God Is With You! 

Life is unpredictable, often bringing unexpected ups and downs, twists and turns. In moments of uncertainty and struggle, it’s easy to feel lost or abandoned—even by the Father. It’s during these challenging times that our faith is truly tested. We may wonder if God is really with us, especially when the storms of life seem relentless. Is it during these times that we need to remember God’s unwavering promise to never leave us. Today’s message is a reminder that no matter what we face, God is with us, guiding us through every storm and every trial. God is always by our side, working all things for our good! 

God’s Promises & Presence  

God never promised that our walk with Him would be easy or that His presence with His would mean a life of convenience or comfort. But He did promise this over and over in his word that He would be with us in it all and that He would never leave or forsake us. He alone holds the power to turn around any situation, even when we experience loss, frustration, or suffering.   These challenges, which we may see as failures, can set us up for major comebacks. Things that we may be facing are all working out for our good. God is the same yes that, today, and forevermore. You may need to be reminded of this, so let today’s message encourage you. 

If He did it before, then He can do it again! 

The Word of God tells us that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. He is the Almighty One! Be encouraged and trust in Him past what you may understand. It is He alone who can direct your path when you place your trust in Him. The Bible speaks about the very hairs on your head being numbered by the Father. You have nothing to fear. Yes, in this world you will surely have tribulation, suffering, and pain.

But Jesus overcame the world!

He’s In Your Midst! 

One thing I want you to be reminded of is this: God is strategic and mission-minded. He looks ahead. Many times, we get so caught up in the present moment—overwhelmed and worried about what’s happening today or even this week. We allow our minds to be bogged down and burdened with the immediate issues. But the Lord looks at the long-term picture. He tells us not to be anxious about anything but, in every situation, to apply prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. You can’t afford to be anxious and bound by fear. Present your requests to the Father and allow His peace to wash over you despite what you may not understand.

God is bringing about peace in the midst of your storm.

He’s bringing peace in the middle of your mess. 

He’s bringing His peace in the midst of the situation. 

He is the mighty One who saves! 

He will quiet you by His love and exalt over you with His singing. The Lord your God is in your midst (Zephaniah 3:17).

He Can Do It Again! 

Even if you’ve found yourself questioning where God is in this season, or if you’ve asked why He allowed certain things to happen to you and you cannot perceive His presence, trust and know that the Lord is in your midst—He is watching over you, and He is with you!

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39)

Let your heart be strengthened, knowing that nothing can separate you from His love. God takes us from glory to glory, but as He is taking you from one level to another, He also processes you. Many times, in these moments where we are being processed, we are quick to accuse Him of dropping the ball and leaving us right in the thick of it all. I want to encourage you today: if He brought you out before, then He can do it again! He is God all by Himself!

If He caused you overcome before…

If He sent a breakthrough into your household before…

If He has sent restoration into your life before…

then He can do it again! 

So don’t allow yourself to be dismayed in this season. Be mindful of the words that come out of your mouth and what you may be projecting and releasing into the atmosphere. If it is not positive or producing life, then I encourage you to grab a Word and begin to release, speak, and decree that into the atmosphere.

We have entered into a new shift with God spiritually—we are not where we were before. Because of that, many of us have been acting and operating as if we are in that same place with God. There has to be a paradigm shift that takes place within your mind. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).

Trust in His Presence 

God is wanting to remind His children that He is with us and He is surely there. In spite of the blows, betrayals, hard attacks, and the arrows being thrown against you, God takes note of it all. He is not mocked, and whatever is sown will be reaped. Remember that your response is your responsibility. Even in the midst of the battle, as you stand and obey God in the midst of the storm, that is how you conquer. 

That is how you win wars and advance! 

That is how you emerge! 

That is how you become anointed and mantled in God!

That is how you are positioned for greatness! 

Though the warfare may have been great and intense, may you continue to stand knowing that God is with you. Even when you don’t feel as if He sees, know that He sees it all. Continue to do what you know is right to do and walk in the fruits of the spirit. He is with you! 

Stay encouraged in His Word. 

He understands the things that you are enduring. 

Jesus overcame and paid the price for what you are going through. 

God is saying: “I AM WITH YOU!”


If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle

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Lenika Scott 

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