There is a great SHIFT taking place for such a time as this!! Can you feel it??
Today I’d like to share a word of encouragement with you, as God is moving and placing many in a season of great shifting. We are in an unparalleled time where many believers are being shifted, transitioned, and even relocated in this hour. Let your heart be encouraged in what God is doing, for the very portals of Heaven are open and ready to shift you into your next dimension!
… Brace yourself, and get ready for the SHIFT!!
Relocate: To locate again; to establish or lay out in a new place. To move to a location. Shift; transfer, move, or remove; to reposition.
Shift: To exchange for or replace by another. To change the place, position, or direction. To change gears; to assume responsibility.
Transition: A passage from one state, subject, or place to another. Movement; an abrupt change in energy or state.
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Let’s take a look back into the biblical times of a moment of a great shift:
Genesis 12
“The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him.”
As we see in the Word, the Lord instructed Abram to step out on faith and MOVE! Though there could have been times when Abram may have wrestled with God and asked for reasons why in moments of uncertainty, the Word clearly states that he went as the Lord had told him!
How will YOU respond to the shift?
Oftentimes, when God releases us to move, relocate or transition, we as believers doubtedly question Him. We often seek the opinions of others even when God Himself has spoken clear instructions and assignments. Even if you aren’t in a place of relocating or shifting physically, I certainly believe that today’s message can still apply to your life. Perhaps there’s some transitioning happening around you that you may not be aware of. Whatever the case may be, the Lord is certainly at work in this season. We are all pieces of a puzzle in God’s unique plan. If it is His will and desire to shift and move things in your life, then I encourage you to let it be so!
Go Forth And OCCUPY!
“See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the LORD swore he would give to your fathers–to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob–and to their descendants after them.” – Deuteronomy 1:8
God is calling His people into territorial areas to go forth and occupy in this season. The very word occupy means to take up a place, or to take and hold possession of. God is giving us the ability even as kingdom believers to occupy and we must be willing and open to receive.
This can even be taken literally as many people who are renting will be shifted into home ownership in this season. The poverty mindset and feelings of unworthiness must first be eliminated. It is time for believers to gain confidence in the Lord in this area, believing in the ability to pay off homes owing nothing even in spite of credit! Today I serve as a witness to nothing but the grace of the Lord as one who was able to pay cash for a home and secure other properties while doing so DEBT FREE! I often share the testimony of how my husband and I were able to secure a commercial property years ago in sheer faith in Him. As God instructed us on the right amount to bid for that property, we were given a call and received the deed soon after. We didn’t wait but simply prayed, believed that God would release it, and received confirmation to sign!
There are times when God says move, you’ve got to step out! We as believers often wait in hesitancy and question if we have heard Him. You must be able to hear God and move immediately just as Abram did in obedience! If God did it for us, then He surely can do it for you! Go forth and OCCUPY!
Be Open To The Shift
From that testimony I realized that not only had God shifted us when the time was right, but when we opened ourselves in faith and became available to receive what He had in store. God is working on the behalf of many that I even know personally –keys are being released from Heaven! God wants to shift YOU! Make yourself available, be open and receptive, and truly believe that God is passing out things in this hour.
If you struggle in the area of remaining open to the shift, I encourage you to find the courage to declare this:
“Lord, if you desire to relocate me, I am ready and today I make myself available. Whatever transition that you have for me, I am open now and I make myself available. However, you wish to shift me or the things around me, I make myself open. If you wish to shift things in my career, marriage, friendships, and relationships, then let it be so. If you plan to shift things in my business or cause a change in direction, I am open and make myself available to you.”
Prepare For Your Transition
God is a God of movement. Shifting and transitioning require certain moments of movement that must come from you. Much like water that gets settled, not choosing to pivot when God is shifting you will leave you stagnant. There will be some things that you will have to do in the natural realm so that proper alignment can occur. Begin to bring things in order in this season so that you don’t miss the shift, move, and transition that is happening around you. Give God something to work with so that He can move on your behalf!
God is not only shifting us physically, but there is also a great shift happening even in the minds of believers. If you cannot first shift within your mind, then you cannot shift in other areas. Without the belief that God can do those things for you, it will become difficult to receive it when He speaks for you to move. Increase your faith today! Don’t fight or kick against the move of God and what He desires you to do. Do you know that part of the believer’s walk is submission and surrendering? Open yourself up and declare that you are making yourself available.
The Spirit of the Living God desires for us to be aware of some things. Many of us are carrying knowledge on the inside of us that we are not even aware that we are carrying! We are in a time where we must learn to get quiet, get settled, and come to a place of assessment and evaluation. If you have found yourself questioning and uncertain about what is happening around you, I encourage you to get quiet with your journal and expect to hear from The Lord. He will surely bring revelation and give you your next assignment and instructions.
Don’t you dare settle! But instead be courageous and allow God to shift you. Whatever area that God is shifting, transitioning, or even relocating you, know that God has you! Be not dismayed. May you find the courage to step out on faith, believe Him, persevere, and venture out into all that God has for you!
Receive your inheritance!
Receive your legacy!
Come into possession of your divine portion.
Say yes to the promotions, advancements, the next levels, and the move of it all!
Shift so that you may take back and occupy what the enemy has stolen.
It’s time to claim it ALL!
Be encouraged that God is shifting YOU! Take courage over the dreams and desires dancing wildly in your heart. Mount up on wings filled with the Eagle’s Anointing for such a time as this to go forth, go higher, and soar to your next dimension!
Let it be so! Amen.
Scriptures of Encouragement
“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” – Genesis 28:15
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10
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Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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