Despite what has been reported on the news…
Despite the things that we see everyday on social media…
God is yet doing some INCREDIBLE things!!
A Word has been stirring within me recently that I am so EXCITED to share with you!! As I prepared for bed one night, I heard one word ringing in my spirit: WINNING. Normally, I often hear words that are similar such as victorious, triumph, succeed, or prevail –but THIS word rang so loudly! We are in a season where God is reminding His people that He wants YOU to WIN! Yes, your winning season is here, but there are some prerequisites and principles by which you must live in order to win in the Kingdom. Will you choose to do things God’s way??
Win – the act of one that wins; victory. To succeed; conquer; to overcome.
My personal testimony has been one I’ve shared several times, yet it still blesses many today. I know what it’s like to desperately desire to win! While experiencing one of the hardest financial places my family ever had to face, we STILL believed God for the win! We endured the losses, the food stamps, witnessing things get turned off, the feelings of humiliation and defeat…but there was a plan!! God pulled us out! Be encouraged for such a time as this that if God did it for someone else, He can certainly do it for you!
“…Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” – Matthew 6:4
I was reminded of this scripture, as it has been the pillar on which my family and I have stood all these years. As I’ve shared prophetically so many times before, there will come a time of elevation when you won’t have to lie, cheat, or scheme your way to the top –God will do it for you!! I’ve seen the hand of God move, where He has taken me from the back of the line, grabbed a hold of my hand, and taken me all the way to the front of the line! I have seen the very favor of God operate in my personal life, so I KNOW that it is possible for you! When you commit to doing things God’s way, when you lay your heart on the altar and surrender your will to allow Him to use you for His glory, He will surely move!
There may be some battles that you’re coming up against in your life right now; you may have some challenges that you are facing. Be encouraged that God has given you the grace and power to overcome! To win means to become effective; to subdue and trample the very things that have come to trample over you!! We know that hope deferred makes the heart sick (Proverb 13:12). Though you may be hoping for something that has yet to come to pass, has yet to show up in your bank account, or even in your marriage… stand firm and continue to believe God! Though you may have hung your head low in shame and discouragement, it’s time to lift up your head and increase your faith! Believe and trust that breakthrough is your portion! I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that God wants to see YOU win!
The Lord is bringing His people out of their wilderness seasons in this hour. Though the wilderness is a necessary place of testing, pruning, crushing, and pressing, many people have stayed there too long! Many have been tested and proven in the wilderness; the time of release is here. It’s time for the keys to be released! Yes, land and real estate is being shaken and released in the heavenly realm for such a time as this! Contracts will be signed! You don’t want to miss what God is doing in this season!
You have gone through the wilderness!
You’ve been tested!
You’ve been proven!
You can trust God!
God can trust YOU!
God wants you to be blessed!
He wants you to succeed!
He wants you to receive the keys!
It’s WINNING time!!
Believe God Again
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” – Psalm 37:4
If you notice, the Lord didn’t declare that He “might” give His children the desires of their hearts. Nor did He say He’d simply think about it. Be encouraged that He said He SHALL bring it to pass! What is that thing that you have been trusting Him to bring to pass in your life? What have you given up on that you see Him doing for others, but can’t bring yourself to believe could be done for you? Open your heart and pick it back up! Whether you’ve placed it in the back of your mind, tucked it away in a corner of your heart, or simply left it along the lines within your journal, I encourage you to believe God for it again!! Begin to pull on the Word of God and walk with the Word. Decree and declare a thing so that it can be established. Believe Him again!
Somebody NEEDS you to win!
Someone is waiting on you to come out of the wilderness place. It is your life that will give others hope and encouragement that if He did it for you, then He will do it for others! When you win in the kingdom, we ALL win! When you receive your keys from Heaven, we ALL win! We all get to rise on the testimonies of what God has done for your life. When you win, it brings the very Kingdom of God glory. He desires for you to be blessed so that you can be a blessing unto others. Winning boosts your confidence and even helps you trust in God all the more. Because at every single stage in your life, no matter the victories or where He has elevated you from, there will still be different wilderness phases ahead. But you will be able to realize and recognize that if God did it for you in one season, then He can surely bring you out of the next!
All of Heaven is fighting for YOU!!
Can you believe in your heart that He truly wants you to win? It allows the Father’s heart to smile when He sees His children winning in Him and in the Kingdom.
I’ve seen the Lord move time and time again, fight for me, defend me, and bring me out! He can do it for you!
The angels are being released to bring that which belongs to God’s children OUT! They’re ready to bring forth the gifts, keys, and they’re ready to defend! They’ve been commissioned to break through the Heavenly realm for you!! May you receive everything in Heaven that has your name attached to it. Believe that you are an heir to the Kingdom! Open up your capacity to receive greater, higher, and bigger! May you receive what is rightfully yours even as it pertains to the healing of your body, mind, and soul. May depression, oppression, and suicide be burned and driven out by the delivering power of Jesus Christ! Believe Him on another level; take His word at face value and believe what was said in His Word. It was declared that you can have and obtain it, so shall it be!! Remember that He is the God that performed miracles in the Old and New Testament, and He’s the same God that can perform personal miracles in your life! If you’ve been toiling and wrestling in the wilderness, may you find yourself in a place of humble submission. When you remain focused on God, and truly give Him your heart, there is nothing that He won’t do for you! I believe that it is the Father’s desire to do it for His children that would only dare to believe, dream, hope, and trust that He will bring them out!
Increase is COMING!
Advancement is your PORTION!
Promotion is HEADED your way!
Because God wants you to WIN!
It’s time to put your RUNNING shoes on!!
“Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to WIN!” – 1 Corinthians 9:24
Let it be so! Amen.
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To the WINNER in you,
Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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