Rise Above The Battle 

In the spiritual realm, there is a constant test for promotion, elevation, and acceleration. Often, when we see someone rise spiritually, we think they’ve come out of nowhere. But behind the scenes, away from public view, they have been undergoing a process on the Lord. In the spirit realm, hidden from the eyes of others, things have been happening.

To be elevated in this season, you must pass the tests the Lord sets before you. Continue to follow God’s direction, even when your flesh resists. If you are weary, may God grant you strength. Remember, God is with you. Yes, this has been a season of intense warfare, but you are not alone! Know that God has you! 

Will you pass the test? You can rise ABOVE your battles in Jesus’ name!

The Battle You Face

Have you been struggling spiritually? Have you found it hard to pray, fast, or stay in the Word? You are not alone. There has been an intense spiritual battle over God’s people, with the enemy and his agents working relentlessly day and night to prevent them from fulfilling their destinies. This constant warfare can make it feel like you’re always facing an uphill battle, struggling to maintain your connection with the Father. There has been an increased release of dark forces on this earth. The Word tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers, principalities, and rulers of darkness. These high-ranking entities seek to derail your destiny. That’s why we all must be firmly grounded in the Word of God! Reading the Word of God is crucial. It’s vital to get the Word inside you during these times. Keep your hands clean and grow in your relationship with God. The enemy has been working tirelessly to suppress God’s people, preventing them from hearing from God and fasting. He wants to stop you from reaching your destiny.

I received a word last year: “derailing destinies.” I saw a vision of a train coming off its tracks, symbolizing how the enemy aims to disrupt and derail the plans and purposes God has for you. In the midst of these struggles, it is vital to stay focused. Keep your hands clean and live a life of integrity and righteousness. Pass the test by holding firm to your faith. Despite the enemy’s efforts, you can remain on track and move forward in your purpose.

Stay focused. 

Keep your hands clean. 

Pass the test. 

Continue to seek the Lord’s guidance.

Don’t be ignorant concerning the wiles of the enemy!

Inquiring of the Lord

1 Samuel 30:8 reminds us that David inquired of the Lord. To inquire means to ask questions, seek information, and investigate. Just as David asked the Lord what he should pursue, we must do the same. There are times when we must fight for what is ours. 

Do not stop seeking the Lord and asking Him for strategies, especially in this season. It is crucial to continually pursue God’s guidance and ensure you understand His instructions. In these times of uncertainty and spiritual warfare, don’t hesitate to ask God specific questions: What are we doing? How are we moving? How are we shifting? How am I navigating through this unknown territory? How am I going to fight? What tools have you given me? How often should I fast? When divine guidance comes, whether through heavenly downloads, angelic messages, or the Holy Spirit leading you to a scripture, it is essential to follow God’s strategy. Embrace the instructions He provides, knowing they are designed to lead you through challenges and into His promises. Ask God to help you overcome any fear that hinders your progress. Trust in His strength and wisdom to guide you, and remain steadfast in your pursuit of His direction. By continually seeking and adhering to God’s strategies, you position yourself to navigate challenges and fulfill the destiny He has set before you.

It’s time to go get what belongs to you! 

It’s time to go get your stuff! 

You may know my story. I’ve faced inner turmoil, frustrations, anxieties, and pain during hardships. Despite these challenges, I had to trust God for strategy and help. I prayed that my heart wouldn’t become bitter. I found myself in situations beyond my control. No matter the journey, transition, or attacks, you must seek God. He will reveal when you are in a fight and what He has been preparing you for. Regardless of your anointing, you will experience high seasons and low, painful seasons. Your responsibility is to seek God and ask the Holy Spirit for help. Understand what you are facing spiritually. Become sober-minded and let the Lord show you what you are up against. Ask for the wisdom to overcome and break through! 

Prepare for What’s Ahead

This message is not one of doom and gloom but a warning to urge believers to prepare. One of the key ways of preparation is decluttering your life. This involves not only physical decluttering but also spiritual and emotional cleansing. Evaluate the relationships and connections you maintain. God may be urging you to leave certain relationships, not because those individuals are bad, but because it simply may just be a matter of being in God’s perfect will for your life. Aligning yourself with God’s perfect will requires making sometimes difficult decisions to let go of anything that doesn’t serve His purpose in your life.

God will shine a light on areas you cannot see and provide deeper spiritual insight. Many of God’s people have felt spiritually smothered, burdened by unseen forces and struggles. The Lord is sending His deliverance fire to burn away these constraints, freeing you from bondage. This deliverance is about lifting the weights that have been holding you down and undoing the heavy burdens that have kept you from fully experiencing His peace. Embrace this process, knowing that it is essential for stepping into the fullness of what God has in store for you.

Back to the Basics 

Make no mistakes about it… 

There are some intense, dark days ahead. Things may even get worse than what we know. As the world faces increasing turmoil and uncertainty, believers must gird themselves with the truth and strength found in the Word of God. Get the word of the Lord instilled in you. Make sure that it is written on the tablet of your heart in this hour. It’s time to get back to the basics. Teach your children the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23. Meditate on the Word of God.

The enemy has been fighting many to depart from the Lord and fall away. These are indeed the end times that we are living in. While the world may be under attack, may you find rest and comfort in the shadow of His wings. Remember that in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, God offers a refuge, a place of peace and safety. Allow the peace of God to rule, rest, and abound in your life. Let the Word be your source of strength, guidance, and wisdom in this hour.

Get in the Word of God. 

Read the Word. 

Keep yourself covered. 

Stay close to the Father! 

You CAN and you WILL rise above the battle!

In the matchless name of Jesus.  Amen.

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle

If this article has blessed you, please kindly comment and share. 


Lenika Scott 

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