Today’s short message will certainly BLESS you as it pertains to what God is doing in this hour and this season! The Lord is releasing something so very PRECIOUS and VITAL, and you don’t want to miss this!
If you follow my social media, then you may have already heard about my recent connection and TV appearance. Today, I’d like to share the backstory with you of just how amazing our Father is! As many may know, I’ve announced the incredible news of what the Lord has done again for the Scott household. We have been blessed to be able to close on a new beautiful home –yes, custom luxury, 10,000 square foot, and paid off $2.6 Million in CASH! Glory be to God! Even still, I am in awe and it has been so surreal. This blessing surely didn’t come easy, though. In fact, the night before we closed, I found myself in such a state of overwhelm. Some of the attacks were unbearable as I persevered through my own weariness; I became simply tired.
I held back from reaching out to one of my close friends who so very often prays for me in such moments as this. Instead, I cried out unto the Lord asking Him who I could turn to for prayer. About 2-5 seconds immediately after, I was led to Facebook. As I began to scroll, I noticed a post made by Dr. Lauretta Pierce. The Lord urged me to message her right away. When I messaged her, she immediately responded and gathered some prayer warriors on my behalf. Two days later, my husband and I were in our bedroom and received a call from her. She had informed me that while she was in the shower, God had given her my name two days prior to our conversation through Facebook! She hadn’t told me about this on the night I reached out to her, but she knew the moment she received my message that God was up to something! I received an invite from her shortly after to join her in Myrtle Beach the next week to air on her television show. For those who may not know, she along with some other beautiful women of God are hosts of Dominion TV, a relatively new network that reaches over 130 countries!
Do you see how God did that?!
God knew that I was going to cry out to Him, and He connected me to someone! Because of the obedience on both ends in that situation, other Godly connections were made. There were some things that I had been personally battling and contending with. This woman of God had been operating in this space for a while and was able to share things with me in an instant so that I may be able to go up to a higher level! As you see, I wasn’t asking to be on TV, I was simply asking for prayer. But God had already known where to drop my name! And that’s what today’s message is all about! This testimony reflects the fact that when God orchestrates something and when you are spirit led in obedience, things begin to happen.
Golden Connections
One night recently, I sat praying and thinking about that divine meeting I had. I said to myself, “wow”. In just a short period of time, that one particular connection was something that I needed personally. It unlocked so much within me and gave me so many answers that I needed at that time. As I sat thinking, I heard the words “golden connections”. I truly believe that this is not only something that He is doing for me, but also for the Body of Christ. We have heard of “divine connections” so often; in fact, we say that all the time. But this was a phrase that I had never heard before.
What are some of the things that come to mind when we hear the word “golden”?
We often think about Heaven…
The heavenly streets of gold…
You think about wealth..
When you think of the word golden, you may also think of abundance…
Some of the other meanings of golden are:
God is doing this thing! There are wealthy and rich connections coming your way! Don’t mess up your hour of visitation with the Lord! There is even a scripture that talks about that:
“…And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.” – Luke 19:44
Yield Yourself

In this hour, we as believers and children of the King must make sure we are literally yielding ourselves unto Him. This means that we must be pliable to the commands, the words, and the will of the Lord so that these golden, rich, wealth connections will find you. Something that I have said many times over: you won’t have to lie, cheat, beg others to see you, or push things to make them happen! God is the One who will make the right connections for you. With these golden connections, there will be wisdom imparted, doors opened, and Kingdom keys released! This is prophetic!
Unlocked Revelation & Elevation
As I mentioned, the Lord divinely connected me with someone who was able to share things with me so that I may be able to reach new levels. You must understand that there are people that are glory carriers whom God is using for such a time as this. They know more than you know! Yes, you read that correctly! This is the reason why remaining humble is so very
important. There are certain revelations that you gain when you walk through different trials. When you go through different processes, it allows you to pass the test and receive Kingdom keys. In other words, when you see your sister or brother in Christ who may be going through the same process that you passed, then you may have a key that serves as elevation to pull them up! You are able to catch others up to speed and give them some of the strategies and wisdoms that the Spirit of the Lord has taught you in your process. God allows us to have the knowledge, wisdom, and insight that other individuals in the Body have –this gets us to our own “place” faster! We know that God works through people. As you yield and submit yourself to Him, everything begins to make so much sense. In this hour, I pray that you yield unto Him and be in a place of receiving all that He is doing in your life.
God knows where to drop YOUR name!
Be encouraged that He knows who to give your name to. He will drop your name into someone’s spirit who could help change the very trajectory of your life.
There are millionaires and billionaires that God is waiting to drop your name in front of! What happens with these divine connections is you will be able to do things much faster and quicker than you were able to do on your own. In essence, these golden connections will cause time to be sped up in this season!
Golden Connections!
Rich Connections!
Wealthy Connections!
ABUNDANT Connections Are HERE!!
Get in Position!
Again, don’t miss your hour of visitation. Being out of position is too costly in this hour!!! You must be able to discern the flow and the movement of God. Where God is moving, what He is speaking and saying is all connected. You have to stay ready. Stay in a place where you can hear God. When you train yourself to hear God and what He is saying, then you will move efficiently and be a sharpshooter in the realm of the spirit. Remain in position by asking the Father, “where would you want me to go?”. Understand and remember that you simply don’t know it all. After all, if you did know it all, there would be no need for faith. The currency of the Kingdom is faith –this is something I talk about so very often.
Prepare and position yourself for Golden connections!
You may be someone who has been fighting in the same battle for so long, wondering “how do I handle this”? Be encouraged that there is someone who the Lord can send to release words of wisdom to you and bring you right out! But then also, you must remain in a position where God is able to use you as a golden connection for someone else!
Prophetic Declaration
Do you receive what He is doing this season??
He is releasing a fresh wind over your life! A fresh wave of glory over you. May the fire from Heaven fall upon you to burn some things out, bring protection to you and your household, and also to purify some things. Even in this time and hour, the anointings that you carry will be even weightier. He is instructing His people to be equipped, placing on the whole armor of God. Pick up and carry your sword! Be a fierce fighter and soldier for Christ! Thank God for the new weapons that He is releasing unto His children in this hour. The angels of the Lord are releasing new weapons because you must be ready and you must fight. I pray for the strength of the Lord over you today. May you be strengthened by the Father of Heaven –Jehovah Gibbor, The Lord Mighty in Battle.
Stand in faith believing that He knows where you are, where you stand, and just what you need. Allow Him to deal with you according to what you need. May supernatural peace and supernatural recovery be yours today! May you not miss your golden connections in this hour. Don’t look down on them and rightfully receive them instead. Stand in agreement with the blueprints in Heaven. the very books in Heaven that have your name and destiny attached to them.
Say yes to the blueprints and embrace it all. Give the Lord and the agents of Heaven, the warriors of Heaven the permission to flow. They are truly moving!
Give the angels permission to flow,
Give them permission to bring you answers,
To bring you presents, wisdom, and gifts!
Receive the insight…
Receive the instructions…
Receive the knowledge…
Receive the Kingdom keys!
Be encouraged that the high-ranking angels are coming to solve problems and give you answers. As I cannot stress it enough, do not miss your hour of visitation! Be open to the move of the Spirit. With these golden connections, will come many open doors!
Let it be so! Amen.
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The Millionaire Mom
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Lenika Scott