Miracles are surely real and God desires for His children to experience them! It is up to us as believers to be receptive to the supernatural and recognize and receive the miracles as they manifest. Over the years, I’ve shared the countless times in my life when I experienced the supernatural realm personally. In fact, today I’d like to share with you something that my husband and I first encountered years ago that I believe will BLESS you!!
As my husband and I were driving home the other evening, we were reminded of an extremely special area within our residential area that served as a key pivotal moment in our lives. Just before we enter our neighborhood, there is a heavenly portal that I sensed years ago. I was able to quickly recognize it and believed that the land was given back to God. Since becoming aware of this portal years ago, I always find myself in a place of consciousness, releasing prayers whenever I am near the area. While driving home, as we reached closer to the portal my hands became hot as if they were on fire. I heard the word “miracles” in my spirit!
The Lord brought to my remembrance a time in my life when He was just starting to restore my family and I again after a year of losing everything and being on food stamps. It was then during those times when I realized that there was something Holy going on in the special area of the neighborhood. I found myself rushing and driving down the road as my daughters missed the bus to school one early morning. As I drove down the street, I felt a home being released in the spirit realm for my family –this knowing came over me while we were under that very portal! I relentlessly believed the Lord for what I knew He had promised us. Shortly after, the business opportunity came forth that eventually catapulted us into multi-millionaire status! About 9 months from there, our bank account began to grow as we saved our money. In a fairly short time span, we realized that we had accumulated about $80,000 in the bank! But the growth and increase didn’t just stop there. About 7 months later, there was over $1,000,000 in the bank! What a miracle!!
This was no natural thing, it was surely a divine move of God that took place in our lives! God reminded me of the portal when my husband and I would drive around believing Him for what He promised. Though we didn’t know how it would happen, we believed that He would bring it to pass. And that, He surely did… exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could have asked or imagined! Hallelujah!
If God did it for the Scott household, then He can do it for you and your family! Be encouraged!

Expect the Miracles!
As I heard the word “miracles” in my spirit the other day, I knew that it would be encouraging for God’s people. Be in a place where you are receiving the miracles for your life from the Lord!
Miracle – A surprising event that is not explicable by nature or even scientific laws and therefore even considered to be a work of divine agency. A supernatural phenomenon; mystery; a sign; a highly improbable or extraordinary event.
As believers, we must not be afraid to desire the Lord’s miracles, to embrace them, and even get excited about receiving when we hear about them! People often wonder how I have been able to tap in to experience the supernatural: the angelic encounters, the precious gems from Heaven, and the beautiful angel feathers. Simply put, it is because I expect responses from the supernatural realm and I am always grateful when they occur. I recognize and honor the experiences as miracles crossing into dimensions from the supernatural to the natural realm. Even in times when I may not post every encounter on social media, I still remain in a place of awe and gratefulness as if it were happening for the very first time! Today’s message is to encourage you that expecting and also being open to receive miracles keeps the portals open over your life!
- Be grateful for your miracle! Can you recall the times when God miraculously moved in your life? Honor and praise Him for what He has done by listing those things out. Even if you have done it before, write them down. This begins to stir up your faith. If God did it for you before, then He can surely do it time and time again.
- Expect miracles to happen!
- Receive the miracles! Open your heart to receive all that God has for you.
Are you in a need of a miracle? Apply some pressure on that thing and EXPECT a miracle!
The Miracles of Jesus
No one who has walked this earth has performed greater miracles than Jesus himself. He was the epitome of miracles, signs, and wonders being brought forth here on earth. As believers, we must encourage ourselves by being reminded of the things that have happened before. I encourage you to look throughout the Bible and locate a miracle scripture to stand on to increase your faith. We are given several throughout the Word but here are a few:
Miracles Brought by Jesus
Calming the Storm (Mark 4:35–41)
Raising a Widow’s Son (Luke 7:11-17)
Healing a Paralyzed Man (Matthew 9:1-8)
Raising Lazarus From the Dead (John 11:38-44)
Healing of Two Blind Men (Matthew 20:29-34)
Feeding a Crowd of 5,000 (Matthew 14:15-21)
Jesus Turned Water into Wine (John 2:1-11)
Walking on Water (Matthew 14:22-36)
And of course, the greatest miracle of all time: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ! (Luke 24:5-6)
Whatever it may be, grab a miracle and STAND on it!
I remember the amazing experience I had back in 2013 while standing in my living room. As I ministered on the prayer call about the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 men, I vividly recall Jesus himself whispering to me, “yes, I remember that day!”. As I heard him say that it stopped me in my tracks and I stood there in awe!
One of my favorite miracles in the Bible is one that we all may be familiar with: the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 5:25-34). As she dealt with the issue for 12 years, the more she went to the doctors, the worse she got. But when she heard about Jesus coming, she pressed in! On that day she was destined for a miracle! She expected a miracle and declared that she would receive it!
“For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” – Matthew 9:21
The Word says that straight away the fountain of her blood was dried up! She felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. Jesus immediately knew in himself that someone had touched him and virtue had gone out of his body. He knew that a miracle was released onto someone else! A woman who suffered for 12 long years. A woman who was ridiculed, humiliated, outcast, and was forbidden from living a life of freedom amongst others. If only we could imagine the mental attacks and depression that tormented her mind. But on that day, she received her miracle! As Jesus looked to see who touched him, the woman feared and trembled, fell down before him, and told him all of the truth. And Jesus said unto her “daughter your faith has made you whole!”. Hallelujah!
Do YOU have the faith enough to believe today that God is still performing miracles??
Just like the woman with the issue of blood, do you desperately need to feel the peak of His presence? The Lord is surely a miracle worker and He desires to release miracles unto you! Are you confessing, speaking, and calling things that are not as though they are? Are you decreeing a thing so that it may be established just like the woman with the issue of blood? Be encouraged that you serve a miracle-working God that delights in showing up and showing out for His children! Let God show out in your life!
Stand firm and refuse to back down from what He is desiring to do for you. Be encouraged that He knows every seed that you have sown. He diligently records every tear that you’ve cried and remembers every time you chose to believe Him in your heart despite how things looked. Let your faith be increased today and as you expect and receive miracles for your life! Grab hold of the precious Word of God and stand on the miracle stories that best pertain to your life. Keep applying pressure by faith! Keep boldly declaring the Word out of your mouth. Press in for your miracles! Receive in your heart and mind that God is able to turn some things around. If you may not be where you were last year or even the years prior, be encouraged that the Lord is not yet finished! There’s still more increase, more advancements, and more elevation to come! There are still more miracles ahead! May they find and locate you wherever you may be. Touch and agree with Heaven that every single miracle that has your name attached to them will locate you. Keys of Heaven will fall and find you and be yours! May unimaginable doors open before you in this season. Denounce and dethrone the spirit of oppression and bondage that come to prevent you from receiving by faith. Come against the fear, doubt, and unbelief that convince you that miracles are not your portion.
In this hour, God is releasing the minds of His people and setting them free so that they may receive from Heaven. There will be holy Kingdom portals opened so that the angels of the Lord will be able to descend and ascend bringing in gifts and miracles. He is even releasing creative miracles in this hour! Receive and draw from Heaven, expecting it to move on your behalf today. Place a demand on Heaven that the portals be opened over your life as you stretch your faith to believe in the God that created it ALL. Exalt Him as the Alpha and Omega, the First and Last, the Beginning and the End! He’s the Holy One who miraculously parted the Red Sea! The One who saved Jonah in the belly of a whale! The mighty One who resurrected Jesus from death! Remind yourself of the power of the God that you serve!
Let God expand you today! Receive the expansion of the Lord and allow Him to enlarge your territory. Receive the contacts, business deals, and the connections that are being made that will catapult you into new levels. Let there be a reprogramming of your mind as you adopt the mind of Christ daily. When Jesus walked, he performed miracles because He believed wholehearted in the Kingdom. Don’t be distracted by the opinions and faces of others –go forth and receive your harvest! Think bigger and greater in this season. Do you not know that you were created in His image?!
Time and time again, the Lord has proven that there is absolutely NOTHING too hard for Him! Believe God AGAIN for miracles over your life!
If it has been done, then it can be done! Expect Heaven to move today!
And it is so! Amen.
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Lenika Scott
The Millionaire Mom
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