Today I wanted to spend a brief moment sharing something that God has placed in my heart. It’s about the importance of not squandering the gifts He has given us. Right now, God is working on humanity, especially His followers, urging us to make the most of the talents and abilities He has bestowed upon us!
Don’t Squander
Unfortunately, not using your God-given gifts is a form of disobedience. Often, we use fear as an excuse, but we can’t let that hold us back because it’s all about the power that works within us. Don’t let fear cause you to squander!
Squander — to spend extravagantly or foolishly dissipate, to waste. To cause to disperse or scatter. To lose something such as an advantage or opportunity through negligence or inaction.
We don’t want to lose opportunities because of our own negligence or inaction. It’s like fiddling away something precious, letting it slip through our fingers. Now’s not the time to allow your gifts to waste away.
The Lord wants you to use them!
Know Your Gifts
Now, let’s talk about gifts. A gift from God is a power or ability given to us, either naturally or supernaturally, for the purpose of serving Him. We are given the power to achieve great things, including creating wealth. When we operate within the grace God has placed upon us, things begin to flourish. We see progress, expansion, and success in our endeavors. When you are flowing in the grace that God has placed upon you and in you, things will begin to flourish. Things will begin to move and expansion takes place. Territory is taken when you are moving according to the power that’s working on the inside of you!
God doesn’t want you to be ignorant concerning what He has placed in you and He he has over your life. Let’s be reminded of what the Word tells us:
1 Corinthians 12:1 says, “Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed.” God doesn’t want us to be ignorant about what He has placed in us. Similarly, Romans 12:6 reminds us, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.” We must not be unaware of what God has given us for His purpose and glory. Romans 11:29 tells us, “For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.” Matthew 6:33 encourages us to seek God first: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Many of us can feel that something special is happening in our lives. We have people telling us we are good at certain things, recognizing abilities in us that we might not even notice. These are gifts, and possibly even anointings or mantles that glorify God. In this hour, we cannot afford to be ignorant in what God has given us concerning His purpose and His glory. God is not going to change HIs mind about what He has gifted you with and what He has called you to do.
When you are in error, God won’t change His mind!
When you miss the mark, God won’t change His mind!
Manage Your Gifts
When you notice that there is something on your life that you can do that others can’t do, that is truly a gift! However, there are some things that can suppress cover and dampen our gifts. Here are a few ways you can either squander or manage your gifts—the choice is yours:
Seek the Gift-giver
When you don’t seek the Giver of the gifts about what you have and what you’re experiencing, you risk squandering them. Ignorance about your gifts can lead to misuse. God wants you to be aware of how your gift works, moves, and glorifies Him. Recognize what is in you; when God opens your eyes to it, it may have been there all along. As believers, we sometimes think we’re being humble by not sharing our gifts. But now is the time to understand what you bring to the table and put it out there. When you seek God, He can help you overcome doubts and fears about your abilities. He provides the strength and confidence needed to step out in faith.
Recognize What Is On You
You squander your gift when you are not aware of it. Being aware makes you a force to be reckoned with. Your decisions become more sound and solid when you understand your gifts.
Use Your Gifts
Gifts are meant to be used, not kept hidden. If you don’t use your gifts, ask God for the strength, grace, and knowledge to do so. We often admire other people’s abilities and try to emulate them, but we need to focus on the unique lane God has called us to. Master your gift, seek wisdom, and use it often. The more you use it, the more proficient you become. Consistency is key. Even when it feels challenging, stay committed to using your gifts. God can do amazing things through your perseverance.
Study and Learn
Study your gifts and seek God for understanding and revelation. Connect with people who operate similarly to you, and learn from them. Don’t push aside those God has sent into your life to help you grow in your gifts.
Surround Yourself with the Right People
Your environment and people you are around have the ability to keep you bound and suppress or to help you soar as the eagle that you are. Gifts can be contaminated, so we must watch this. Watch who you are attached to. Being around individuals who are flowing in their gifts can inspire and activate your own gifts. When you are near individuals who are flowing in their gifts, such an openness will come and those things will also begin to flow out of you. Connections matter! They are vital to fulfilling God’s call on your life.
As believers we often translate being humble into not sharing with the world or anyone what God has blessed us with. Don’t shy away or suppress what is there no matter how people think that you are crazy or foolish. Now is the time that God is urging you to know what you are carrying on your life. What do you bring to the table? How will you know what you have to bring to the table if you are not aware of what you are called to operate in? Now is the time that put out every single gift that you have.
Let your light shine and be on full display!
Your gifts are not there by happenstance. It’s given by God according to the measure and how He has designed before the foundations of the Earth. Seek the Lord for understanding and revelation as it pertains to what your gifts are all about and how it is necessary for His Kingdom.
Take Action
Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that God gives us the power to get wealth. Dissect your gift, assess it, and see it for what it is. Move in it unapologetically. Don’t be ashamed of what God has placed inside you. Go forth in full force in this season.
It’s time to go.
It’s time to build.
It’s time to occupy and take the territory God has given you!
Embracing and using your gifts is about honoring God and serving others. By seeking His guidance, being aware of your gifts, using them regularly, studying and learning, and surrounding yourself with the right people, you can be sure that you are making the most of the incredible potential God has placed within you. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back—step into your purpose knowing that God is with you every step of the way. The world needs what you have to offer, so step into your purpose with confidence and faith!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott