A Detour Isn’t A Delay!!

Life doesn’t always go as planned…

You set your goals…make your plans… and picture the path ahead…but it seems as though sometimes God has other plans. Instead of the straight path you hoped for, you find yourself on a detour and unsure of where you’re headed. It’s easy to feel frustrated or discouraged when things don’t go the way you expected, but I want to encourage you today: a detour is NOT a delay! God is still in control. He’s guiding you toward His perfect will even when the road looks different from what you imagined.

For Your Good  

We can see many times in the Word how the Lord uses the things we think as detours to fulfill His purpose. When we think about Joseph, he was sold into slavery by his own brothers and even thrown into prison. If we could judge the situation, his life seemed to be going in the complete opposite direction of the dream that God gave him. When it was all said and done, those detours were the very things that put him into position to save his family during the famine.

What the enemy means for evil, God can turn it for your good! 

Only God can use what looks like a delay to help us into what’s next. The detours are part of the process and help build our faith. If you’re in what feels like a detour season, be encouraged that God is not wasting this time. Ask God what He’s teaching you in this season. Embrace the lessons He has for you, knowing that they are preparing you for the greater things He has in store. He is using it to shape you, prepare you, and position you for His purpose. He’s working it all out for your good! 

Trust the Plan 

We’ve all had moments when life takes an unexpected turn. 

Plans fall through..

Doors close…

Things change without notice…

What you think is a straight path can so quickly turn into a different direction.  It’s in those moments when you can easily feel discouraged, wondering why things didn’t go the way you expected. But here’s the truth: a detour is not a delay, especially when God is the one guiding your steps! As a believer, you must trust that no moment is wasted and no path is ever truly off course when the Lord is in control. Trusting God means surrendering your need for control and allowing Him to lead, even when the road looks unfamiliar. It means believing that every twist and turn has a purpose. Today, I want to encourage you that even when it feels like life has taken you on an unexpected detour, God’s plan is STILL in motion.

Trust God’s plan even when the path changes! 

Trust His Timing

When we go through a detour, it’s easy to feel like we’re being delayed or time is slipping away. But God’s timing is always perfect. The Word tells us that He makes everything beautiful in its time. What looks like a delay to us is actually God’s perfect timing at work. 

He is NEVER late! He is ALWAYS right on time!

God knows exactly when the right moment is for His plans to unfold in your life. He’s not in a hurry and He’s not behind schedule. He is preparing everything so that when the time comes, you are ready to step into what He has for you. Waiting can be hard especially when you feel like you’ve been on the detour for too long. But don’t let the waiting discourage you. Trust in God’s timing. He knows just what He’s doing. 

Stay Faithful 

When we’re on a detour, it can be tempting to give up and feel like the dream God gave us is never going to come to pass. But the key is to stay faithful in the little things. Keep pursuing the vision God gave you even if it feels like it’s far off. Keep trusting in His promises even if you can’t see how they’re going to come to pass. The detour doesn’t mean the dream is dead, it just means God is preparing you in ways you didn’t expect. If you stay faithful in the season of the detour, you will reap a harvest in due time. God is always faithful to His word, and He will bring about the fulfillment of His promises when the time is right.

Sometimes, the detour is the Lord’s way of protecting us from things we can’t see. Other times, it’s His way of leading us to a destination we never would have reached on our own. Whatever the case may be, you can trust that God is in control of every step you take. The detour is not a mistake, it’s part of His plan to bring you to the place He’s prepared for you. What feels like a setback can actually be God’s way of setting you up for something greater! 

God’s plans are higher than ours.

Learn to see the blessing in the detour. 

Remember that God is with you every step of the way. His timing is perfect, His plans are good, and the detour is simply a part of the greater story He’s writing for your life. Your journey is still on track and the best is yet to come! 

And it is so. Amen. 

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle

If this article has blessed you, please comment and kindly share. 


Lenika Scott 

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