The Holy Spirit is such a precious gift to us all. Now more than ever, we truly need Him!
Today, I’d like to share a brief teaching on the Holy Spirit, especially in this day and age. It’s important for us as believers to remember that He is always with us, helping us navigate through life. He is the revealer of truth, the very Spirit of God, and the One who reveals Jesus to us. The Holy Spirit encourages, empowers, and helps us become better people. He is always leading and guiding us!
The Spirit of Truth
Jesus said that when the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit won’t speak on His own, but only what He hears. He tells us what is to come as He speaks the mind and heart of God. The Holy Spirit helps with visions, dreams, and even sends warnings throughout our days. It’s always wise to listen to His leading and guidance, especially when He gives us those small whispers and nudges to our spirit. We will certainly feel the consequences if we don’t listen when He speaks. Now more than ever, the Lord wants us to sharpen our spiritual ears so we can hear Him. He knows everything!
Our Advocate
John 14:15 tells us that the Holy Spirit is our advocate, here to help us and be with us forever. The world doesn’t accept Him because it doesn’t see or know Him, but YOU know Him! He lives with you and will even dwell within you.
The Holy Spirit is your champion!
He is your advocate!
He is your biggest support!
He has your back!
The Holy Spirit is a promoter!
He is your protector!
He speaks for you and goes to bat for you. He is your helper. As you go through life and its various challenges, lean more into the bosom of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him questions of why, how, and when. Seek Him for direction and wisdom that He so freely gives. Get up in the morning and seek His face. He’s the sweet voice who answers.
Living By The Spirit
The Holy Spirit quickens us to move, pray, worship, read the Word, and do the things of the Spirit. The more you engage in spiritual activities, the greater your connection to the Spirit of truth that dwells in you. The Spirit of truth can reign supreme over your life, leading you in your decisions, how you manage your time, handle people, do your work, and take care of your household. The Holy Spirit makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. This is why it is so important to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit prays on your behalf, concerning the will of God. We won’t always have all the answers as believers, but the Spirit of truth doesn’t miss! He prays according to the will of God concerning your life.
Isn’t it powerful and beautiful to know that you can lean into Him?
John 14:26 reminds us that the Holy Spirit teaches us all things and brings things to our remembrance. He reminds us of what the Lord has instructed and commanded over our lives. Even when it comes to fearing the Father, it is the Holy Spirit who develops that fear and holy reverence of Him. The spirit of wisdom and understanding rests upon Him, revealing the mysteries of God.
As we walk out our salvation in the Lord and live our lives after God, remember that the Holy Spirit is helping us and dwelling within us. Because of this, we must be careful not to grieve His Spirit because of sin. But there is another side of Him that we as believers get to witness. He becomes joyful about the things of the Spirit because He is the Spirit of God. When you walk in obedience to God, He becomes excited. When you pray, He becomes excited. When you study the Bible to learn and grow, His Spirit is pleased. However, when you grieve the Lord by not surrendering to whatever He wants you to do, His Spirit becomes sad. He may even withdraw and slow down His interaction when His Spirit is grieved. He desires nothing more than for you to be in such a place with God where you are moving by the Spirit, allowing Him to lead you, and ensuring you are obedient in the small things. Being Spirit-led is crucial so that His Spirit will be able to come alive in you.
Let Him Lead You
Like never before, we need the Spirit of God. There is a difference between the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. He is here and wants to remind you today to lean in and become closer. Listen to His ways and His leading.
I’ve had many encounters with the precious Holy Spirit. I remember being a young mom in my 20s when I first got saved. One night, as I was about to go to sleep, it felt as if something had walked into the room. The presence was so gentle, and He began to grab my hand. Although I lacked understanding in the flow of the Spirit, I knew it was something good. I vividly remember Him trying to gently pull my hand so that I could go into another room to pray. I will always remember and cherish this experience as one of my first encounters with the Holy Spirit.
We are in a time where we need to hear the words of the Spirit of God. Remember that He is your helper and advocates for you. Let your hunger and passion for Him be renewed in this season. Pay attention and focus in this hour; there is more to be revealed to the people of God from the realm of the Spirit. It is the Father’s desire to take you deeper. There are more revelations and mysteries for you to discover. There’s so much more to be revealed in this hour. The Holy Spirit wants to do that for you!
Will you let Him?
Will you lean in closer to His precious Spirit?
What a beautiful gift we’ve been given in the Holy Spirit!
Scriptures on the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:8
Acts 2:38
Romans 8: 9-13
1 Corinthians 6:19

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott