far back in time do your wounds reach?

Did you know that you can even feel and absorb trauma and take on soul wounds early within the womb? This thing goes very deep and only shows just how much inner healing and deliverance is so needed—no matter who you are!

You Have A Purpose!

There are 3 books in the spiritual realm:

Book of Destiny/Purpose – This particular book contains everything about your life that is the will of God. It encloses your giftings, your anointing, and assignments even in entrepreneurship. Continue to come into agreement and alignment with the blueprints of Heaven for your life.

Book of Remembrance – This includes the details that carry eternal weight and value in your life. This book holds the record of the things that you do for God. Whenever you pour out and perform good deeds with pure motives, this is recorded.

Book of Accusation – This is what the enemy brings before the Lord. He accuses you of bloodline issues, sins of the past, and even sins that you may have already repented for. These details are often used by the enemy within legal right to hold things up in the spirit realm. While there are records held in Heaven concerning us, the enemy also holds records against us in hell. Understand that the enemy keeps these files—which is why when people get free, he likes to go back and taunt them with those sins.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

The Lord knew you before He formed you in the womb. Surely He knows your very purpose and plans for your life! The enemy’s job is to steal, kill, and destroy. But remember that the Word says that Jesus came so that we may have life more abundantly! At the same time, you must first get free in several areas, not just one. This is a season where we must truly deal with our “stuff”. Will you allow the Spirit of the Lord to work on you so that you may be used mightily by Him? Get free of your soulish wounds and habits!

Declare this:

“Lord, I come into agreement with the blueprints of Heaven. I come into agreement with my book of destiny and purpose.”

Be encouraged that there is a book with YOUR name on it! Yes, there is a book in Heaven written about YOU! You have a purpose!

The Courts of Heaven

Much of the trauma that we carry and the things that we battle with are generational and have been passed down. When I received a vision of my family, I saw bloodline sin. The people in my bloodline were crying out for righteous vindication. I even saw slave grounds! I knew that this kind of matter could only be cleared up through the Courts of Heaven. If I were going to occupy territory, land, and real estate, then I knew that it had to be broken in the realm of the spirit.

The Courts of Heaven is a spiritual dimension that bypasses prayer where you can get things done quicker. Learn how to go before the Courts of Heaven for yourself. You must understand your own jurisdiction and the weight that you carry in the spirit realm. Because if you don’t, then the enemy can play tricks with you and taunt your mind and suppress the authority that is over your life. As you go before the Lord in your prayer time and in fasting and consecration, those things will be broken much easier. I encourage you to study the matters of the Courts of Heaven so that you may enter and get vindicated in some things. As always, I highly recommend the book on the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson. Repent for the things that you know you must confess and even for the things that you may not be aware of. Come out of agreement with it and break it once and for all!

This is REAL and we MUST be free!

The Lord is leading many of us in a process of self-deliverance, where we have been called to break things off ourselves. It is my prayer that the Lord will show you the areas that you must work with first. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you one area in which you need to be free and ask for Him to help you walk it out.

Crush any rebellion in your heart and lay it down at the foot of the Father. Cry out and pray that the Lord’s will be done in your life so that you may accomplish the very things that He desires for you to accomplish on this Earth. May you have the same portion of grace that Jesus had as he completed his Earthly assignment.

May you receive the Father’s love and His acceptance!

Receive the strength to go!

Receive the power to do!

Receive the grace to become!

Go higher!

Go forth!

Be the light so that others may be free and get delivered!

The portals of Heaven are wide open and God wants to do something special just for YOU! Receive your strength to rise up again! Be healed and set free in this season and beyond!

Let it be so. Amen.

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If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching


The Millionaire Mom

Lenika Scott

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