I’ve recently delivered a powerful message and a prophetic word to my coaching clients, and I’m eager to extend Part Two of that message to you. We’ve been discussing a prophetic revelation I received from the Father, indicating a purification in the bloodline of many of His children. Let’s explore crucial points from the second session that I believe will help you step into freedom!
Let’s go over what we’ve learned from the previous session…
There has been so much in the bloodline of God’s people that have been affecting His people from walking into destiny and purpose. In this season, God is releasing His cleansing waters to purify the bloodline. Legalities within the bloodline have caused missed opportunities and the abortion of destinies for many. If God is elevating you and disrupting things in the spiritual realm, the enemy employs the Courts of Heaven to hinder your progress. This hindrance has impacted the personal callings of those faithful to the Lord in the Earth realm. The spiritual forces opposing you may be unseen, but with God’s cleansing, you can break free and fulfill your divine calling. God desires you to emerge as the person He has called you to be, unhindered and unburdened in the spirit. There is a shaking and an inner cleansing that is taking place. Yes! Big changes are going on in the spirit realm, much like a spiritual spring cleaning in the body of Christ. And guess what? God wants you to be part of it! Many of us have been wrestling with spiritual curses from our family tree that we didn’t ask for. It pains God to witness His beloved ones held captive for deeds they did not commit, hindering blessings due to generational burdens. Because of this, the Lord is bringing in angelic backup, and sparking up divine fire to break those chains and set us free!
If there are some things that you’ve been wrestling with for years, be encouraged that God desires to release you from them in this season!
It All Started With A Decision
When it comes to bloodline curses, it may or may not have started with your parents or your grandparents, but somewhere throughout the bloodline there was someone who turned their back against a Holy God. Someone in the bloodline decided to go their own way and make a pact with the enemy. There was a decision that was made in which repentance is needed.
No matter who started it, God wants YOU to be the one who ends it!
In every family, God appoints a bloodline curse breaker. Joseph exemplifies this as he was called, chosen, and processed by God to break generational curses. When chosen by God, you have no say in the matter. Those called to break bloodline curses stand for righteousness, seeking the guidance of the Spirit and staying on the straight and narrow path. They possess spiritual depth, aiming to instigate positive change in their families, communities, and churches. Their role involves exposing sin within the family bloodline and interceding on its behalf. You are the one who approaches God for the bloodline’s sake. God desires to use and cleanse you further. Break agreement with soul ties linked to ancestral sins, presenting areas of concern and demonic influence before God. Avoid a constant witch hunt within your family; instead, trust God’s timing in the delicate process of unraveling issues as He sees fit. Look to God to bring about the necessary changes, and trust in His timing throughout the journey.
Signs of Bloodline Curses
If God is raising you up as the Bloodline curse breaker, take some time to study and identify the curses that may plague your family. Here are some signs of bloodline curses and blessings according to Dueteronomy 28:15-68:
Examples of Biblical Blessings for Obedience:
“All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God”:
4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed.
6 You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
7 The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you.
13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail.
Examples of Biblical Curses for Disobedience:
“However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you”:
23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron.
38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it.
66 You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life.
As it pertains to our daily lives, bloodline curses can show up and manifest in the form of many situations such as: Poverty, Hereditary Disease, Divorce, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Addictions, Adultery and Perversion. But it doesn’t stop there. It can even manifest in the forms of Depression, Double, Mindedness, Confusion. Fear, Destructive Behaviors, Barrenness, Mental Illness, and unfortunately Suicide.
You Were Created To Break It!
In the realm of breaking bloodline curses, God responds to individuals who walk in repentance and wholeheartedly seek Him. In this crucial hour, God is focusing on those who genuinely turn their hearts toward Him, enabling them to step into the territory He has designated for their operation.
Maintain trust in Him, regardless of the duration; it’s a delicate process. Anticipate God’s action, believe in it, and trust Him to fulfill it. Stay attentive, opening your spiritual eyes to discern how to respond and present matters to the Father as a bloodline curse breaker. As believers, persistence is crucial; don’t give up hastily. If God has spoken and made promises, it signifies His desire for you to receive them. Boldly pursue your promises, allowing them to be released unto you!
Decree and declare this today:
“I AM a bloodline curse breaker!”
Renounce & Denounce
In the same way that we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we must also disavow certain agreements we’ve made. A declaration is necessary for breakthroughs to occur. Our struggle involves ancient spirits, entities, and creatures predating our existence. Disconnect from all ties with the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, demonic oaths, false gods, etc., as these open doors to demonic influence. When God reveals individuals to disconnect from, rely on Him to guide you out of those relationships. Your children’s freedom relies on your surrender to God; ensure you humble yourself and undertake the necessary steps to break the issues affecting you from your children’s lives. Take these steps when God is leading you to break the curses over your family:
- Acknowledge the curse. Acknowledge what you see. Don’t close your mouth and act as if you don’t see it.
- Repent your sin and bloodline sin.
- Ask for forgiveness. Forgive your forefathers and yourself; and also word curses that you may have spoken about your family.
- Renounce and denounce the bloodline curses.
- Thank God for cleansing the bloodline. Praise God for the victory and the cleansing waters.
- Expect the blessings of Abraham.
- Start confessing God’s promises over your life.
- Repeat the steps.
Remember not to call everything a sin or curse when it is not. Whenever God reveals something to you, you must simply acknowledge and act on it.
Break It For Good!
As we dive into the process of breaking bloodline curses, let the profound truth of cleansing with the Lord resonate deeply. Ask the Lord to reveal what needs to be broken in your life and throughout your bloodline. Breaking free from generational curses and experiencing spiritual deliverance is a journey that unfolds over time. Place your trust in God’s timing, and exercise patience as He orchestrates transformative work in your life. It’s crucial to recognize that breaking generational curses and receiving spiritual freedom is not only achievable but also a profound desire that God has for your life. In the embrace of Christ, you emerge as a new creation, unshackled from the sins of your ancestors, and your destiny is no longer tethered to that familial history.
Just imagine…
Imagine the Lord igniting a fire within you, propelling you from one glorious level to another, all because the chains of the past have been broken! It’s possible…and it is SO!
The victory is YOURS! Amen.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott