Teaching On The Prophetic – Part 2

As of recent, I’ve been sharing messages of encouragement for those who are called to the prophetic ministry.  I’ve been prompted and led by the Lord to provide teaching to many believers as I realize the importance of this ministry. Many are still hungry for teaching, trying to understand, gain knowledge, insight and wisdom on this topic. Though I am not one to claim to have all of the answers, and as I am still learning, I have been working in my prophetic calling for 20 years! Though I don’t have any plaques with fancy titles plastered around my home nor do I boast of my calling on social media, I have been humbled under the training of the Holy Spirit himself in the area of the prophetic. It is my prayer that this teaching series is a blessing to your life and answers some questions that you may have concerning the prophetic. Though we are never to idolize giftings, callings, mantles and the like, I do believe that it is the Lord’s desire for His children to be educated and knowledgeable concerning their purpose.

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” – Ephesians 4:10,11

We all need each other’s giftings! The beautiful thing about this ministry is that one person just doesn’t get it all. This is why we need each other giftings to feed off of one another. While one believer may feel, the other may hear, and one may see; it all works together. We are all pieces to one puzzle –the body of Christ.

Let’s dive in!

Signs of the Prophetic

This ministry is very vital and crucial and recognizing the signs of the prophetic is important. It must be kept in mind that though a person may be showing signs of the prophetic, it does not necessarily mean that they are a prophet. You must remember that a prophet is born a prophet and only God reveals it to that person while others merely affirm and confirm it. Here are some signs that I have learned and witnessed personally and in the lives of other prophets:

  • They have such a deep intimacy with God and a deep fear of the Lord. They also feel very deeply.
  • Repentance is hugely important. You will often hear them talk about repentance throughout their messages.
  • They see what others do not see. They also feel or see things that come to pass which seems to happen a lot. It is a lifestyle for them and a constant way of life.
  • Prophets have a great need to receive instruction from God before doing anything or making any decision. This is not from a religious or legalistic place, but they instead seek God as a way of life.
  • Prayer is extremely important to them and they have a constant need to stay in direct contact with the Father. It is non-negotiable! They have such a deep longing to be with God, to always hear from Him, and to know what is in the Father’s heart.

“Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.” – Psalm 51:11

  • Great sensitivity towards sin. Prophets bear a burden of sin, evil, and injustice whereas some people may not be as sensitive to what is wrongfully done to others. They are moved deeply when they see injustice even with those who they do not know.
  • These individuals are drawn to the prophetic. They gravitate toward other prophets in desire of more insight, revelation, and wisdom.
  • They often encourage others to develop intimacy and a personal relationship with God.
  • When prophets are around, there is truly an unlocking of greatness! There will be many visions and gifts of the spirit coming more to life.
  • Prophetic words unlock and activate gifts and assignments. When driven by the Holy Spirit, profits are able to awaken the gifts that may be lying dormant in a person.
  • They also are able to transfer the anointing and pure gifts from the Holy Spirit through the power of Christ that works in them.

Feelings of The Anointing

In my book, Fasting For Breakthrough, I discuss the several areas of the body in which believers are able to sense and feel the anointing. In the same way that there are seers and those with the prophetic anointing, there are also “feelers” who feel anointing that represent different things. Over a span of several years, God began to take me through a process of learning what each feeling meant. I began to question Him for wisdom, insight, and understanding –which is why I always teach that you must not be afraid to question Him and seek Him for answers. Though religion has taught us not to do so, it is not scripture!

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” – James 1:5

Physical Indications of Anointing

Anointing on the mouth or face: To prophesy; or representing when another prophet or seer is present.

Anointing on the tongue: Represents the fire of God or a fire being released to pray.

Anointing on the teeth: Breaking down the Word that is released by yourself or another prophet. A word is coming upon a prophet.

Anointing on the eyes: A seer anointing. A glow of anointing. Another prophet or seeing is in the midst. Also may mean that angels are present. Also an indication when witchcraft is in operation.

Anointing on the back: Anointing of strength. You may also feel a weight in the spirit. A heavy pushing on the back may represent an arrow (natural enemies, backstabbing, betrayal, etc.).

Anointing on the hands: Presence of the anointing of healing and deliverance. Also an indication of demonic operation at work. This also means impartation. The anointing of protection, restoration, and refreshing. Each one is very different –one may be a cool sensation while the other is strong and brings heat.

Anointing on the back of the hand: This means a counterfeit or jezebel spirit is involved.

This teaching of the anointing is something that is not found in the Bible. However, it is something that I’ve learned throughout the years and through personal training by the Holy Spirit. The Lord began to take me on a journey of exploring and making sense of it all by taking things from a natural perspective. Just as He did with me, He is able to teach and show you the meaning also. It may be distracting at times, but as you get used to it you are able to go about it and flow! The more you dig in and press in for revelation with your visions, dreams, your encounters, and the insight, the more God will give and even add unto you!

You will be able to easily recognize the feelings of anointing in order to:

  • Press in during prayer
  • Press in for understanding
  • To understand the areas where the Spirit of God is operating
  • To see where the enemy is operating in order to immediately pray and cast things down

Burden Carriers

God even allows prophets to feel the burdens of others as an indication of the need to pray and intercede for them. Oftentimes prophets carry things as prophetic voices and intercessors because of our sensitivity in the spirit realm. Because of this, they tend to “pick things up” and carry burdens in the spirit without realizing that it wasn’t theirs to pick up! In other words, although God has given prophets the burden, it’s not always meant for them to continue to carry. They must know when to quickly release those things back over to God to relieve that pain and grief that comes with the burdens.

Unlock Your Giftings Within 

Because prophets are anointed to unlock and activate others, you may very well be activated in the gifts mentioned simply because you’ve been open to this ministry! You may begin to feel things in certain anointings and even have greater understandings. Whatever it is, I encourage you to receive it as it is something that God has for you. It is my prayer that you be unlocked and even activated even greater because of this teaching that has gone forth! Though many believers may have the prophetic anointing, remember that prophets are both prophets! God reveals it to them, and others will affirm and confirm the calling. Prophetic words can change the course of a person’s life!

When God has anointed your mouth and has called you to be a mouthpiece and to speak, it is very imperative that you release! This gift and calling comes with timing and much practice. There may be times when God may even have you to speak something that may not be for the “now”, but when you speak, things will shift in the spirit realm! Prophetic words unlock things in the Earth realm!

Do you believe that you are accepted to the prophetic? Has it yet been revealed and confirmed to you?

Be encouraged that God elevates and brings His people up in His own timing. When it comes to your giftings and callings, you won’t have to elevate or promote yourself. Trust that God will do it all in HIS timing and in HIS purpose and glory! If you may feel as if you have had things snatched from you, be encouraged that God is able to redeem the time! It is my prayer that things be unlocked for you. I pray that the Lord will wrap His loving arms around you, a blanket that releases Shalom and peace and protection over you. Embrace His comfort and let your mind be renewed in Him. If you have not been able to tap into your dreams, visions, and other gifts, may they all be recovered and restored. I pray restoration to those who are supposed to dream, see, hear, receive downloads and the mysteries of God, and speak what thus says the Lord. Be strengthened that you may see and your understanding be increased. Don’t be afraid to receive your rightful place and step into the deep waters!

Receive the promises from Heaven!

Receive the authority from Heaven!

Receive the mysteries from Heaven!

Receive the mantles from Heaven!

Receive the mandates from Heaven!

Receive the visitations from Heaven!

Receive the mandates from Heaven!

Receive the prophetic giftings from Heaven!

Receive the dreams from Heaven!

Receive the KEYS from Heaven!

Today, dare to give Heaven the permission to move in your life! Let it be so!

See you soon for Part 3 of this incredible teaching!

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.” – Ephesians 1:18

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Lenika Scott

The Millionaire Mom


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