It’s getting serious in these spiritual streets!
If you missed it, I’d like to share with you a prophetic word that I recently released. It is a word that I’ve ministered before, yet one that is surely needed considering the times that we are in. Like never before, we as believers need to be so inundated and caught up in the things of God. Our thoughts have to be on the will of God for our lives now more than ever. Today’s message comes with a serious sense of urgency, because there’s NOTHING more dangerous than not living in the will of the Father!
As you seek the Lord in this season, you must be sure that these kinds of questions are at the forefront of your heart:
God, what am I missing?
What is it that you are trying to say to me in this hour?
Who am I?
What did you call me to do in this Earth?
What is my portion?
What part do you want me to play?
Where do you want me to be positioned?
What’s on the inside of me that needs to be cut out?
What kind of thoughts hinder me from stepping out on faith and walking in your will?
How do you want to groom, make, and mold me?
How do you want to set me aside and use me for the glory?
How do you want me to serve and operate in the Earth?
Don’t be afraid to ask God how…
The Falling Away
We are in a day and age where people are selling out. Sadly, they are selling their souls and losing their minds to have fame and fortune and to be on top. People are leaving the faith and leaving God for the god of this world. They are becoming traitors and betraying the true One for worldly possession, fortunes, and riches. Many people are walking away from Christ and boldly proclaiming the god of this world. We are in a time where many people are proclaiming God but the god that they serve is unclear. We serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! People are walking away from the faith and we can’t be blind to what is happening amongst us around the world. We can’t be blind to the times and season that we are in. This is why it is so important for you to be on your post, doing the will of God. Who is it in this day and age that will rise up no matter what they see in the world, but will go after Christ?
Will YOU be that one???
Will you go through the process and submit your will and flesh in order to operate how the Lord wants you to operate? When you choose to do things God’s way, you won’t have to obtain things illegally in order to receive things faster.
Don’t turn your back on a Holy God! Go in the way of the Lord!
You’re Still Here!
There is something for you to do! You may not understand the full magnitude of it, but you must know that there is a work that needs to be done in the Earth. Are you preparing, educating, and opening yourself up and allowing the Lord to groom you? We always have Jesus as the perfect example and model to follow after. He was so adamant about doing the will of the Father—he was so focused on it. In this same way, so must you be as well.
Whatever it is that God has called you to do, it is important for you to search that thing out. You don’t need a pastor, prophet, teacher, or evangelist—you don’t need someone else to search it out for you. You need to seek God and search it out for yourself in this season. You know that God has called you, because you are still here in the Earth!
The pandemic changed the lives of SO many…
We were faced with a turbulent time where MILLIONS of people were taken off the face of the Earth. (You can even Google it and look at the numbers yourself, it will shock you!). The funeral homes have been busy and the morticians have been working.
Yet and still…God preserved YOU! Surely there’s a reason and a plan for your life!
We are in a different era, but you are still here. So that let’s me know that there is still work to be done! What is the will of God for your life? What is it that you are going to lay down and sacrifice for Him?
A Revival is Near!
With all of the warfare that is going on in the world, it doesn’t take someone being a prophet, being spiritually deep, or even fully able to discern in order to understand what is happening in our midst. We can simply see that there is surely an intense battle taking place in the spirit. Prophetically speaking, we as the Body of Christ must wake up and get serious about the things of God. We have to declare with our hearts “For God I’ll live, and for God I’ll die!”. Even if you are the only one in your family who is lifting up Jesus, then so be it!
When it’s all said and done, EVERYONE will have to bow to the matchless name of Jesus! Every king and queen of this earthy realm, every political leader, prime minister, leader, and celebrity will bow. Will you be the one to rise up and allow God to deal with you, break you, shape you, and mold you so that the will that He placed inside of you will come out? Don’t try to figure it all out; the Lord doesn’t give His children every detail.
If He did, faith would be out of a job! I encourage you to allow the Lord to deal with you so that you may walk out His will in the Earth. Don’t be so caught up in the glamor of the celebrity world and what others are doing; you must turn away. We need to be cleansed, as there has been much arising to clog up our spiritual ears and hearts. This often causes many of us to not fully understand what God would have us to do.
The time has come now where many whom the Father has been preparing for years must show up in a completely different way. There is a new era upon us. God is shifting, and many of the pastors and leaders in the Body that we grew up listening to are taking a step back. The Lord is causing people that don’t have huge platforms and household names to break out with the fire of God and revival will start in the homes! Though we do respect the work that these leaders have done, we must also understand that God is moving in our households. He wants to use you to lay hands on your children and release a prophetic word over your own spouse. God is raising up many in this hour and those who will have ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord will say to the church. The days of a one-man church are gone. He is ripping up programs and is causing His fire and glory and supernatural move to be released!
Even so, we still have to go His way. God is elevating many, but we must let Him do it however He wants to do it. Stop trying to force your way through things just so that you can get a name. Stop trying to figure out how it is going to get done. Take your hands off of it and move out of the way. This is why you must know who you are in Him and become serious about hearing His voice.
What is it that He is telling you to do? You have to rise up!!
Where’s Your Mind?
“Do not be conformed to this world,3 but be transformed by dthe renewal of your mind, that by testing you may ediscern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” – Romans 12:2
Oftentimes, it is easy to discern whose mind is truly on Christ and the things of God. This is often revealed by way of what is coming out of them. The Word even tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Whatever you are always talking about, that’s where your mind and heart is.
Is your mind on bills?
Is your heart wrapped up in the world?
Are you focused on money?
Or is your mind set on the perfect will of God?
Take an honest assessment and look at the things that have your mind. What has God written out in the books in Heaven that have your name on them? This is what you must focus on walking out in the Earth.
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” – 1 John 2:17
“Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” – Hebrew 13:20,21
God is an equipper of those who choose to get out of His way and lay down their lives for Him! Will
You get out of His way?
The Father Knows Best
We can no longer afford to be blind in the spirit. We as believers have to take responsibility about walking this thing out. As I’ve said before, the reality is that each and every one of us will someday bow. There will be a day when you will stand before the Lord and give an account to what you did in the Earth. So it is very svital that you refuse to get so caught up in the things of this world. Set your eyes on the Father! You must go forth and stop trying to figure it all out. Remember that God’s ways are not your ways, neither His thoughts your thoughts. He is Spirit, and so we must walk more in the spirit.
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” – Galatians 5:16
When Jesus died, the Holy Spirit was released to help you, reveal the truth, teach you how to pray, and fast and discipline yourself. God is washing and cleansing His children to help us be more like Him. Let it be well with your soul as you live a consecrated life and fixate your mind on God. It is an absolute privilege to be in communion and fellowship with Him! When it’s all said and done, when the houses, cars, and worldly things pass away, there will be just two places: Heaven and hell. Even the celebrities that many people idolize face the same fate that we do: either heaven or hell. Where will YOU be? That’s what you must focus on!
Let this message not be received as a condemning word, but moreso of conviction because we all have to answer to the Father. Pray for clean hands, a clean heart, and a right spirit so that you may serve the Lord all the days of your life. This is my prayer for you: that you would do what it is that the Father would have you to do and make Him proud!
The Father has been hurt and grieved, as many whom God’s hand has been on their lives have turned their backs. Yes, even the Father has emotions. Don’t be one of those who continue to break the Lord’s heart. If this word applies, I pray that you will begin to repent and place your focus back where it matters: the will of God. It’s time to put your heart on the altar. I encourage you to read and study the scripture of 1 Timothy 4.
Make the Father proud today!!
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Lenika Scott