I recently had a word drop in my spirit that I wanted to share with you. Lately, I’ve noticed a lot happening on social media—so many people chasing after things in an attempt to receive validation from others. Whether it’s seeking likes, approval, or recognition, it’s easy to get caught up in the endless chase after the wind. But today’s message is for the believers in the Lord who don’t have to seek validation from the world. When God calls you forth, He will validate you!
When God is Behind You!
As a believer, you must not fall for the trap of seeking validation from the world. We live in a time where many people are consumed with chasing validation. It’s like a drug, something that people crave to feel worthy, to feel seen, and to feel important. This need for approval is driving so many people to seek titles and platforms, and likes on social media. But the truth is, this kind of validation doesn’t last. But here’s the good news: when God validates you, that’s all you need. You don’t have to rush to elevate yourself or chase after recognition. God’s validation is secure, and it’s the only one that matters. He sees you, knows your heart, and will elevate you in His perfect timing. It’s time for us as believers to stop chasing after things that won’t satisfy and rest in the fact that God Himself will validate us.
Don’t be concerned with the likes, trust God to elevate you.
Let today’s message remind you that it is God, and God alone, who validates His people. He is the one who promotes, the one who opens doors, and the one who makes a way for you. You won’t have to force anything to happen when God is behind you.
Let Him Fight Your Battles
Sometimes, even when we’re on the right path, it feels like there’s resistance, like there’s a battle in the spiritual realm. But here’s what I want to remind you: God is fighting for you. When He declares something over your life, it will come to pass. He will send His angels to open doors for you, doors that no man can shut. You don’t have to force opportunities; God will make them happen in His time. As believers, this is not a season for us to push ourselves forward or promote ourselves. Jesus didn’t have to speak a word to validate Himself—God did it for Him. The Father boldly declared who Jesus was, and that was enough. We can learn from this. Let the Lord be the one to validate you in this season, and trust that He will make the way for you.
You’re Approved!
What Does It Mean for God to Validate You?
Let’s dive a little deeper into what it means for God to validate you. The dictionary defines “validate” as proving the accuracy or truth of something. But it goes beyond that; it also means to approve, confirm, recognize, establish, and authorize. When God validates you, He places His stamp of approval on your life. He certifies you, establishes you, and authorizes you to walk in the calling He has placed on you. But here’s the question: will you allow Him to validate you? Are there areas of your life where you are waiting for validation from the world instead of from God? What is the assignment He has placed over your life that you haven’t fully stepped into because you’re waiting for someone else to approve of it? Recently, I’ve felt God give me a nod in certain areas of my life. It was as if He were saying, “Go forth, my child. I’ve already approved of you.” When God gives you that green light, you don’t need anyone else’s approval. He’s already validated you according to His will!
It Will Speak!
When God validates you, it’s undeniable. You won’t have to push your way into opportunities or manipulate situations to get ahead. Proverbs 18:16 says that a person’s gift will make room for them. This means you can trust that God will shine a light on you when the time is right. You don’t have to fight for recognition or scramble to be noticed—God’s anointing on your life will speak for itself. I’ve seen this truth play out in my own life. As an entrepreneur, my husband and I have experienced incredible favor. We didn’t have to fight for it—God did it. He established us, blessed us, and opened doors that no one else could. When people asked, “Why them?” we knew that it was because of God’s hand on our lives. When He validates you, no one can question it. His validation will speak for itself!
When the world can’t validate you, God will!
One of the hardest things is waiting for God’s timing. We live in a fast-paced world where everything seems to happen instantly, and it can be hard not to feel like we’re falling behind. But God’s timing is perfect. You don’t have to rush to make things happen. And even when people try to deny or discredit you, the hand of God will be undeniable in your life. Trust His process and know that what He has for you will never pass you by.
Rest in His Validation
At the end of the day, the world’s validation will never satisfy you. It’s temporary and based on external things that don’t hold eternal value. But when God validates you, it’s secure, eternal, and rooted in His love for you. You don’t need to chase after approval or force your way into opportunities. Trust in the Lord’s timing, let Him establish you, and watch how He moves in your life. Be encouraged that this is your season! Allow God to validate you and rest in the assurance that His plans for you are perfect!
No more chasing!
Let God confirm your worth!
Let the Lord validate you in this season!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott