After a recent talk with my spiritual mentor, I received such a beautiful revelation that I couldn’t wait to share with you! In deep conversation with the Lord, we asked Him a question that is rarely talked about: what are 3 things that He desired most from His children? To my surprise, the Lord’s answers blew me away and made me so excited to dive deeper into what He revealed.
Yes, we heard directly from ABBA Father Himself!
As I shared this revelation with my coaching clients, I knew I had to extend this wisdom to you as well. Today’s message is simple, yet profoundly impactful. If you’ve ever wondered how to please God more in your walk with Him or what draws Him closer to His children, then this message is for you. It blessed me deeply, and I pray it blesses you too. As you reflect on this message, I encourage you not to fall into guilt or condemnation. Instead, use this as an opportunity for self-examination. Look at your life and your walk with God in these areas and see how you measure up in your faith. And remember, wherever you find yourself lacking, the Holy Spirit is always there to help!
There are three things that the Father desires most from His children:
- Dedication
- Devotion
- Willingness
Let’s dive into each one to understand how they truly move the heart of God.
Commit With Your Heart
When it comes to your walk with the Lord, here’s something to ask yourself: Are you dedicating yourself to God as a living example of His love?
The Lord longs for His children to be deeply attached to Him, and this attachment is reflected in our dedication. Being dedicated to the Lord is not about religion; it’s about character. It’s about living a life that pleases Him even when no one is watching. Dedication is shown through our commitment to do what the Lord tells us. It’s about cultivating a zeal to serve and honor Him, checking our attitudes at the door, and showing a level of excitement toward the Father. It means being steadfast, loyal, and wholeheartedly committed to God.
Deep Devotion to the Father
Devotion is about your loyal love toward God. It’s closely tied to enthusiasm—being excited to love God and the things of God. Devotion means being joyful about prayer, interceding, reading the Word, and doing what God asks of you. It’s about lending your ear to the Lord and being sensitive to His voice. Worship is a powerful expression of devotion, especially when it’s full of excitement and zeal for Him. We are vessels created for the Lord’s use, and our devotion should reflect that. Being devoted means being ready to respond to God’s call, even if it comes in the middle of the night.
How excited are you to love God and the things of God?
Willing To Serve
Willingness is about being ready and willing to be molded, shaped, and processed by God. It’s not just about outward expressions of worship but an inward willingness to obey from the heart. Your willingness has much to do with your ability to surrender. When God instructs you to do something, are you ready to execute with a willing heart? Willingness is closely tied to devotion and dedication—it’s about being eager to serve God without complaint, doing everything as unto the Lord. Willingness is the heart posture of being happy to do something. This is how things move, how favor is granted, and how doors are opened. God desires our hearts to be willing and enthusiastic, not with a grudge or attitude toward Him.
Are you giving God a heart of willingness or one of complaint? Honor and serve God in all that you do!
He’s Looking For YOU!
Many people miss the mark in these simple yet profound areas: true and pure dedication, devotion, and willingness. But when you receive this wisdom and act on it, you’ll find that blessings and open doors follow. God is looking for willing and obedient hearts, not rebellious ones. He seeks those who will stand up and go forth willingly, with a sweet heart toward whatever He asks them to do.
Are YOU that person?
Remember, you are not your own; your life is not your own. There’s something powerful about a believer who prepares themselves to handle God’s business. This is what moves God’s hand and captures His attention. The fear of the Lord opens up His blessings. When we truly fear God, we obey Him. We seek to walk in spirit and truth, avoiding shortcuts, and willingly go through the process He has for us.
Be encouraged that God sees your dedication, devotion, and willingness.
You are so very precious in God’s sight. It is my prayer that you see yourself as such. May you be willing and obedient to walk before Him in the way He desires for you!
Stay devoted!
Stay dedicated!
Stay willing!
The Father LOVES it!

If you want to work closely with Lenika Scott, you can do so by joining The Inner Circle Coaching http://@www.lenikascott.com/innercircle
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Lenika Scott