It WILL Happen! Trust God! 

I shared a message with my coaching group, and it was such an on-time word that blessed many. Today, I wanted to share that message with you and give encouragement as we dive into the promises of God. No matter what circumstances you are facing, no matter how things appear right now, I want to remind you: God’s promises are solid, and He has you in the palm of His hand. Even when you feel uncertain, know that God is never surprised by what’s going on in your life. His Word never fails. Be encouraged today, because what God has said will happen. Whether it’s in a way you expect or not…His promises NEVER return empty! 

God’s Word WILL come to pass! 

When God Says So

When the Lord releases a Word over your life, it’s a sure thing! He doesn’t speak lightly, and He certainly doesn’t make empty promises. Maybe you’ve heard things spoken over you that seem too big to believe, or maybe you’re still waiting for something He’s promised. Don’t let the waiting make you forget what He has said! Sometimes, we get caught up in what we see around us …the delays, the difficulties, and the detours. We lose sight of the fact that the Lord operates on a completely different timeline than we do. What may feel like a surprise to you is no surprise to the Lord. His plans for you are intentional.

Take a moment to remind yourself of what God has already said over your life. Reflect on His promises, big and small. He sees every part of your journey—your beginning, your middle, and your end. There is no part of your life that’s a mystery to Him. So whatever He has spoken over you, whatever He has told you about who you are and what you will become, believe it! Even if it doesn’t unfold the way you imagined, rest in the assurance that God is faithful. Exercise that child-like faith, trusting Him even when things don’t make sense. He hasn’t forgotten about you. His timing is perfect, and when God says something will happen, it WILL happen! 

Don’t Box God In

Too often, we tend to put God in a box as if He doesn’t see the whole picture. He sees far beyond what we can imagine, and He has already planned things down to the smallest detail. It’s human nature to wonder why certain things happen when they do, or why we’re faced with particular challenges. But remember, even when things seem delayed or when we don’t understand the timing, God is always working things out for our good and for a Kingdom purpose. It’s okay to have questions, but be careful not to question God’s sovereignty. Trust in the fact that His ways are higher than our ways. 

Do you trust God enough to let go of control and allow Him to work? 

Contend & Fight! 

When God speaks a prophetic word over your life, it will come to pass. But here’s something we don’t always like to hear: you have to contend for it. God gives us promises, but that doesn’t mean we can sit back and wait for them to happen without any effort on our part. There’s a part of the process that requires us to fight, to push forward, and to be obedient. Simply put, you can’t just do nothing. You’ve got to move when God tells you to move, go where He tells you to go, and occupy the spaces He calls you to! 

This is where your faith becomes action!  As you step out in obedience, the anointing over your life will increase. Your wisdom will grow deeper. Your understanding will sharpen. But it won’t come without challenges. There will be trials, there will be testing, and there will be moments where you’ll want to give up. But each moment prepares you for the next dimension. Trust God through every hardship, every blow you take. Each battle you face is piling on more anointing, equipping you for the place God has already prepared for you.

The breakthrough won’t come without a fight, but the victory is worth every struggle.

It WILL Happen! 

When the Father speaks a promise over your life, it’s not a matter of if…it’s a matter of when! His Word NEVER returns empty! What He says will come to pass, no matter what. There are some things God has spoken over your life that you’re still waiting to see, and it’s easy to wonder if they’ll ever happen. But trust this: His Word is active. It’s working behind the scenes, even when you can’t see it. God’s decree over your life is not just a suggestion, it’s a command, a mandate, and a proclamation. It WILL manifest, and you WILL know when it happens. So be encouraged even in the waiting, because what God has promised you is on its way! 

Let it be so. Amen

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching

If this article has blessed you, please comment and kindly share. 


Lenika Scott 

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